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Motives on classic (mostly hunger)
personally id love em. especially hunger. i dont really like the way thirst works though cause you need to drink like 80 tons of water to not be thirsty anymore which is a bit silly. if you put hygiene on tho then all thats gonna result in is everyone being stinky forever (except meeeeeeeeeeeeee space goose )
I just think thrist (even on RP) is the most annoying to quench. Any other drink makes you drunk and quenches less. Juices don't do enough. And soda's might give you a trip to medbay.

I mostly end up spamming tea. But my biggest problem is that Triple C the best quencher has to be chugged by a pitcher to get an effect.

In my opinion... being drunk should NULLIFY the need to feel thristy or hungry. Thus their debuffs won't apply, but at the same time.. you are drunk...
Makes a nice risk / reward system. And makes bartenders get to do more.

Quick Edit: I don't mean it quenches it. I mean it nullifies the debuffs, your hunger and thrist are still low and the moment you get out of being drunk. You will HAVE to eat and drink to lower it.
Juices restore thirst on a life-tick basis, so what you're feeling about fruit juices not restoring enough might be because of that. It takes a minute or two to restore it all, but it really only takes a shot glass or two of triple C to quench someone. A blend of fruit juices that don't mix restores a little less thirst at a faster rate. Having thirst restore slowly fits well on RP, but I don't know about classic. That alcohol idea sounds cool as heck.
I also like the add... smoking was also used in the past to lower the need to snack or eat.

So we can also give smoking the "nulification" of hunger. And "drinking" the nullification of thrist.
Drinking should nullify hygiene. You're too drunk to care that you stink
When I play I play to relax and have fun, not to fill bars on screen.
You don't need motives on classic. If you want motives just make them up yourself. Set a timer for when you should be thirsty or hungry.
Don't push it on everyone else in classic.
I mean with thirst we could always sprite some water fountains, and just like real ones the pressure for em is always off a bit. Emag them and it could launch you back
(01-20-2024, 07:05 PM)mralexs Wrote: I mean with thirst we could always sprite some water fountains, and just like real ones the pressure for em is always off a bit. Emag them and it could launch you back

funny but we already have water coolers.
There just has to be an easier way to quench it or deal with it.
IMO you could just add HoT (all) to every chef food, and have that sit aside from the 4 unique food buffs. that'd kick up people using it in both RP and classic. right now, so many dishes just stink.

I get that there's the flat heal, but HoT all is the most classic-applicable buff. Up its duration and keep the heal speed low. That'll make going to the kitchen a reliable 'i can get heals AND more'
Yeah I was planning on adding new buffs to food. In particular I want to see if I can attach a "well-cooked food" type buff to anything made by someone with the chef training trait. I'll see if I can do that regardless if motives are added.

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