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Emags can't deactivate AI turrets?
Emags are also really expensive, and the AI is hidden behind an airbridge now. If someone can completely bend the AI to their will and crush all the reset modules, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to (dangerously) fortify the AI room.
Make emags set the turrets to a random setting with a cooldown.
Yeah, making the turrets just flip out and change settings unpredictably would be pretty fun.
The way this thread is going wasn't my intention but this actually sounds useful, I mean when you DO manage to get in there and change the AI to what you want, you can emag the turrets as a big "fuck you" to anyone trying to fix it.
How about you make turrets/turret consoles emaggable twice, like securitrons? Once for random functions, twice to set it to All Lasers All The Time?
get in not go out

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