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rework materials from the ground up
As far as chemicals go, I don't think there should be any effects, and if there are it should be only a small handful of silly and hard to find out ones.

People should have to find out the system and how to best use it independently from any others. Not just grab a mauxite bar from the manufacturer without any effort and add their deathchem to it.
Fires should affect more items on the station. hot plasma fire in tool storage? Be prepared to deal with molten metal, molten walls and molten floors.
Having chems as additives isn't bad, ya. It's not like they all have to be useful. It could also be limited to harder to get chems like liquid spacetime, uranium, voltagen, etc. It's not really needed though.

I do dig the idea of chem-like recipes for matsci.

On the crafting end all I want are things to wear, really. Maybe a few matsci-only machines or something, but I like looking good over actually being useful. Anything that added cosmetic effects would be a huge plus. Crafted weapons are nice, but at current it looks like a bow and arrow could be far deadlier than a laser. The gem shivs are pretty stronk.
Yeah one of my favorite parts of matsci was just making goofy shit, I never figured out or had a reason to use the robust stuff.

One of the first things I did was make everything in my Chief Engineer's office into gold. I bet with enough determination and large purchases/stockpiles of ore, players could replace massive parts of the station with gold. Gold mugs, gold tables, gold chairs, gold watertanks, gold butts, gold buttBOTS, and so on.

Or they could do the same thing with erebite who cares but still
We need ways to show off our stupid opulence

EDIT: Modular learning systems like chem in other departments like matsci give the various departments a leg up against infinite chemspam and something fun to do
The reason science is OP is because it's justified by being gated behind randomness or secrets
An issue I've come across today is that sometimes custom materials will end up stuck in fabricators and trying to remove them didn't work. Rip my Alanbite i was gonna make armor out of.
(08-15-2016, 08:39 PM)ChaseSP Wrote: An issue I've come across today is that sometimes custom materials will end up stuck in fabricators and trying to remove them didn't work. Rip my Alanbite i was gonna make armor out of.

Yeah thats a problem i've had quite often as well, we should probably make a bug report
(08-16-2016, 04:21 AM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote:
(08-15-2016, 08:39 PM)ChaseSP Wrote: An issue I've come across today is that sometimes custom materials will end up stuck in fabricators and trying to remove them didn't work. Rip my Alanbite i was gonna make armor out of.

Yeah thats a problem i've had quite often as well, we should probably make a bug report

I already made one for miraclium long ago. Or was it 2?
(08-14-2016, 11:48 AM)Keelin Wrote:
(08-13-2016, 07:50 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote:
(08-11-2016, 01:16 PM)Keelin Wrote: I'm just gonna say: We tried the "every chem does something to materials".
It doesn't work. There's to many chems. It's impossible to keep all of that stuff updated and even more impossible to give all chems different effects when applied to materials.

Was the main difficulty in actually coding the effects or in coming up with them?

There's far more chems than theres attributes on materials. There's only so many things you can do.
That aside, it became a massive pain to keep all the different effects on the chems updated and balanced.

Yikes, that does sound horrible.

Maybe the chemical effects could be limited to only the reagents that actually make metallurgical sense, i.e. acids, iron, carbon, oxygen, etc.

A few silly chems could be thrown in there too, I guess.
I've been toying around with a text file that I add to every once and a while. What material system needs in particular is item that are unique. I'll be editing the list as feedback is given.

Another coding thing is base stats for certain items, such as spacesuit. What does this mean? It means that building a spacesuit will already have very minor cold resistance to begin with, but depending on what you make it from will add or subtract this cold resistance. This means you can now actually build something akin to an armored space suit. Other items will only use certain stats in particular. Others will only apply some of the stats, eg: Uqill armored gloves aren't going to protect you as much as Uqill armor. 
Alot of items will require new ores and new stats. This is intentional.  The Path is Grey
Also included on this list is Noah's spear patch, which I feel encompasses this quite nicely. cool

Plain glove -Will check for conductivity and apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Make your own insulating gloves that can resist some fire/cold/chemical damage! Will apply "unique" fiber prints on forensic analysis.
Armored glove - Will apply some of the various armor strengths. Cannot be insulated. Same as above with unique forensics analysis.
Barbed glove - Will apply some of the new "sharpness" stat. Sharpness is fairly self explanatory. Your punches now do minor stab damage! Barbed gloves are fingerless and do not obscure prints!
Knuckleduster - Will apply some of the hardness stat. Your punches are hard hitting! Does not obscure prints!

Plain shoes - Will apply some conductivity, thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Conductivity only protects against some shock. Will also apply some of a new stat "Roughness" which will reduce slipping.
Boots - Will apply some of the various armor strengths and conductivity. Will not apply roughness. Can be used in conjuction with the "dagger" see below
Powershoes - idea is still being bounced around in my head, but it requires a battery. I'm thinking something like increased speed for certain periods as-well as acting similar to mech boots.

Plain Shades- Uses transparency and reflectivity. Reflectivity in this instance will dictate resistance to flashes. Certain high reflectivity will outright resist flashes. High transparency will not obscure your vision whatsoever. 
Visors - Will require some power source. Probably do something cool like seeing much further in the dark.

