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Isaacs Alter Ego Wrote:Readster Wrote:Reasons sunglass identification was taken out:
-"Hey you're a traitor too, want to team up?"
-Pubbie Joe shoots at Traitor Tim with the revolver
-DEAD:Traitor Tim moans, "What the fuck?!"
-HELP "wtf Pubbie Joe killed me as another traitor"
"Lol sec I'mma work with you and hunt down the other traitors with my sunglasses."
Couldn't both those things just be made bannable and they'd work themselves out One of the hallmarks of being traitor is the near absolute freedom to do whatever. Banning traitors for killing other traitors or for working out a deal with security wouldn't be fun at all from a traitor's standpoint, now would it?
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Chike101 Wrote:Isaacs Alter Ego Wrote:Readster Wrote:Reasons sunglass identification was taken out:
-"Hey you're a traitor too, want to team up?"
-Pubbie Joe shoots at Traitor Tim with the revolver
-DEAD:Traitor Tim moans, "What the fuck?!"
-HELP "wtf Pubbie Joe killed me as another traitor"
"Lol sec I'mma work with you and hunt down the other traitors with my sunglasses."
Couldn't both those things just be made bannable and they'd work themselves out One of the hallmarks of being traitor is the near absolute freedom to do whatever. Banning traitors for killing other traitors or for working out a deal with security wouldn't be fun at all from a traitor's standpoint, now would it?
Actually, as far as i know, point 2) was a really shit thing to do and depending on the admin you probably end up cluwned or tempbanned as it's borderline meta.
1) is fair game.
Honestly traitors killing other traitors is good for a multiple reasons. First reason is that it dramatically reduces the burden a traitor would have on security and the rest of the crew. One less traitor security would have to worry about (I'm using the word worry lightly), but also traitors buddying up traitors would lead to security being absolutely slaughtered (don't forget the traitor count has been upped)
Second reason is the whole FUN of being a traitor is that paranoia, that anything that could fuck you up. You're more paranoid than the average crewmember, you not only have security, but other traitors/antagonists, any angry crewmember with a vigilante streak and the AI who'd rat you out under an order. Being a traitor is fun because you're at the bottom of the food chain working up.
Even if the sunglasses thingy was re-implemented, then it wouldn't solve your dilemma at all, traitors would still murder other traitors. Although I agree there should be some sort of less obvious way like the other posters have stated. Have a code system would be neat but because it's bay it probably won't be implemented. I do like the agent card idea, but I think it should work WITHOUT sunglasses to other traitors. Basically it's like a subtle device for robbing ID's and avoiding the ai tracking you, but it would flash a big red T to other traitors. What other traitors do, is entirely up to them, as always.
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atomic1fire Wrote:I think it would be kind of neat if there was some kind of vigilante option.
e.g only kill the traitor, don't hurt anyone else.
of course I have no idea how that would work gameplay wise.
Plus security will be swarming you either way so trying to only kill one person who could potentially kill you is sort of hard mode.
/been watching too many episodes of arrow. no offense but vigilante as a job would be seriously awful
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I can't remember who said this, but the idea was a simple toggle for traitors. When you toggle it you can be seen by other traitors, but you can't see them unless they toggle it themselves. It makes it easy for traitors to link up, but you still run the risk of some traitor who didn't turn the toggle on killing you for your stuff.
The idea of another traitor instantly being able to out me because he's wearing some dumb item is really stupid. I remember at least a few times when sunglasses showed you other traitors where I was killed for my loot by another traitor that I couldn't see. It was a major pain and in no way fun. If I want to be a super sneaky traitor who does things stealthily without having to worry about some greedy jerk murdering me because he's wearing sunglasses (which are super common, I mean, sheesh), I should be able to.
Don't turn traitors into "syndicate team without a nuke", or better yet, do but make it its own separate game mode. That would be pretty cool. Basically random crewmembers are the syndicate infiltration team and they get a special implant to talk to each other like robotalk and they get shared goals like traitor goals, except they all have the same goal and have to work together, but still get real names instead of DonkCo Superobvioussyndicateoperative #1. It would play out like team traitor, promote team play, and I think would be a ton of fun. Basically they should get an altered list of items to choose from, like syndies. No cloaks, things like that. Also the implant should act like a microbomb, and possibly do weird things when implanted into a non-infiltraitor.
