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Medical Cyborg QOL
as a frequent cyborg player i feel like medical cyborg could use some love and increase quality of life. mostly this would cut down on clicks and make the experience far more smoother.

one massive quality of life improvement would be to condense all of the surgical tools into one single thing, like how the cyborg multi-tool works, including others that aren't included, like the enucleation spoon and surgical scissors.

"but baba, i'll still have to click the tool, just like the multitool! this would make performing surgeries far less convenient!"

well after playing hos for a few rounds and having fun with the lawbringer gun, i thought of something interesting. what if other things could be as modular as the lawbringer? 

this cyborg meditool could have either preset functions (IE you could type out "Limb" or click on it to set it to 'Limb', and upon doing so, the tool would switch to the scalpel, and then after making that first cut, it would automatically change to the saw, and then after using the saw, it would change to the scalpel. optionally after performing the removal, it could then switch to the suture to quickly sew a patient up.) naturally, you could also just manually switch and do things the old fashioned way.

not only would this make procedures go far more smoothly, it could also serve as a useful training tool that could carry over to people who play as a human doctor. they would see that for example scalpel-saw-scalpel would remove a limb from somebody. 

my second point is to allow medborgs to actually perform surgery and replace people's limbs and organs.

it's a common sight for somebody to come into robotics asking for some cool cybernetic limbs, treads, or whatever have you attached to their body. and when this happens, i'm typically left feeling a bit sidelined as a mere brutemender mule when i could have the opportunity to do so much more! what i'm essentially asking for is a tool that would allow mediborgs to pick up organs/limbs in order to properly perform organ and limb transplants. eyes, arms, legs, hearts, stomachs, etcetera. 

all of these suggestions i think would help unchain medborgs from being healing chem dispensers and styptic dispensers, and help them become far more useful.
Drag and drop should work for limbs/organs, last I checked.
Hard disagree on this, i play and enjoy Mediborg aswell but at times there's already the complaint that in certain cases Mediborgs end up doing the job better then Med Docs or Hijacking the job entirely, with their endless Automenders. And like Mordent said, they can already preform surgery.

Nah, of all the Modules the Mediborg one is the best functioning one, i'd rather have some of the other modules get a QoL pass. In fact i would argue against certain things in the Mediborg Module.
Things I rather have then mediborg upgrades.

- New modules:
1. Cook Module. I want to play a french or italian borg. These are mostly ment to support cooks but can cook on their own, but certain things they cannot do.
2. Brobocop changes. I don't mind them not arresting, but brobocop pretty much makes cooks and bartenders kinda "meh" with their replicators and clowning.
Just needs some small changes to make smaller pranks, wich can assist security too. Like a coushined slip device... I don't know.
3. Cargo Module. Ment to help transport, sell and process goods. Yes they can also smelt ores and such too themselves.

- New tools:
See Module ideas.

- Li less clunky interface and reactions.

I do get what you want, but borgs shouldn't replace doctors overall. Remember that borgs are made to "ASSIST" their jobs but cannot "REPLACE THEM" cause if they could.. they can do human harm by making humans obsolete.
(06-30-2022, 07:26 AM)Kotlol Wrote: Things I rather have then mediborg upgrades.

- New modules:
1. Cook Module. I want to play a french or italian borg. These are mostly ment to support cooks but can cook on their own, but certain things they cannot do.
2. Brobocop changes. I don't mind them not arresting, but brobocop pretty much makes cooks and bartenders kinda "meh" with their replicators and clowning.
Just needs some small changes to make smaller pranks, wich can assist security too. Like a coushined slip device... I don't know.
3. Cargo Module. Ment to help transport, sell and process goods. Yes they can also smelt ores and such too themselves.

- New tools:
See Module ideas.

- Li less clunky interface and reactions.

I do get what you want, but borgs shouldn't replace doctors overall. Remember that borgs are made to "ASSIST" their jobs but cannot "REPLACE THEM" cause if they could.. they can do human harm by making humans obsolete.

Yep, somwhat agree on this.

I've honostly been thinking some of the things inside the Brobocop module fit better into the Civ module (or if it gets too busy, a second seperate Civ module ) cause allot of its utility fits more in Service and Entertainement.

Brobocop has always been a bit of a hot button issue, but really i think ... if they can't find a good alternative/ideas for a Sec Module just ... do away with it entirely and move some of the stuff into other modules imho.
Brobocop should have zip-tie cuffs... maybe. And security tape. And you can't remove the donut dispenser!
(07-01-2022, 02:01 AM)Victoriae Wrote: Brobocop should have zip-tie cuffs... maybe. And security tape. And you can't remove the donut dispenser!

I wouldn't mind zip-tie cuffs since beepsky has them too, but remember since the brobocop is a clown by programming too.
They will joke arrest people for crimes to prank them.

Wich again is why the "sec cyborg" should be pulled away from it.

I heard the reason sec cyborgs were changed to brobocop is because of all the grieving and valid hunting.
personally i think sec borg could stand to be brought back, albeit in some modified way. i think there's been a massive culture shift since then

maybe in such a way where it's whitelisted like hos/nt sec and on a separate law rack tucked inside of the armory. if the issue is them being able to kill people then literally every other cyborg module except brobocop has ways of killing people in under a minute easily
(07-02-2022, 01:36 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: personally i think sec borg could stand to be brought back, albeit in some modified way. i think there's been a massive culture shift since then

maybe in such a way where it's whitelisted like hos/nt sec and on a separate law rack tucked inside of the armory. if the issue is them being able to kill people then literally every other cyborg module except brobocop has ways of killing people in under a minute easily

Well the thing is.. if another borg tries it. You can fight back.
With the sec borg from "what I can imagine" (I wasnt there in those days)
Could probaly STUN someone and kill em with lethals if they have it.

To be fair.. Security can do that too in general. (I mean detective litterly can do this the fastest and can cause more grief then a sec borg)
So I guess I have no objection of removing brobocop and giving some functionality to the Civilian one (including clowning)
And make a new sec borg all together.
thinking on it i thought of a few other things that could be improved

let the pro-doc upgrade make it so examining can yield the same affect as manually scanning somebody, it's pretty worthless otherwise

the brute/burn automenders could be altered so that you can click it and choose from brute/burning. frees up an inventory slot

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