Plain uniform/suit - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability + various armor strengths. Only aesthetic difference between uniform and suit. 

Horse mask/clown mask - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Horse mask has internals.
Plain mask - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Has base stat to corrosion damage. Significant corrosion damage can resist changeling spits/shit melting your face.
Reinforced mask - Will apply some armor stats. Has no base state to corrosion damage.

Tophat/Beret - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Has base stat to corrosion damage. Significant corrosion damage can resist changeling spits/shit melting your face.
Hardhat - Will apply some armor stats. 
Welding helmet - Receives bonus to reflectivity. Make a welding helmet which you can see perfectly out of
Helmet - Spacesuit helmet, receives bonus to thermal conductivity. Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability.

Exosuit - Will receive base stats for flammability + permeability. Will apply armor stats
Spacesuit - Will receive base stats for thermal conducitivity. Will apply armor stats.
Armor - Will receive base stats for armor. Is "sec armor" so similarly can be attached to things to make "armored" X

Melee Weapons
Dagger - Applies hardness and sharpness, one dictating damage other dictating bleeding damage. Daggers can be hidden in specific clothing items, particularly boots. 
Spears - See noahs patch. Might need sharpness coded though.
Warhammers - Same as spears, but uses metal slabs as the head. Use for stamina damage
Powered spears/warhammers - Uses a power source, i'm thinking it can be used to electrocute or knockback respectively.
Ninja stars - Essentially like takes old floor tile code and applies materials to it. Can be stacked in your hand.

Rifle pieces - Essentially uses material code that effects various things with the gun. Can accept bullets or can be used to make tasers/lasers. This idea is still being fleshed out, but i'm thinking of being able to fire incidencary bullets/ stuff that radiates, stuns etc. I want it along the lines of being difficult to make better than an laser rifle but easy enough to make some shit one shot gun.
Bows. Essentially the peasant rifle, arrows don't do as much damage as bullets do, but can be dipped into chemicals which makes this akin to a very slow syringe gun. Also is ineffective with some chems, for obvious balancing reasons.
More ways to use power cells would be nice re: things that need batteries like Neato Mech Boots. Powered weapons, also neat. Floortile shuriken: super fucking neat. Boot daggers: SUPER FUCKING NEAT

I like the idea of hiding a knife in my cowboy boots or something. One thing I've wondered for a long while, though, is: how the fuck do gloves help you besides 1. less disease spread, 2. door hacking, and 3. not burning your hand with light tubes? That's the only uses I've found for most of them and each one is mutually exclusive. Didn't know chems were involved.

It'd be cool if visors could take certain upgrades or chips to make them function like a given pair of glasses/goggles.
Either way, yeah. I have two views of materials/crafting: making goofy shit like golden floortiles, and making actually unique stuff that has a purpose. Making viable weapons would be a really helpful step for people being able to protect themselves or get up to some carnage if they know what's up.

also a++ for Weird Bullets

EDIT: This basically boils down to "sundance I support all of that and do not have any addition ideas JUST yet".
Well I do have one idea: stompy fuckyou cleats that hurt people if you walk on them while they're resting/prone
(08-17-2016, 02:36 PM)Sundance Wrote: I've been toying around with a text file that I add to every once and a while. What material system needs in particular is item that are unique. I'll be editing the list as feedback is given.

Another coding thing is base stats for certain items, such as spacesuit. What does this mean? It means that building a spacesuit will already have very minor cold resistance to begin with, but depending on what you make it from will add or subtract this cold resistance. This means you can now actually build something akin to an armored space suit. Other items will only use certain stats in particular. Others will only apply some of the stats, eg: Uqill armored gloves aren't going to protect you as much as Uqill armor. 
Alot of items will require new ores and new stats. This is intentional.  The Path is Grey
Also included on this list is Noah's spear patch, which I feel encompasses this quite nicely. cool

Plain glove -Will check for conductivity and apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Make your own insulating gloves that can resist some fire/cold/chemical damage! Will apply "unique" fiber prints on forensic analysis.
Armored glove - Will apply some of the various armor strengths. Cannot be insulated. Same as above with unique forensics analysis.
Barbed glove - Will apply some of the new "sharpness" stat. Sharpness is fairly self explanatory. Your punches now do minor stab damage! Barbed gloves are fingerless and do not obscure prints!
Knuckleduster - Will apply some of the hardness stat. Your punches are hard hitting! Does not obscure prints!

Plain shoes - Will apply some conductivity, thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Conductivity only protects against some shock. Will also apply some of a new stat "Roughness" which will reduce slipping.
Boots - Will apply some of the various armor strengths and conductivity. Will not apply roughness. Can be used in conjuction with the "dagger" see below
Powershoes - idea is still being bounced around in my head, but it requires a battery. I'm thinking something like increased speed for certain periods as-well as acting similar to mech boots.

