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Cargo Borgs
New module for idea for borgs. Comes with:
  • Speed upgrade
  • Cargo transporter
  • Produce satchel
  • Ore Satchel
  • Handlabeler
  • Crate dispenser-drops a crate
  • Internal Locker - Pops open or closed the borgs chest cavity, acting as a standard locker. Can't be welded closed. Increases power drain while carrying things.
  • Saddle - Let's people ride the borg as a vehicle
this sounds really good and i'd love to play as one
I said this before, but this sounds fuckin' hilarious. While we're at it give them a people scoop which scoops up prone people who pop out if they stand up. It'd be like a clown car for the dead and unconscious.

Scooterborg 2016. Get it done, people.
Make them big and musclebound so they can lift crates with their robotic muscles. Just imagine a troop of borg bodybuilders with twirly wire moustaches in cargo hoisting around crates and chuckling heartily.

Also, give them some sort of magboots effect so they can ignore cargo belts.
Taxi borgs
I can see some problems with the original idea, but the basis for this idea is a great one, and I support it.
get in not go out
I love this idea

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