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(02-21-2018, 09:21 AM)Mordent Wrote: Unbreakoutable (that's a word) prisons are bad.
If security has done everything perfectly, arrested an antagonist, taken all their gear, and had the mercy to brig them instead of just killing them, why the FUCK should the antagonist be able to escape without any outside help, despite security making no mistakes? We need to make it so there is actually something to do while you are brigged, not make it extremely easy to escape and punish officers for permabrigging people.
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(02-21-2018, 09:41 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Brigborging - A machine that lets brigged crew remote control a cruddy borg drone from their cell. If permabrigging is boring as shit, and VR might as well be telling you to play another game, giving them a stripped-down ghostdrone might make things more interesting.
Or a sort of borg suit that effectively makes the prisoner a temporary borg with fixed laws. Some kind of engaging punishment.
A slow-moving refrigerator sized and shaped NanoTrasen Reintegration Simulator™, packed with over 5 pre-programmed WellAdjusted Human™- style conversation responses, including:
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(02-21-2018, 09:41 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Brigborging - A machine that lets brigged crew remote control a cruddy borg drone from their cell. If permabrigging is boring as shit, and VR might as well be telling you to play another game, giving them a stripped-down ghostdrone might make things more interesting.
Or a sort of borg suit that effectively makes the prisoner a temporary borg with fixed laws. Some kind of engaging punishment.
There's the law implants patch i made that can be used for this!
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Older idea I just recalled from back when: A ball and chain
Strap it to someone's foot, and they move like they were wearing cuffed shoes. However, they can pick it up using both hands to move regularly.
Make it timer based, with it automatically unlocking when it's up.
Have it also summonable like the port a brig, bringing along the person it's attached to if they're attached to it.
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(02-21-2018, 11:09 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: [...]
Have it also summonable like the port a brig, mulebot bringing dragging along the person it's attached to if they're attached to it. still alive.
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You know what, thinking on my last post, I have come up with two things that I think will make all security players very, very happy.
- Make the genpop brig, assuming that security correctly confiscated all tools from the inmate prior to brigging, completely impossible to escape without outside help. To compensate, add a few more things to the brig to keep inmates entertained (going off of other servers, we could include a little mini-botany area in there, or a teleporter to some sort of mining station with bare minimum equipment for inmates to gather minerals)
- Let security, assuming the criminal has done enough to deserve it and/or is a known antagonist, permabrig people without getting yelled at, or at least extend the maximum brig time past five minutes.
I know from reading the forums that most of the admin team has some sort of anti-brig circlejerk, but I think a majority of players would approve of making genpop more than a big useless room taking up space in security.
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BYOND Username: Mordent
02-22-2018, 06:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2018, 08:37 AM by Mordent. Edited 1 time in total.)
(02-21-2018, 09:59 AM)Lord Birb Wrote: If security has done everything perfectly, arrested an antagonist, taken all their gear, and had the mercy to brig them instead of just killing them, why the FUCK should the antagonist be able to escape without any outside help, despite security making no mistakes? We need to make it so there is actually something to do while you are brigged, not make it extremely easy to escape and punish officers for permabrigging people.
I have a counterpoint: send them to an adventure zone if you want to accomplish the above. The brig is not designed to permanently house inmates. The thing to do while you are brigged is attempt to escape (or use VR, I guess).
I don't understand the appeal of (unbreakoutably) permabrigging an antagonist over killing them. You're removing them from the round regardless, any minigames you give them to do in the meantime can be effectively accomplished by them just going to play another game until the round is over.
If the criminal is being a jerk, throw them in solitary rather than genpop. Keep genpop for the staff assistants you inevitably round up because they've been breaking into everything/throwing darts at people/stealing anything that isn't nailed down. Let them have the fun of breaking out if they want (feel free to thwart it and quickly repair what they've broken), or they can just do their (short) time and then get back to being a staff assistant.
Don't forget that you can absolutely make the place more secure yourself if you want; go add a bunch more windows, or even walls. They're quick to make, and security have access to plenty of glass/steel sheets.
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I have to agree with Mordent with this one. If your goal for permabrigging someone is to effectively remove them from the round and NOT have a chance where they could potentially cause more trouble (fun) for the station, then just borg them instead.
Seriously, you're giving them less things to do than dead people.
