Admin: Flourish
Server: Classic, I don't remember which one
Date + time: 9/25/2022, A little before 1:50 pm, eastern time
Synopsis: Pretty much every example on the wiki, I get, except for "bitch." When I slipped and typed whore a few times I understood that warning, me and my friends call eachother that as a goof, it's become a more casual word for me, and I can see it not being acceptable here.
But I've now been reprimanded multiple times by two admins and given an hour ban for "bitch" and I just...don't see how that's a universally bigoted thing to say, it's such a light cuss compared to the various slurs presented on the wiki. How is that significantly worse than dick or ass? I can see some contexts where that can be used misogynistically, but I'm not disparaging women, I use it interchangeably with something like asshole because it's quicker to type. The use that got me banned wasn't even at a player, I was yelling at a beepsky for arresting people randomly.
I'm not trying to cause trouble, these servers are great and as a trans woman I'm glad admins are so attentive to fighting bigotry, but as long as feedback is open, I really feel like this is a word where context matters more.
Server: Classic, I don't remember which one
Date + time: 9/25/2022, A little before 1:50 pm, eastern time
Synopsis: Pretty much every example on the wiki, I get, except for "bitch." When I slipped and typed whore a few times I understood that warning, me and my friends call eachother that as a goof, it's become a more casual word for me, and I can see it not being acceptable here.
But I've now been reprimanded multiple times by two admins and given an hour ban for "bitch" and I just...don't see how that's a universally bigoted thing to say, it's such a light cuss compared to the various slurs presented on the wiki. How is that significantly worse than dick or ass? I can see some contexts where that can be used misogynistically, but I'm not disparaging women, I use it interchangeably with something like asshole because it's quicker to type. The use that got me banned wasn't even at a player, I was yelling at a beepsky for arresting people randomly.
I'm not trying to cause trouble, these servers are great and as a trans woman I'm glad admins are so attentive to fighting bigotry, but as long as feedback is open, I really feel like this is a word where context matters more.