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Radstorms are a little bit too rare.
The reason I liked them so much was just the worry of being trapped with someone who wanted to murder you in 7 different ways. Maybe the rad storm could be changed so the shacking only lasts a few seconds at the beginning? They could still be rare enough not to be annoying, but actually happen so you could get some lucky rounds as an antag.
My favourite thing about them was how they forced people to get off of their chemmasters / genetics consoles / whatever and hang out for a bit. Every round it's all the same, people absorbed in work all the time. The radstorms gave us a nice fire-drill type of deal that forced everyone to huddle together in maint and wait it out.

It was a non-permanent way of mixing things up compared to a meteor shower. Sure, if your department gets beaned with one you'll have to leave and probably not come back for the rest of the round, because if anything, people would rather call the shuttle than take part in any large-scale repairs, especially with all the paranoia making interdepartmental cooperation almost impossible as everyone seems to prefer their little corner of the station.

I won't pretend that I would go "Yay! Radstorm!" but I never disliked them and as an event I think they're really cool. Especially compared to the godawful spatial tear
My suggestion is Dad Storms.

Incredible Egg Factory Update
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Maybe making radstorms localized to certain areas could be fun.
They could shut down smaller areas like like shipping, medbay, and security wing for a short period of time. They could also have a chance of affecting broader areas like only all maintenance tunnels or only all of the main hallways. That way, they still have the potential to force the crew to stay put for a while so evildoings can happen without forcing them out of their workplace and into a maintenance tunnel.
Maybe they could disable the lights in the affected area/the whole station too?
Methane storms (the ones that blow people's butts off) should give the AI butt-related laws like "speak only in farts" and "only butts are human" or just turn the regular laws into buttbot speak.
AngriestIBM Wrote:My suggestion is Dad Storms.

Incredible Egg Factory Update
Family Visit Imminence Alert
This is an automated reminder that NANOTRASEN FAMILY WEEKEND will begin in one minute. Your dad(s) will arrive shortly. Please ensure that your workplaces are clean and prepared.
Oh god. That round was a terrible, terrible thing.

...I support it wholeheartedly.
If the nuclear engine is ever added, perhaps radstorms and a nuclear leak could be somewhat the same.

I mean it only makes sense if the engine is leaking radiation it should kinda sorta behave like a radstorm, and it means engineers are kinda protected from it because they get special suits. (in addition perhaps captain's armor should be somewhat radiation proof as well)

Someone will probably consider that a dumb idea for reasons, but I think making people question rad-storm over nuclear leak could be fun.

False positives for everyone!

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