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What jobs need an update?
Which, in your opinion, are the top 5 jobs that need updating/changing/reworking the most? Personally, I would say: 

1. Cyborgs

2. The AI 

3. QM 

4. Sec Officer

5. Chef
put barman alongside chef, more drinks could use various effects

there has been significant amounts of talk about research and mining needing some love

mite b nice for engies to have different engine variants, or the ability to build/expand/repair the solars. it might also be good to consider collapsing mechanics and engineers into 1 job. the machine copying/stuff building part of the job can come after engine setup, or during it if there are multiple engies

qm and mining may also be able to be collapsed into 1 dept, unless a ton of shit is suddenly added to mining that makes it too big a job to balance with qm duties
qm is fine, you just need to use cheats to dupe materials as outlined in the bugs forum to make lots of money 

besides that i can't really think of meaningful ways to change or rework whats listed (i think as a frequent borg player the ai and borgs are fine, sec is inherently busted, chef is doomed to being obscure do-nothing job like the chaplain)
I'd make it a poll.

1. Cyborgs hopefully updated with the cyborg patch.

2. The AI needs work with its cameras and general field of view. I don't think they need much work outside of that. Maybe give their shells some more tools. Can't find that thread where it talked about the camera's.

3. QM needs an overhaul with the trader system, personally it should be all traders and things to buy/sell needs to be exanded upon badly. The recent thread of "sweet loot" would also make excellent purchable items

4. Sec Officer probably needs to have some tiered autoroll and would help with a few of the things suggested in the recent sec thread. It doesn't need THAT much work really though, it's fairly well rounded, just understaffed.

5. Chef/Botany BADLY needs some benefit to the crew. They've literally been fringe and gimmick use since the dawn of fucking time, and it's tiring. No I don't want to eat your droopy cake chef, yes I know it will make me retarded, yes I do want a reason to eat something, no I'm not fond of a food needs, TIA. It actually wouldn't need that much to make them important:  is an example and would encourage people to eat. Other than that, some fluff recipes for the chef is actually fairly easy to implement. Some asian and alien cuisine would be groovy.

6. Mining/Forging is something that still needs work and still feels incredibly unfinished. There needs to be more weapons and armor to craft, and there needs to be more stats to reflect this (Weight, Sharpness, Destruction (damage), Stability, etc).

What would be the best to work with bearing in mind of "amount of work" and "need", I'd say:

1. Chef, an easy change to make food benefits would not only make his job important, but also botany and food as a whole. This was needed for a while. Everything else is fluff.
2. Security, a balanced autofill and a neutral space law should be easy to implement, in fact out of them all would be the easiest. Everything else (expanded punishments) is again just fluff that can be added in over time.
3. QM. The shift to traders would be easy as it's already there. Adding in more stuff that they sell can be a thing done over time, but with the system in place should be easy enough to do as it's just pool lists.
4. Mining/Forging. As outlined above, badly needs more forged items.
5. AI: Improved vision is something that needs doing, but that sounds tricky code wise.

I'm not including Cyborg in that list because it seems it's chugging along with some steam lately.
qm is not fine, it needs to have the nice traders i invented added :3

as for botany, botany has conceptually a ton of uses and the ideas forum features even more possibilities for it(growing plant clone ppl for example). its just theres never any shortage of chems or meds that botany might need to grow to replace, and theres not a lot of upside to having plant limbs or a plant heart rather than cyber ones that can be easily and readily printed out of fabricators rather than needing to be bred and grown, and on top of this its typically remote location makes it difficult to arrange cooperation between it and the departments that could benefit from it
babayetu83 Wrote:qm is fine, you just need to use cheats to dupe materials as outlined in the bugs forum to make lots of money 

besides that i can't really think of meaningful ways to change or rework whats listed (i think as a frequent borg player the ai and borgs are fine, sec is inherently busted, chef is doomed to being obscure do-nothing job like the chaplain)
Your first point literally is an exploit that proves that not only does the qm system need work, but so does the material system.
Borg's needed work for a very long time, and throwing around "inherently busted" and "doomed to obscurity" is a very frigid outlook.
the chaplain has been receiving incremental updates and theres a good suggestion on the table in ideas about making the number of corpses present on station reflect the likelihood of a wraith appearing, thus making the chaplains crew obj/reason for being that much more relevant, so dont dump on our old friend, the chaplain
Roboticist could be reworked, I think. I'd like to see them as either the dedicated surgery job, freeing up the medical doctors to handle the more basic matters like sticking patches on people and the like, or given more robot stuff to mess about with, like guardbuddies and such. I know eons ago someone was working on a semi-programmable bot but that project disappeared into the ether, that would be nice to see resurrected.