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atomic1fire Wrote:I think it would be kind of neat if there was some kind of vigilante option.
e.g only kill the traitor, don't hurt anyone else.
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Sord213 Wrote:Don't turn traitors into "syndicate team without a nuke", or better yet, do but make it its own separate game mode. That would be pretty cool. Basically random crewmembers are the syndicate infiltration team and they get a special implant to talk to each other like robotalk and they get shared goals like traitor goals, except they all have the same goal and have to work together, but still get real names instead of DonkCo Superobvioussyndicateoperative #1. It would play out like team traitor, promote team play, and I think would be a ton of fun. Basically they should get an altered list of items to choose from, like syndies. No cloaks, things like that. Also the implant should act like a microbomb, and possibly do weird things when implanted into a non-infiltraitor.
I've been slowly working on adding two subsets to Traitor mode:
1) Hardmode, where none of the traitors get telecrystals and all the objectives are weirder freeform things
2) Team treason, which is pretty much what you described. I do run that occasionally as a custom round, I'll give five people a set of shared radios and a goal like "subvert and replace all the station heads" or "storm the bridge and hold it at any cost" or whatever. It's usually really damn fun.
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I wasn't trying to say a vigilante job. I was suggestion a vigilante traitor objective at the most.
e.g "You have been instructed to hunt down ____" avoid other casualties.
As for how that works, I have no idea gameplay wise, but most traitors kill eachother anyway or ignore game objectives. so suggesting that they attack certain crewmen but not hurt anyone else is a bit freeform, but could certainly be interesting.
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So then, not a normal crewmember who's explicit job is to fuck with the funhavers, but someone who also has the advantage of their own traitor gear. Brilliant.
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Cogwerks Wrote:1) Hardmode, where none of the traitors get telecrystals and all the objectives are weirder freeform things.
Hard mode is not hard at all. Plus I see this encouraging people to kill without confirming they are traitors.
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Captain_Bravo Wrote:So then, not a normal crewmember who's explicit job is to fuck with the funhavers, but someone who also has the advantage of their own traitor gear. Brilliant.
I figure they could still have other options, like "steal money" or "kill 10 monkeys" but they'd also have to kill a fellow traitor.
The "hunt down" objective would be specific to traitors or maybe other antagonists.
Avoid killing others basically means that you have to be sneaky about it, because you don't to shoot up security either.
Basically not a vigalante job, but a kill the other bad guy objective.
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Why the fuck are you crying about being murdered as a traitor? You have nasty death items, just use them against anyone who is being sketchy and following you around. If someone is following you or turning around and walking back at you when you're walking around they are planning on killing you. I kill other traitors all the time as a traitor since it allows me to get even MORE traitor items to murder people with, and that shouldn't be against the rules.
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Klayboxx Wrote:Why the fuck are you crying about being murdered as a traitor? You have nasty death items, just use them against anyone who is being sketchy and following you around. If someone is following you or turning around and walking back at you when you're walking around they are planning on killing you. I kill other traitors all the time as a traitor since it allows me to get even MORE traitor items to murder people with, and that shouldn't be against the rules.
Infact, sometimes you get objectives to murder other traitors.
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atomic1fire Wrote:Captain_Bravo Wrote:So then, not a normal crewmember who's explicit job is to fuck with the funhavers, but someone who also has the advantage of their own traitor gear. Brilliant.
I figure they could still have other options, like "steal money" or "kill 10 monkeys" but they'd also have to kill a fellow traitor.
The "hunt down" objective would be specific to traitors or maybe other antagonists.
Avoid killing others basically means that you have to be sneaky about it, because you don't to shoot up security either.
Basically not a vigalante job, but a kill the other bad guy objective. They have every incentive to tell security who their targets are, the gear to prove their vigilante status, and no reason not to immediately do so. Security will then drag the target in for questioning. If he has traitor items, the story checks out and the vigilante gets his kill.
I mean, that's only one hypothetical situation (that will happen every round) suggesting why this is not a very good idea. But I'm afraid it's not a very good idea.
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But then we can't have traitors as assassination targets! And where would the fun be then?!
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Also a traitor could walk into security, tell security Insert innocent person here is a traitor, (actually just a normal traitor objective) and instead of confirming by checking pda or searching them, security uses a cylume saber to kill a nontraitor and they get yelled at while the traitor gets off scott free because sec is dumb.
I can see why vigilante objective could be a bad idea, too easy for sec to murder people without confirming anything.