09-10-2016, 10:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 01:10 PM by Lady Birb. Edited 2 times in total.)
From reading this thread, I got a new idea for something that I decided would be deserving of its own thread. So here I go. This is really, really long, so grab something to drink.
Everything here is loosely inspired by tg's shadowlings.
The idea is that revenants would be able to steal the souls of people who are in crit, turning them into soulless shell (I will talk more about that later), and empowering the wraith. To help this, revenants would be given a prodocs-like effect, letting them see if someone is in crit so they know they can steal that person's soul. Soul stealing will require around 5-10 seconds of both the revenant and their victim to remain still, giving bystanders time to intervene or the victim time to escape if they are resiliant enough.
People who have their souls stolen will become shells (Because "Husk" is already taken"), mindslaved to the wraith who has claimed their soul. Being a shell brings the same weakness as a revenant (slowed movement and unable to be healed), but also weakened versions of the revenants powers. A shells abilities are as follows:
- Pulse: A weaker shockwave. Still knocks people down, but with less range, and it can't shatter glass or rip up floor tiles.
- Hold: An ability meant for assisting the revenant in combat, rather than working on it's own. It leaves the target completely unable to move, but deals no damage and is interrupted if either the shell or their victim is moved.
- Dark fist(Please tell me if you have a better idea for a name): A weaker touch of evil. Gives a noticable damage buff to punches, but less than a revenant's touch of evil and without ToE's knockback.
- Stun resistance: Not a proper power, but rather a passive effect given to shells. They regenerate stamina faster than a normal human and are harder to stun, though a single security officer with a taser can take one down if they are a half decent shot.
- Soul commune: Basically lets the shell speak on a chat channel that only other shells and the wraith with their soul can see
Shells will have a point reserve similiar to a wraith's, with it's regeneration rate being 25% of the wraith's regeneration. I am not giving numbers for the cooldowns or point cost of abilities because I am bad with balancing numbers. If a shell dies, they will be turned into a ghost as normal, but will be invisible to other ghosts due to their lack of a soul. They can still talk to normal ghosts, because being dead without the ability to speak to ghosts would suck maximum dong. If the wraith with your soul is banished, your soul will be restored. Shells who are still alive will be returned to a normal human, while dead shells will become visible to other ghosts.
New wraith powers
Wraiths, of course, benefit from stealing souls. Each soul stolen increases their rate of WP regeneration equal to that of an absorbed corpse, and gathering souls will grant the wraith more powers to use. Number of souls needed for each skill scales with the number of players in the server.
- Soul commune: Allows the wraith to speak on a chat channel that only they and their shells can see. Always unlocked with only one soul
- Nightmarish roar: Because every antagonist needs a sound-based ability. This acts like a changeling's screech, slowing people and making them drop what they are holding at random. Rather than playing a fixed sound, the wraith will be able to choose from a variety of horrific noises. From the basic screams, the changelings screech and a few other demonic roars for maximum spookyness. Can only be used while manifested or as a revenant
- Supernatural frost: Based off the old "Areas with ghosts are colder" myth, targets a room similar to poltergeist, and than temporarily massively drops the temperature in that room, leaving everyone inside without a space suit slowed and possibly frostbitten, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
- Curse of darkness: Causes everything to temporarily become MUCH darker for everyone within a certain raidus of the user area and stuns them, as though they are always wearing a welding mask, while actually making them more vulnerable to flashes and flashbangs, like they are wearing thermals. In general a way to fuck people up massively. Can only be used while a revenant.
- Empower shell: A skill with a long cooldown and high point cost, this will turn the targeted shell into a full-blown revenant, allowing them to go solo-rampage for a while. Stuns the shell for some time before the effect hits, and during that time the shell is shrouded in black smoke with a big red "The shell collapses and begins to emit black smoke!" message, making it extremely obvious what is happening, so using this on a shell who is currently fighting someone or in an open area is a good way to get them killed.
