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Ideas of Questionable Quality: Security Edition
(02-15-2018, 12:51 PM)Grek Wrote: RE: a crime computer, I think it should A] be something the detective uses, B] be fooled by disguises, and C] be good for finding out if someone is innocent, but awful at finding out who the guilty person is.

Implementation: You enter photograph and the computer starts churning away. Every five minutes, it does a check: If the the person is innocent, there is a 50% chance to conclude that they are innocent and print out results saying that the testee is probably not a criminal. Otherwise (if they're an antagonist or if you got the 50% chance of inconclusive), it requests a new photograph (of the same person, or a different person; must be taken within the last 10 minutes) and gets back to work.

After one photograph of an innocent person, you have even odds of finding out they're a good guy. After two failed photographs, 25% chance that they're innocent. Three photographs, 12%. But you have to know where the person is and you have to take a picture of them - giving that possible antagonist a heads up that you're suspicious.

Yeah that's not bad. I do think it should be available to Sec and the Detective both, but that implementation sounds fun.
Questionable quality? Allow permabrigging and don't be up in a tizzy if a secoff executes a known murderer. That or introduce a way to de-antag an antagonist/traitor. There's little consequence to being 'captured' if all you get is a tiny time out and your stuff taken. It's not like a killer will stop killing when they have a license to kill.

Jail is basically Arkham Asylum; a revolving door of mass murderers. Joker just escaped Arkam, deep fry 3 dozen babies and fed them to the police force? Again!? There won't be a third time, throw him in Arkham!

Oh btw, Hi! I'm Hitler, nazi to meet ja.
I think we need a change the armor in general so that melee resistance doesn't just reduce brute damage, but also reduces bleeding and stamina damage taken as well. Because it doesn't matter if you take 1 brute damage every hit if every hit does full stamina damage and can keep you knocked out forever until you die.

On that note, maybe to make the heavy riot armor more useful, make it so wearing it (or maybe any armor with sufficiently high melee resistance) causes unarmed punches to bounce off like if you punched a borg. Punches do a LOT of stamina damage for how much stamina they cost to use, enough that more often then not someone using something like a toolbox or extinguisher loses to someone just using punches in a fight.
oh i thought i posted this a lot earlier well here goes i have a radical suggestion thats kinda connected to this and some commentary on an idea in here

(suggestion is in a spoiler because its only kinda connected to the thread)
make some overclothes stingproof
not all overclothes mind you, just some of the ones that would be hard to stick something made of keratin through
like a firesuit or spacesuit and maybe the armored vest if you're feeling fancy. in my opinion, giving the glorified mall cops some form of protection against single click instant KO would be cool. maybe this isn't the right thread, and maybe i'm salty about how many times i've been taken out of a round because i stood still for two seconds but i wanted to say it. 

more spacebux for playing as security is cool. most people who just play to steal hats and fart on all victims of hat thievery probably won't elect to play as a role that requires responsibility even with the reward. anyone who is deciding between security and another role might take this incentive into consideration when signing up though, and that's what counts.
(02-15-2018, 03:41 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: I think we need a change the armor in general so that melee resistance doesn't just reduce brute damage, but also reduces bleeding and stamina damage taken as well. Because it doesn't matter if you take 1 brute damage every hit if every hit does full stamina damage and can keep you knocked out forever until you die.

On that note, maybe to make the heavy riot armor more useful, make it so wearing it (or maybe any armor with sufficiently high melee resistance) causes unarmed punches to bounce off like if you punched a borg. Punches do a LOT of stamina damage for how much stamina they cost to use, enough that more often then not someone using something like a toolbox or extinguisher loses to someone just using punches in a fight.

This but better, armor at the moment sucks ass
(02-15-2018, 03:38 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: That or introduce a way to de-antag an antagonist/traitor.

Borging comes to mind
(02-15-2018, 03:38 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: Questionable quality? Allow permabrigging and don't be up in a tizzy if a secoff executes a known murderer. That or introduce a way to de-antag an antagonist/traitor. There's little consequence to being 'captured' if all you get is a tiny time out and your stuff taken. It's not like a killer will stop killing when they have a license to kill.

Jail is basically Arkham Asylum; a revolving door of mass murderers. Joker just escaped Arkam, deep fry 3 dozen babies and fed them to the police force? Again!? There won't be a third time, throw him in Arkham!

Oh btw, Hi! I'm Hitler, nazi to meet ja.

My response to this is to arrest the antag, get rid of all their equipment, crush anything I can't stuff in the evidence locker, throw them in solitary for 5 minutes, and warn them that if they murder again, they get the death penalty.

If they murder again, cyborg them.

The thing why I think murder is 5 minutes at worst on first offense is that dead players can, on most occasions if reached quickly enough, be cloned.  It's why second degree murder is a thing on this game.
I am unhappy with this revelation :c
(02-15-2018, 10:01 AM)PH77SER Wrote: what about having sec players get some sort of bonus thing like spacebux? sec gets a super high bux salary and a bonus for getting antags in the prison or killed antags!
I like a high spacebux salary for people doing the game's most shitty job.

(02-15-2018, 10:01 AM)PH77SER Wrote: or how about sec exclusive shit that only sec can ever get and no greytider can find and/or get barring killing a police officer? like a squeaky baton that knocks down people, or backup guard NPC's that help the mall cop do his job, like a beepsky that follows you around and cuffs people, or a beepsky that's controlled by a ghost!
There is already a lot of 'Security Gear that you can steal' and you can carry an almost complete securitron in your backpack.
What is really needed is 'Security Gear that you can NOT steal'.

