It used to be that traitors could see other traitors with sunglasses on, right? Why not bring that back, just all the time? It'd still be different than Nuke mode since it'd be more about stealth than just outright blowing everyone up. Just make it a rule that traitors can't kill other traitors on purpose and can see each other. Is there some reason this isn't the case? Most other games like this, Mafia or TTT, have all the antags be on the same team, since if they're not it ends up being pretty lame for most of them.
Anyway, at the very least I think traitors shouldn't be given goals to kill each other... The last 4-5 times I've been a traitor, I've been done in by another traitor. And whenever I encounter another traitor, I don't really want to kill them, because it kinda puts a damper on the most entertaining part of the game for someone. I feel like the traitor-vs-traitor thing is accomplished by the Spy mode.
Anyway, at the very least I think traitors shouldn't be given goals to kill each other... The last 4-5 times I've been a traitor, I've been done in by another traitor. And whenever I encounter another traitor, I don't really want to kill them, because it kinda puts a damper on the most entertaining part of the game for someone. I feel like the traitor-vs-traitor thing is accomplished by the Spy mode.
traitor vs traitor duels can actually be more fun (provided one side isn't a cloaked unstoppable killing machine) because both people don't have to worry about keeping the other alive or collateral damage
and the mark of the best traitor is one who can get people killed without just walking up to them and c-sabering them
also how often do spymasters actually find the other spymasters in spy anyway
icarus Wrote:also how often do spymasters actually find the other spymasters in spy anyway
Not that often, because the policy appears to be "KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES except my guys"
Having traitors get other traitors as objectives means that they themselves are never free from looking over their own shoulders, which I think is alright.
I'd be for bringing back the ability to see other traitors when wearing sunglasses. I think they were thinking about putting in something like being able to see each other if you're both wearing agent cards but honestly how often does more than one person have an agent card? Even if you make it that both people have to be wearing sunglasses - it would have the added benefit of adding a slight downside (for the ultra-sneaky or antisocial traitor) to wearing the magical flash-preventing gear that is otherwise an automatic grab and equip for any traitor.
That's... kinda silly. I admit, it was useful in the case where, as a Changeling HoP with sunglasses, I gave a vampire who just got off the shuttle an all access card with the job title 'Vampire Hunter', but that was it. Traitors only use the sunglasses to identify other traitors to get cool loot. Also, making them work together as a team is dumb, because they're really powerful on their own, anyway. How many times have you seen a nuke team slaughter everyone on the station, corrupt the AI, and cut power? Lastly, forcing traitors to work together would make it harder for them, because it will always be terrible (unless they have a really nice gimmick planned). Leaving the coordination (and lack thereof) completely to the player is what makes it fun, not a message from the game.
does and give traitors code phrases to identify each other? They have a way to identify each other without being too suspicious. But make the phrases odd, so that it would seem suspicious to just go around saying the same thing over and over, and only be useful if you really needed to know if someone was a traitor.
I remember beta Spy/Gang/whatever using emote sequences to find your squad e.g. Public 1 claps, Pubbie 2 winks back
Tagging along in mini-squads was fantastic fun, if it was added rather than the giant red murder-me-for-cool-gear symbol, it would let people keep some stealth
-"Hey you're a traitor too, want to team up?"
-Pubbie Joe shoots at Traitor Tim with the revolver
-DEAD:Traitor Tim moans, "What the fuck?!"
-HELP "wtf Pubbie Joe killed me as another traitor"
"Lol sec I'mma work with you and hunt down the other traitors with my sunglasses."
does and give traitors code phrases to identify each other? They have a way to identify each other without being too suspicious. But make the phrases odd, so that it would seem suspicious to just go around saying the same thing over and over, and only be useful if you really needed to know if someone was a traitor.
Of the very few stuff on bay I like, this is one of them, and I really like it.
Readster Wrote:Reasons sunglass identification was taken out:
-"Hey you're a traitor too, want to team up?"
-Pubbie Joe shoots at Traitor Tim with the revolver
-DEAD:Traitor Tim moans, "What the fuck?!"
-HELP "wtf Pubbie Joe killed me as another traitor"
"Lol sec I'mma work with you and hunt down the other traitors with my sunglasses."
Couldn't both those things just be made bannable and they'd work themselves out