Borgs and AI are fine, though borgs will be better once that rework finally hits. One thing that I'd like to see that would benefit both AI and engineers alike would be the capacity to reroute power at more granular levels than just 'switch equipment/lights on/off' - maybe you could sap a bit of bridge power and reroute it to robotics so the fabricators work faster, for instance, or reroute the entire station's power to one set of doors to burn a rampaging ling to ash.

Speaking of engineers, in theory fixing up the station should be enough to occupy them for most rounds - it's just that none of them ever do so. More ways to augment the engine might be nice too but atmos is already a touchy subject even before you bring in the idea of moveable/constructable atmos pipes.

More useful/funny stuff for chef food/barman drinks would be nice too, so your options aren't limited to 'lethal/severely debilitating' or 'doesn't do anything notable'.

Botany could use more reasons to go out and interact with the station, even if it's just planting pretty flowers in the corridors or the like. One issue with growing stuff outside botany is that all the stuff you need to raise plants properly is in botany - seedfab, nutrients, plant pots, water tank, etc. - and if you want to grow plants outside, it requires significant effort to lug that whole support system around. I'd like to see the introduction of some kind of soil that can be sprinkled around the station and have hardier plants growing in them with little support, with the plant trays reserved only for plants that require more delicacy in growing. Then again, quite a lot of people like botany as a nice isolated job that can chill and grow weed while the station goes to shit.

QM does need a rework, I'd prefer if miners were kept separate though since mining can take up quite a bit of time if you're dedicated to it. I know people have a lot of ideas for how to improve it.

Chaplain most definitely, it's pretty much a perpetual gimmick job at this point - what happened to that 'chaplain rework' that was being proposed anyway?
Giving botony the ability to plant flowers and the like around the station could be as simple as allowing certain plants to grow on grass tiles.

Grass seeds are available from a hacked seed fabricator and a portable seed fabricator is available from one of the other garden vending machines. Could be nice.

A portable pipe builder -- even just a fabricator on wheels -- would go so far in helping engineers to rebuild damaged parts of the station. Also, those little portable fuel tanks no longer refuel welders (off to the bug section after this post). So, engineers have to deal with a lot of bulky equipment in inconvenient places, which slows things down and deters them from making repairs.

Being able to build NEW atmos pipes, vents, valves, pumps, and connector ports would be a huge addition to engineering. Think of the hours of fun folks would have reworking the engine or building a new one across the statiom to offer competitive rates for power! Engineering has a monopoly on the energy market.
(05-19-2017, 03:21 AM)Sundance Wrote:
babayetu83 Wrote:qm is fine, you just need to use cheats to dupe materials as outlined in the bugs forum to make lots of money 

besides that i can't really think of meaningful ways to change or rework whats listed (i think as a frequent borg player the ai and borgs are fine, sec is inherently busted, chef is doomed to being obscure do-nothing job like the chaplain)
Your first point literally is an exploit that proves that not only does the qm system need work, but so does the material system.
Borg's needed work for a very long time, and throwing around "inherently busted" and "doomed to obscurity" is a very frigid outlook.

i honestly don't think much can be done with the chef that wouldn't tread on the toes of the medical doctor or anyone whose main job it is to heal people. maybe some minor buffs like a decaying overheal/stamina boost or temporary minor cold-heat resistance on food. i also think that the actual cooking process could be made less frustrating. just have time/heat instead make something fokken raw/overcooked and thusly imparts less of a bonus. i still feel like even if something like this were implemented it would mostly go ignored unused by the crew
an excellent healing food that "treads on medbays toes" is already left laying about in good quantities, the fabled donk pocket

nerf donk pockets(common hot pocket microwave crap always left sitting around everywhere), give chef foods(someone actually has to take a moment of effort to make them) trace amounts of such good chems
Y'know, if we want to make Chef more desirable as a job making it so that some more foods contained rare reagents like uranium, rotting, etc. would go a long way
the halloween themed foods should contain that shit that turns ppl skeleton, however, cooking up rare reagents just means youd get chemists breaking in because you couldnt feasibly serve that deadly shit to the crew unless you were traitor
(05-19-2017, 05:32 AM)misto Wrote: the halloween themed foods should contain that shit that turns ppl skeleton, however, cooking up rare reagents just means youd get chemists breaking in because you couldnt feasibly serve that deadly shit to the crew unless you were traitor

Well the floorpills rule does also apply to foods, so just leaving it around on the ground absolves you of any blame

And who said anything about it just being deadly shit? Being able to make stuff like Enriched MSG and Booster Enzyme via less complex kitchen methods would be a godsend.
(05-19-2017, 05:23 AM)misto Wrote: an excellent healing food that "treads on medbays toes" is already left laying about in good quantities, the fabled donk pocket

nerf donk pockets(common hot pocket microwave crap always left sitting around everywhere), give chef foods(someone actually has to take a moment of effort to make them) trace amounts of such good chems

why nerf when you can make them rarer with the only reliable way making them yourselves is meticulously in the kitchen

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