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Security Crackdown Community Edition
No, I am all for devious traitors that foil sec with SCHEMES, it makes a change from the norm.
So I tried following the suggestion in the OP for a couple rounds, and it turns out if you try to confiscate all access IDs and arrest the HoP for handing them out, you get a couple dozen all access greytiders looting sec lockers, welder-bombing the brig, disassembling the station, mass AI-subversion and people killing and spacing anyone in a red uniform - all as non-antags.

I mean I'm not really surprised, but

(02-03-2017, 11:36 PM)Grek Wrote: So I tried following the suggestion in the OP for a couple rounds, and it turns out if you try to confiscate all access IDs and arrest the HoP for handing them out, you get a couple dozen all access greytiders looting sec lockers, welder-bombing the brig, disassembling the station, mass AI-subversion and people killing and spacing anyone in a red uniform - all as non-antags.

some things just really aren't worth fighting for, are they
(02-04-2017, 12:19 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: some things just really aren't worth fighting for, are they

I feel they might have been easier to fight for if you hadn't joined up as HOP every round, immediately handed out as many all-access IDs as you could, then incited revolution against sec whenever they showed up, Dan.
(02-04-2017, 12:24 AM)Roomba Wrote:
(02-04-2017, 12:19 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: some things just really aren't worth fighting for, are they

I feel they might have been easier to fight for if you hadn't joined up as HOP every round, immediately handed out as many all-access IDs as you could, then incited revolution against sec whenever they showed up, Dan.

only half of that is true and you know it
I'm up for a story time then Dan. Pretty odd you say that this is not a issue and yet other players are saying it is, see it happening as well and that you're contributing to the issue I've pointed out.
(02-04-2017, 12:45 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: I'm up for a story time then Dan. Pretty odd you say that this is not a issue and yet other players are saying it is, see it happening as well and that you're contributing to the issue I've pointed out.


first i joined as hop, dispensed a bunch of ids, and announced a giveaway. then security took them all away and then i told the group of people that lined up outside my office that security took them all away. afterwards i ran around the station for about a half hour being chased by a couple of unrobust sec officers. one of them even chased me out into space. in a show of pity, i dragged the half-dead vice cop back into the station and attempted to administer treatment until i was chased back out into space by another security officer who had said that i was "kill on sight". where they tried to kill me a second time (first time they chased me into the brig and shot me with lasers where i responded in kind by disarming them of their gun and shooting them with it, which did not kill them as far as i know) and narrowly succeeded by virtue of me getting stuck unable to move. 

the end.
On the flip side of the story: HoP makes a box full of captain IDs and throws them into the hallway. Staff assistants set up in the HoP desk and start upgrading everyone else's IDs until I (a security officer) arrive to break things up. HoP objects to this choice, disarms me of my baton, stuns me and runs off with it shouting over the radio about "unrobust sec". I shrug, go get a replacement baton and go back to trying to confiscate the all access IDs. The all-access RD pulls out a poison scalpel, stabs me with it and runs off. I go to Security for medicine, discover the all-access clown and two all-access staff assistants have blown up the brig with welder bombs, and that the HoP is running around the cells doing stuff. I shoot taser shots, he shoots back, I fall over dead due to the previous poisoning. Eventually, I get cloned and announce that I'm going to start using lethal force on the RD and Dan because they're honestly that much of a problem. But then I get distracted by an all-access QM having an exploding tomato duel with an all-access scientist using exploding tomatoes grown by an all-access botanist. At some point, the shuttle gets called. I go guard Escape. HoP shows up. Again, a shootout. This time, I get the advantage and space him. Someone black powder smokes the shuttle 15s before centcomm. The end.
suggestion: remove HoP, tell babayetu to stop being annoying and doing things like that, and the thing where he pisses people off until they kill him or he suicides (which he does a lot). problem solved
(02-04-2017, 02:40 AM)Grek Wrote: On the flip side of the story: HoP makes a box full of captain IDs and throws them into the hallway. Staff assistants set up in the HoP desk and start upgrading everyone else's IDs until I (a security officer) arrive to break things up. HoP objects to this choice, disarms me of my baton, stuns me and runs off with it shouting over the radio about "unrobust sec". I shrug, go get a replacement baton and go back to trying to confiscate the all access IDs. The all-access RD pulls out a poison scalpel, stabs me with it and runs off. I go to Security for medicine, discover the all-access clown and two all-access staff assistants have blown up the brig with welder bombs, and that the HoP is running around the cells doing stuff. I shoot taser shots, he shoots back, I fall over dead due to the previous poisoning. Eventually, I get cloned and announce that I'm going to start using lethal force on the RD and Dan because they're honestly that much of a problem. But then I get distracted by an all-access QM having an exploding tomato duel with an all-access scientist using exploding tomatoes grown by an all-access botanist. At some point, the shuttle gets called. I go guard Escape. HoP shows up. Again, a shootout. This time, I get the advantage and space him. Someone black powder smokes the shuttle 15s before centcomm. The end.

thank you for confirming that half of what you said was true. rather than deal with those people causing trouble you and another security officer chased me constantly for a half hour. 

if anything you brought all this shit down on your head by being the fun police
If anything they decided to go after the source. Something I agree with. Also you've been doing this a lot from what I hear though the grapevine and at this point in regards to you I view it as griefing. Not because of my experiences with you (as I've only had one truly bad round with you) but just because it sounds like normal behavior from you. EDIT: Also I love how you were the first person to deny that this issue was even happening and then it comes to light you are one of the people who've been doing the exact thing I described to begin with.
I'll be honest here: Like 90% of my reason for going after Discount Dan in particular was that he had a distinctive rainbow hat that round that made him stand out as "There's that dastardly HoP again! Let's arrest him."
(02-04-2017, 03:39 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: If anything they decided to go after the source. Something I agree with. Also you've been doing this a lot from what I hear though the grapevine and at this point in regards to you I view it as griefing. Not because of my experiences with but just because it sounds like normal behavior from you.

the source of what exactly? this is all being construed as if i personally told each and every person to go be destructive and mortally wound a security officer

edit: my announcement merely said that security took away the all access ids i had provided. that is an objective statement of fact. nowhere did i say "security took away the all access ids. go fuck up the place!"
(02-04-2017, 03:39 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: If anything they decided to go after the source. Something I agree with. Also you've been doing this a lot from what I hear though the grapevine and at this point in regards to you I view it as griefing. Not because of my experiences with you (as I've only had one truly bad round with you) but just because it sounds like normal behavior from you. EDIT: Also I love how you were the first person to deny that this issue was even happening and then it comes to light you are one of the people who've been doing the exact thing I described to begin with.

At least 90% sure it was because this thread pointed it out as an issue. If the major complaint of this thread had been about, say, exploding fruit, the round in question would probably have been filled with water-potassium bananas on every tile.

This leads back to my original point. 90% of the time when non-antags are causing trouble, the root cause is one of the same 4-5 vets who play only to cause as much trouble as they can before they die. They face no IC consequences because they can outfight or evade damn near anyone, know how to toe the line just enough that admins won't even believe there's an issue, and if ever actually caught they just immediately suicide, then hop on the next round and do the exact same thing.

(02-04-2017, 03:46 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: the source of what exactly? this is all being construed as if i personally told each and every person to go be destructive and mortally wound a security officer

yes, what an odd hypothetical situation, where you made an announcement in the bridge exhorting the crew to go after sec. There was definitely nothing like that happening in the round at all.

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