(02-15-2018, 12:51 PM)Grek Wrote: Implementation: You enter photograph and the computer starts churning away. Every five minutes, it does a check: If the the person is innocent, there is a 50% chance to conclude that they are innocent and print out results saying that the testee is probably not a criminal. Otherwise (if they're an antagonist or if you got the 50% chance of inconclusive), it requests a new photograph (of the same person, or a different person; must be taken within the last 10 minutes) and gets back to work.
Love it. I would like blood samples, vomit and other such evidence to serve as input.

(02-15-2018, 12:51 PM)Grek Wrote: RE: a crime computer, I think it should A] be something the detective uses, B] be fooled by disguises, and C] be good for finding out if someone is innocent, but awful at finding out who the guilty person is.
The Crime Computer should definitely be Security Gear, not another detective-exclusive toy. But it would be fine if it was in the Detective Office.

Posted in the other thread, but I'd like to discus it here:
(02-15-2018, 12:28 PM)Darkchis Wrote: Security should have implants that prevent mindslaving imo. So if you wanna make one your goon you gotta cut it out or something beforehand. That may reinforce the feeling of security (HEH) around the officers.
I like the idea of implant-based protection against mindslaving even more then armor-based protection. Doesn't security spawn with loyalty implants by default? Can we make those rebuke mindslave implants?
Kind of linking into the crime computer thing, there is a threat summary from HQ which is printed out every round in the bridge. In it's current position and state it's mostly unhelpful but if this was moved to print out in sec and reworked a bit I think it could be invaluable to the observant sec officer.
For instance, if there were multiple print outs, one at each 10 minute mark each updating info about the round. Each print out could provide more evidence / things to investigate about the gamemode/antags. Obviously ruining an antags round before they actually do anything is pretty shit so it should be made clear that you should not act without a justified reason.
(02-16-2018, 04:00 AM)Tombi Wrote: Kind of linking into the crime computer thing, there is a threat summary from HQ which is printed out every round in the bridge. In it's current position and state it's mostly unhelpful but if this was moved to print out in sec and reworked a bit I think it could be invaluable to the observant sec officer.
For instance, if there were multiple print outs, one at each 10 minute mark each updating info about the round. Each print out could provide more evidence / things to investigate about the gamemode/antags. Obviously ruining an antags round before they actually do anything is pretty shit so it should be made clear that you should not act without a justified reason.

I do prefer the crime computer idea since you do have to direct towards someone rather than have it passively give you information like the Centcom report.

But... Maybe instead of hinting at who or what the antags are, Centcom reports could just slowly clear other people as trusted persons.
A couple of smaller things I'd like
  • Flashlights on the Sec helmets
  • A pair of night vision goggles
  • Either safer to use segways, or a patrol vehicle of some kind 
  • A security lockdown switch, that changes door access levels to increase Sec access while limiting others
  • A device for making impromptu barricades, such as a metal foam gun
  • Traps for slowing down and catching fleeing people. At the very least, a mousetrap box in Sec
  • A weapons registry to whitelist people for carrying certain contraband
  • Some kind of code system for quickly describing a situation (Hostiles, how many, what kind, armed, injuries, deaths, what kind of response desired, urgency, etc) probably an accompanying PDA program to help with it
  • PDA program for lights and siren effect
I think a Security Uplink, similar to the Syndicate Uplink traitor's have access to, would introduce some versatility to security and generally make the role more fun. Like the Syndicate Uplink, players would have access to a limited amount of NT Fun Bucks to purchase security items, items designed to increase their chances of survival and make them more capable of handling specific threats, rather than tools of outright murder. Giving sec players these options at round-start prevent the need to hunt for gear around the station.

For example, if Sec catches wind of a possible changeling, they might purchase an improved vest that is impervious to stinging or an implant that injects a preloaded chem upon winking. Other possible items might include the already implemented security baton, roll of duct tape, or box of cyber eyes. Some of the ideas posted feel like good candidates for Sec Gear, like the the metal foam gun posted above.
(02-16-2018, 06:08 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: A couple of smaller things I'd like
  • Flashlights on the Sec helmets
  • A pair of night vision goggles
  • Either safer to use segways, or a patrol vehicle of some kind 
  • A security lockdown switch, that changes door access levels to increase Sec access while limiting others
  • A device for making impromptu barricades, such as a metal foam gun
  • Traps for slowing down and catching fleeing people. At the very least, a mousetrap box in Sec
  • A weapons registry to whitelist people for carrying certain contraband
  • Some kind of code system for quickly describing a situation (Hostiles, how many, what kind, armed, injuries, deaths, what kind of response desired, urgency, etc) probably an accompanying PDA program to help with it
  • PDA program for lights and siren effect

(02-16-2018, 06:08 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: A couple of smaller things I'd like
  • Flashlights on the Sec helmets
  • A pair of night vision goggles
  • Either safer to use segways, or a patrol vehicle of some kind 
  • A security lockdown switch, that changes door access levels to increase Sec access while limiting others
  • A device for making impromptu barricades, such as a metal foam gun
  • Traps for slowing down and catching fleeing people. At the very least, a mousetrap box in Sec
  • A weapons registry to whitelist people for carrying certain contraband
  • Some kind of code system for quickly describing a situation (Hostiles, how many, what kind, armed, injuries, deaths, what kind of response desired, urgency, etc) probably an accompanying PDA program to help with it
  • PDA program for lights and siren effect

I absolute love the security lockdown button idea. It would make managing greytides so much more easier by giving you some breathing room and some time to prepare. There should be a counter to it though as it might be abused in rev rounds.

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