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Spell redundancy for Wizards
A bit simple, but perhaps multiple soulguards give you more revivals?

Also you used to be able to cluwne borgs. It obviously doesn't work, but there's a puff of smoke, the demented laughter, and you see the sprite morph into a cluwne for a few seconds only to flicker back to the borg. Useless, but I always found it hilarious when used.
How about instead of allowing multiples of the same spell, we just add a bunch of different but similar spells, like some kind of lightning bolt spell that does shock damage and stun (also charging borgs if they get hit), or a pyroblast spell that just launches fire in front of you, minor things like that that functionally could be used similarly
VictorMAngoStein Wrote:improved cluwne spells should allow you to cluwne borgs and the AI.

Can't you already do that?

Also mastery of a spell could, if nothing else, allow you to cast it regardless of your state of dress. Even if you lose your staff and your robes and such, you could still cast pandemonium to be a jerk.
greater cluwne mindslaves the cluwnes to you for a while

other spell changes:
greater shockwave fucks up the floor and windows near you
greater blink teleports everyone around you, you included
greater corruption ritual makes it useful
icarus Wrote:greater cluwne mindslaves the cluwnes to you for a while

other spell changes:
greater shockwave fucks up the floor and windows near you
greater blink teleports everyone around you, you included
greater corruption ritual makes it useful

Is shockwave even still around? Someone told me it was but last time I got wizard it wasn't on the list.
Shockwave was removed. I assume cause it could crash servers pretty easy with all the spinning shit.
I think it was removed. I never even saw the spell used, but by the description on the wiki it seemed a bit similar to pandemonium's meteor summon spell in actual effect (Knocks people away) combined with rathen's secret stunning. Why use shockwave when you can get almost the same effect with Rathen's Secret and twice the hilarity?

As a side note, I've seen wizzy's make a force field thing around them that acts as a shield? Is that the forcewall spell? By what the wiki says it seems like forcewall makes invisible walls that block hallways instead?

And to answer your earlier question like I said you could (not sure if still can) "Cluwne" borgs. It doesn't really work and wastes a use of the spell but I find it funny to imagine the guy playing the borg freaking out for a few seconds "OH GOD I'VE BEEN CLUW- oh nevermind." and watch the borg be a cluwne for a half second or so.

On topic, what if we could "Combine" spells? For example if you had clown's revenge and fireball, you would unlock a spell called "Clown's combustion act". This spell has it's own cooldown. It can ONLY be used if fireball and clown's revenge are ready to be used and when used counts as a use of both spells. In layman's terms you have to wait for both spells to cooldown + the combined spell's cooldown to finish.

Clown's Combustion act both cluwne's the victim AND sets him on fire!

Rathen's Secret combined with fireball unlocks Rathen's Enigma makes the explosion incendiary instead of magical, also setting them on fire.

Rathen's Secret combined with empower + clown's revenge turns the victim into a cluwne, and his severed butt into some sort of hostile buttbot or something.

Blink/teleport/phaseshift combined with ice beam makes a cloud of freezing cold gas as you teleport away, and in the case of phase shift as you move around you make a little ice trail.
Spellmixing actually sounds fucking awesome, but also nightmarish to implement.
Toybasher the force spell you describe is "Spell Shield".

It protects a wizard from all attacks (lasers, beating, kinetic projectiles) but not explosions for 15 seconds.

it makes me think of those sick wizard duels from harry potter.
Greater ice burst turns the station into the ice moon
Greater animate dead makes actual zombies instead of skeleton
Greater warp sends people to other z levels
Greater animate golem let's you make golems out of solid objects(yes, erebite golems are now a thing)
Greater empower turns you into a macho maenn for 60 seconds
Greater fireball makes hiroshima look like mentos in a coke bottle
Greater corruption ritual causes all friendly mobs caught in it to turn into evil versions of themselves(stun the captain then make his own cat kill him! Or make heinsbee kill the rd!)
Greater teleport gives you a lower cooldown teleport and a warp spell that teleports someone to a random location on the teleport list(wizard shuttle of course not included)
Greater el nath instantly gibs you for being an unfun nerd
Greater bulls charge lets you send 3 bulls charging in the direction your facing
Greater force wall and force shield both reflect projectiles
Greater doppleganger creates a hostile mob that will attack people while you phase shift away
Greater rathens secret is single targeted and rips off two limbs in addition to blowin their ass off
HukHukHuk Wrote:maximal hate NegativeMan
Mono Wrote:Greater ice burst turns the station into the ice moon
Greater animate dead makes actual zombies instead of skeleton
Greater warp sends people to other z levels
Greater animate golem let's you make golems out of solid objects(yes, erebite golems are now a thing)
Greater empower turns you into a macho maenn for 60 seconds
Greater fireball makes hiroshima look like mentos in a coke bottle
Greater corruption ritual causes all friendly mobs caught in it to turn into evil versions of themselves(stun the captain then make his own cat kill him! Or make heinsbee kill the rd!)
Greater teleport gives you a lower cooldown teleport and a warp spell that teleports someone to a random location on the teleport list(wizard shuttle of course not included)
Greater el nath instantly gibs you for being an unfun nerd
Greater bulls charge lets you send 3 bulls charging in the direction your facing
Greater force wall and force shield both reflect projectiles
Greater doppleganger creates a hostile mob that will attack people while you phase shift away
Greater rathens secret is single targeted and rips off two limbs in addition to blowin their ass off
Greater doppelganger sounds like animate golem or bulls charge.
Its temporary and disappears when the spell ends.

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