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the small kremfixes thread
so i dont spam up the forums w/ a new thread for every little thing

goonstation-2016/icons/obj/atmospherics/mixer.dmi icon file is wrong. an arrow is facing the wrong way. this fixes it

[Image: gFH5DVB.png]
^ the middle arrow is facing down when it should be facing up ^

[Image: mixer.gif]

more 2come
another small kremfix for you

thanks to mbc for this fix:

Quote:mbc: ok suggestion kremlin
[9:20 PM] mbc: i'm pretty sure that playsound uses LAGCHECK() somewhere
[9:20 PM] mbc: in other words, it contains a sleep() call
[9:20 PM] kremlin: ahahahah
[9:20 PM] mbc: creating a race condition on P.shooter = shooter
[9:21 PM] kremlin: yeah
[9:21 PM] mbc: so you should move the playsound to the bottom of that proc
[9:21 PM] kremlin: well
[9:21 PM] kremlin: i can sure do that but
[9:21 PM] kremlin: i can't trigger the condition to test anyways
[9:21 PM] mbc: or i mean... we should do that

diff --git a/code/datums/projectiles/ b/code/datums/projectiles/
index a25c9f0..574fc78 100644
--- a/code/datums/projectiles/
+++ b/code/datums/projectiles/
@@ -697,6 +697,8 @@ datum/projectile/snowball

        P.proj_data = DATA
+       P.shooter = shooter
+ =

        if (narrator_mode)
                playsound(S, 'sound/vox/shoot.ogg', 50, 1)
@@ -715,8 +717,6 @@ datum/projectile/snowball
                P.implanted = DATA.implanted

-       P.shooter = shooter
- =
        P.power = DATA.power

@@ -777,4 +777,4 @@ datum/projectile/snowball
                Q.mob_shooter = P.shooter = "reflected []"
-       return Q
\ No newline at end of file
+       return Q

this fixes pods shooting themselves (Maybe)
(01-04-2018, 02:37 PM)kremlin Wrote: so i dont spam up the forums w/ a new thread for every little thing

goonstation-2016/icons/obj/atmospherics/mixer.dmi icon file is wrong. an arrow is facing the wrong way. this fixes it

[Image: gFH5DVB.png]
^ the middle arrow is facing down when it should be facing up ^

[Image: mixer.gif]

more 2come

I powered through this bugging me so much that I think having it FIXED is gonna bug me now. :P
Done the first part of this (the mixer sprite). I'm not awake enough to parse whether the second part would actually work, so leaving that for a second.

As an aside, it is absolutely okay to create separate threads for separate things, else you get in a situation like this where some of this has been implemented and some has not.
(01-25-2018, 06:09 PM)Mordent Wrote: I'm not awake enough to parse whether the second part would actually work, so leaving that for a second.

It was already implemented smile

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