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(02-22-2018, 06:34 AM)Mordent Wrote: (02-21-2018, 09:59 AM)Lord Birb Wrote: If security has done everything perfectly, arrested an antagonist, taken all their gear, and had the mercy to brig them instead of just killing them, why the FUCK should the antagonist be able to escape without any outside help, despite security making no mistakes? We need to make it so there is actually something to do while you are brigged, not make it extremely easy to escape and punish officers for permabrigging people. I don't understand the appeal of permabrigging an antagonist over killing them. You're removing them from the round regardless, any minigames you give them to do in the meantime can be effectively accomplished by them just going to play another game until the round is over. I don't understand the appeal of killing an antagonist over permabiggin them. You're removing them from the round and they don't have any chance of escape, even if they have a mindslave or ally-antagonist. No really, I don't. The only argument I can make against it (admittedly a completely valid one) is that it limits the spawning of new antags. I get that sending them on an adventure is better, but that requires telsci. If that's gonna be in the actual sec playbook then it needs to be a single button press. We're trying to make sec roles more accessible, right?
On genpop (not responding to Mordent, this is just my disjointed opinion), it's 95% a roleplay thing in a game that ain't nobody got time fo dat. Real jails don't put uncontrollable mass murderers in genpop. Save the roleplay cell for roleplay prisoners. The other get put to death
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Imagine you're a perma brigged player. Are you going to keep playing the game? Probably not. You're way more likely to just suicide and spectate, or if you're like me and you've got limited recreational time and you don't feel like spending a half hour watching other people have fun, you'll just close out byond and do something else for the rest of the day
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
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Here's an idea: Mind Wiper. Only to be used against Antags and is only available to Sec (Not just HoS). This allows you to wipe the mind of any Antag (Not regular players) and will force them to play as a Miscreant/Regular along with their goals automatically failing unless they completed them. The Officer is then allowed to write a a backstory if they choose (Mainly for Goon1 but can also be used in Goon2 to enable fun) and if inserted, will Nerf any ID card entered back to it's original state. This will also count as the Antag being killed as to allow more to join. It is bolted to the ground and can't be moved, if destroyed a new one becomes available to the QM but is sent directly to Sec to prevent unfair placement of the device.
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(02-22-2018, 01:38 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Here's an idea: Mind Wiper. Only to be used against Antags and is only available to Sec (Not just HoS). This allows you to wipe the mind of any Antag (Not regular players) and will force them to play as a Miscreant/Regular along with their goals automatically failing unless they completed them. The Officer is then allowed to write a a backstory if they choose (Mainly for Goon1 but can also be used in Goon2 to enable fun) and if inserted, will Nerf any ID card entered back to it's original state. This will also count as the Antag being killed as to allow more to join. It is bolted to the ground and can't be moved, if destroyed a new one becomes available to the QM but is sent directly to Sec to prevent unfair placement of the device.
This is good. A big, bulky device that requires sec access that you can stuff antagonists into to take away their antag status and turn them into miscreants with superpowers. Might make the act of borging antagonists obsolete though. I guess it could be used as a way for antagonists that don't want to be evil to prove to security they will be good. "Hey hos I rolled traitor but don't feel like traitoring can you shove me in the mind wiper?" Maybe make it so antagonists can put themselves inside without security access.
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This sounds like a very cool way to solve the "Hey time to latejoin as a nice relaxing radio host- OH NO IM A FUCKIN VAMPIRE" latejoin issue.
really harshes my buzz man
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BYOND Username: Haprenti
02-22-2018, 04:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2018, 04:58 PM by Haprenti. Edited 1 time in total.)
This definitely needs to be restricted in its use, you shouldn't be allowed to pass every antagonist you get your hands on through this unless he'd be in for a death sentence if it wasn't for the existence of that device.
Actually, being able to kill antags for being antags shouldn't even be a thing, you shouldn't have the right, as a crewmember, to kill someone wearing non-lethal contraband traitor items, or even lethal for that matters, as long as there's no evidence it was used for traitoring, and even then, depending on the gravity, there's various punishments that can be worked out to actually let the cat and mouse chase start again after a few minutes.
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(02-22-2018, 04:56 PM)Haprenti Wrote: This definitely needs to be restricted in its use, you shouldn't be allowed to pass every antagonist you get your hands on through this unless he'd be in for a death sentence if it wasn't for the existence of that device.
Actually, being able to kill antags for being antags shouldn't even be a thing, you shouldn't have the right, as a crewmember, to kill someone wearing non-lethal contraband traitor items, or even lethal for that matters, as long as there's no evidence it was used for traitoring.
That's why the mind wiper would A. Be heavily restricted to willing Antags and Security so long as it's either approved by the Antag or he's marked for death (having spaced the captain and turned the detective into a fine pulp).
and B. Cause mostly non-mechanical changes in case of shitsec so they can be A-Helped.
Killing a friendly Antag should be illigal though if they're non human they may be subject to AI abuse.