Plain Shades- Uses transparency and reflectivity. Reflectivity in this instance will dictate resistance to flashes. Certain high reflectivity will outright resist flashes. High transparency will not obscure your vision whatsoever. 
Visors - Will require some power source. Probably do something cool like seeing much further in the dark.

Plain uniform/suit - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability + various armor strengths. Only aesthetic difference between uniform and suit. 

Horse mask/clown mask - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Horse mask has internals.
Plain mask - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Has base stat to corrosion damage. Significant corrosion damage can resist changeling spits/shit melting your face.
Reinforced mask - Will apply some armor stats. Has no base state to corrosion damage.

Tophat/Beret - Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability. Has base stat to corrosion damage. Significant corrosion damage can resist changeling spits/shit melting your face.
Hardhat - Will apply some armor stats. 
Welding helmet - Receives bonus to reflectivity. Make a welding helmet which you can see perfectly out of
Helmet - Spacesuit helmet, receives bonus to thermal conductivity. Will apply some thermal conductivity + flammability + permeability.

Exosuit - Will receive base stats for flammability + permeability. Will apply armor stats
Spacesuit - Will receive base stats for thermal conducitivity. Will apply armor stats.
Armor - Will receive base stats for armor. Is "sec armor" so similarly can be attached to things to make "armored" X

Melee Weapons
Dagger - Applies hardness and sharpness, one dictating damage other dictating bleeding damage. Daggers can be hidden in specific clothing items, particularly boots. 
Spears - See noahs patch. Might need sharpness coded though.
Warhammers - Same as spears, but uses metal slabs as the head. Use for stamina damage
Powered spears/warhammers - Uses a power source, i'm thinking it can be used to electrocute or knockback respectively.
Ninja stars - Essentially like takes old floor tile code and applies materials to it. Can be stacked in your hand.

Rifle pieces - Essentially uses material code that effects various things with the gun. Can accept bullets or can be used to make tasers/lasers. This idea is still being fleshed out, but i'm thinking of being able to fire incidencary bullets/ stuff that radiates, stuns etc. I want it along the lines of being difficult to make better than an laser rifle but easy enough to make some shit one shot gun.

powered warhammer's my borther's we are 40k space marines now
I hope you can make something unreasonably deadly with enough preparation/care
I want to whip a boot out of my dagger and thunk someone in the head with it
*Note: ideally daggers/spears/possibly stars should be capable of being embedded into someone when thrown, capable of being removed by hand but causing way more bleeding if they are; a bingo shot to the head (small chance) would possibly ko or do really severe damage

put a cerenkite battery attached to a big stupid uqill/bohrum hammer
become thor
actually that'd be hilarious if a strong enough powered spear/warhammer made electric arc effects

in lieu of eguns arm the crew with stupid shitty pipe guns (think the ones from fallout 4 made of scrap metal and fuck)

a battalion of sec officers with super tough armor and giant hammers would be pretty goddamn cool to see and also terrifying
Stars i'd like to see being embedded if embedded stuff ever gets coded into the dart rifle.
I forgot to add bows and arrows.. edited and added.

~Special effects~ like arc flashes from weapons, armor that causes you to ominously float, stuff that glows, armor that gives minor regenerative abilities, shit that set shit on fire/freeze things, and other stuff is to be included in wave 2 of my ideas, which will be special ores.
One thing really cool idea is a particular use for smelting soul steel into a dagger, resulting in a weapon which can be affiliated with the first ghost that hovers over it. I shan't say any more till I have more ideas on the table.
(08-17-2016, 03:19 PM)Sundance Wrote: Stars i'd like to see being embedded if embedded stuff ever gets coded into the dart rifle.
I forgot to add bows and arrows.. edited and added.

~Special effects~ like arc flashes from weapons, armor that causes you to ominously float, stuff that glows, armor that gives minor regenerative abilities, shit that set shit on fire/freeze things, and other stuff is to be included in wave 2 of my ideas, which will be special ores.
One thing really cool idea is a particular use for smelting soul steel into a dagger, resulting in a weapon which can be affiliated with the first ghost that hovers over it. I shan't say any more till I have more ideas on the table.

Yes please. Infusions/materials that have Special Spooky Effects are my jam. Unique items + standard materials vs UNIQUE MATERIALS = this sounds like it'll be super fun and interesting.

Basically, my intent with the molds and such was to just further the silly cosmetics part of it. I love everything you're doing in terms of actual viable Stuff/crafting objects, Sundance. smile

Make armor that causes people who attack you unshielded to get really cold/burst into flames; 'reactive armor' basically
or taser/tesla armor. I find myself wondering if there'll be any indication if something has special traits-- possibly a sparkle/particle effect or a unique coloration or something?? who knows
(08-17-2016, 03:19 PM)Sundance Wrote: One thing really cool idea is a particular use for smelting soul steel into a dagger, resulting in a weapon which can be affiliated with the first ghost that hovers over it. I shan't say any more till I have more ideas on the table.

Soul steel was actually originally intended to have a recipe and do some really spooky shit.

It doesn't now though.

Source: I helped Keelin with something at some point way back when and he filled me in on that as a sort of pseudo-reward. I think it was the recipe for sorium, maybe?

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