- Power of shadows: The endgame wraith skill, requiring they claim the souls of a good chunk of the station's crew. This will replace the generic "Kill these people and don't get banished" objective of all wraiths, with their objective now being to gather enough souls to unlock this ability. This is the part of the suggestion that was inspired by the thread linked at the top. Using the skill turns the wraith into a shadowgod, a borderline unkillable thing of nightmares. A wraith simply reaching this level is a disaster that ensures the crew is fucked, and automatically calls the shuttle, not than anyone will likely be able to reach it unless the shadowgod intentionally spares them. Using this skill grants the wraith a group of new, massively overpowered abilities and changes the entire station to look like the post-sol disaster station. Basically the station turns into silent hill at this point, staring the shadowgod as pyramid head. Due to the sheer overpowered-ness of this and all the skills it grants, I am accepting suggestions for another idea that gives the whole "The wraith is now a godlike killing machine" feel while still giving the crew a chance to fight back.
"Well the station is fucked now" Powers
Besides all of these, shadowgods are immune to salt lines, have reduced cooldown on all their skills, and can teleport to any of their shells at will.
- Shadow Avatar: Turns the shadowgod into an avatar of shadows, basically a revenant without the speed penalty or constantly-rotting body. Avatars also have a toggleable cloak of darkness.
- Plane shift: Just used for turning back into your spirit form while you are an avatar. Nothing fancy.
- Soul tear: Instantly claims someone's soul, turning them into a shell. Not that you need anymore but hey, more friends is always nice.
- Essence absorb: Instakills the target, skeltonizing them in the process. Best used on idiots who go up and ask you to take their soul. Remember kids, asking to be mindslaved will get you banned!
- Shadow blast(Once again, tell me if you have a better name): Causes an explosion, on par with a mediocre transfer valve bomb. Good for if you have to many idiots standing next to your avatar begging to be mindslaved for you to kill them one by one (or for destroying parts of the station I guess)
- Shell summon: Teleports your shells to you from a drop-down list, plus an option to just call them all at once if you want to have a party.
- Omega command: Like the other command skills, but it picks up players, critters, basically everything not fixed to the floor, and throws them at the target as well, for maximum hilarity.
Wraith weaknesses
Guess what? The chaplain is still a huge pain in the ass. In this case, they can target a prone but still alive shell to preform an excorism. If another shell or the wraith themselves doesn't intervene in time, the shell will have their soul returned, reverting them back into a human and weakening the wraith in the process. Smacking a wraith, revenant or shadowgod. in face with a bible also has a small chance to reclaim a random soul they have stolen, including from dead shells. As per usual, the chaplain is also immune to most of their skills, not being slowed by a roar or blinded by curse of darkness. Chaplains are even immune to a shadowgod's skills, making them the one person who can stand a fighting chance against one! If enough souls a reclaimed, than it is even possible to turn a shadowgod back into a wraith! Trying to steal a chaplain's soul is a bad idea, instantly banishing any wraith or shadowgod dumb enough to try it. As an addition not really part of the stuff listed above, splashing holy water on a tile will now act as invisible salt, forcing a wraith or even shadowgod to manifest. For a bit of comfort for non-chaplains, wearing eye protection will make you immune to curse of darkness, and if manifested by holy water, a shadowgod is just as vulnerable to lasers as a mortal.
Well that took a while, thanks for reading this entire clusterfuck, and don't be afraid to say anything you think could improve this and I will make sure to consider it <3
Edits: Things people suggested down below that could be applied.
- In general, it is agreed that the crew needs more ways to fight a wraith before we can get to buffing wraiths.
- Soul stealing could be renamed something else, the mechanic would be the same, but the terminology would be different. From Erev.
- Instead of mindslaving someone when you steal their soul, it would put a random dead player into the shell. This would effectively prevent people from intentionally getting converted. From Ferriswheel1
- The wraith would be able to inflict a variety of psychoactive aliments such as paranoia, space madness, or other such things that would be cured by sleeping. At the same time, the wraith can feed off of the nightmares of sleeping players to create horrible abominations that dead players can take control of. Also from Ferriswheel1
- Instead of forcing a shadowgod into their weaker state by having the chaplain reclaim souls, when a wraith turns into a shadowgod some sort of pylons or evil signs will spawn around the station, and destroying or consecrating them would turn the shadowgod back into a wraith. From Nnystyxx.