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Give Pathology Access to the Science Station
While I prefer working on station this seems like it would be a good thing.
I'm gonna say what I said yesterday about path: Move path somewhere completely different, probably somewhere in maint or in space, with the same access requirements. Then make the MD's office a tile or two wider, poor MD has the smallest office on cog2. Expand genetics a bit, add anothed computer and double the starting genetics budget
I think Pathology is fine where it is. Diseases leaking because of its location is part of the fun.
There is, actually another Pathology site in the debris field. I'd be surprised if it ever got used, since it's fuck-all hard to get to and full of zombies.

Having pathology gear ready on the science outpost kinda makes it even easier to whip up a turbo-plague in secret, rare as that is. Secret doomsday labs should always be within pitchforks and torches range. Maybe make the pathology kit moveable/rebuildable?

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