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What jobs need an update?
being able to bookmark different crew members would be great. the bookmarks window could be in an upper-right tab like where the status and commands things are, you know?
I figured a keyboard shortcut kinda thing

Like, ctrl+1 to set, shift+1 to recall
I think the hard part about reworking things that get raided constantly (hi QM) is that it's hard to rework people who just break in or heads who loot the place.
(05-21-2017, 11:07 AM)Sundance Wrote: rawr.

I like the sound of my own typing, honestly. I love exchanging ideas and arguing positions. Even in situations where said ideas and positions are pointless.

In the very least, threads like these are cathartic.
Wire Wrote:I just want to add that I'm at least reading every post in this thread, as I'm sure other admins are too. Mostly I've had no comments to make that expand on what's already being discussed by you guys.

You're right that this thread contains a lot of "oh that's gonna take a while to code" ideas though. Not necessarily a bad thing though! Keep rocking you guys

I appreciate the sentiment but the problem isn't that an admin is not reading it. The problem lies when a community doesn't know what it wants. Sure, we can all agree with each other, but then we just look like a bunch of nodding heads, it's just as destructive as people disagreeing with other.

misto Wrote:its good to bounce ideas back n forth in threads like this sundance, it helps us all formulate more GOOD IDEAS

Tell that to the Idea's & Suggestions forum. Arguably this is worse than it, as instead of discussing a central point, we're discussing a large swathe of problems, pinning down literally nothing in the process.

Nnystyxx Wrote: 
Part of the reason I mention 'hey what about blob overmind style AI' is because every single time it's mentioned, by numerous separate people, everybody generally likes it over our current system. I'm pressing the topic because there's a ton of emphasis on AI lately.

So bleh. I get your point, though. This isn't necessarily an ideal format for getting shit done.

You see, that's where I disagree. I don't think that AI is the most pressing thing that needs work. Yes, it's a damn slog at times that could use some brushing up but it's functional to a degree, it contributes greatly to the flow of the round, intrinsic even. I'd rank it on par with sec: a bit rusty around the edges but functional. While other departments; Chef, Botany, Chaplain, Medics (arguably), QM, Mining, etc, contribute nothing to the round, they have literally zero purpose outside their respective roles.

My loud dumb policy of kicking up sand is trying to prove a point: Lots of people DO feel AI needs a good chunk of work, and while I may disagree (heavily even), I'm just one voice. We need consistency and move from there. Otherwise this thread will sink to the bottom, gather dust and no longer be relevent. Much like goon will be on the byond list.
it sounds like you are frustrated that we are often a lot of talk and little action, sundance my friend. i understand. i tried to learn coding c++ once and it was quite challenging and i could only ever follow crummy step by step tutorials. do you think byond codes would be easier or harder?
C++ ain't the language I'd recommend for starters or weekend coders. If you have zero coding experience then it's probably best to start out with python or javascript just to get the logic down. Something like codecademy is geat for learning syntax and usage.

Anyways, the thread has given me insight into what other players think about the issue. A few have even altered some of my views through successful arguments. It's been pretty good for me atleast.
Codeacademy is awful.

I'd recommend just about any other resource over codeacademy.

I started with small BASIC before moving on to visual basic.

Small basic is good for beginners looking to get the fundamentals of programming down.

Visual basic is similar to small basic but is a fully featured programming language that you can actually make commercial applications with.

You could also just jump right into gooncode and learn through trial and error, but that's probably a recipe for suffering and disaster
HAH! I knew somebody was gonna say that.

Okay, yeah, it's not great - but it's fine for learning syntax. Not very good for learning what to actually do with it, but it can teach you how to read code. The big point is it's interactive. That nixes two of the biggest traps to learning to code, feedback and boredom.

I'm sure there are other sites with interpreters and auto-feedback, but I haven't looked for years.
This is what Sundance is referring to. Three posts (I didn't count) later and we're off the rails talking about coding languages and tools for learning (w3school and tizag are also helpful).

I've brought up this same point before with the same criticisms. Let's now go full circle here and bring it back to the original post, which wasn't even about improvements to be made but simply "what jobs need an update."

It was answered and agreed upon by everyone in varying degrees. I'm taking it upon myself to organize this a bit more.

See the links below for individual threads, which from here on forward will go through three stages:
1. Discuss what needs changing
2. Prioritize those changes
3. Organize and take action

We've done step 1 for a lot of these jobs so that will be a short phase. Phase 2 will be majority rules, with the most votes being the highest priority and ideas with no support (apart from the poster) will be swept under the rug to be dragged up in another thread some day in the not too distant future. Phase 3 will be the most difficult as that requires more effort than just typing what we think.

I am happy to help sprite, we can organize other folks for spriting and coding things as well I'm sure. Let's see what we can do when we put our heads together.





Borgs are currently undergoing an overhaul. So, let's see how that turns out before we pile more stuff on top of it.
Someone really ought to sticky all those threads.

The forum could use more organization with dedicated subforums for each job department and general mechanics rather than a big bucket to dump everything into
(05-22-2017, 02:03 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Someone really ought to sticky all those threads.

The forum could use more organization with dedicated subforums for each job department and general mechanics rather than a big bucket to dump everything into

At this point I would honestly not mind that in order to keep things vaguely organized

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