08-28-2022, 10:43 AM
Usual character name: Arcturus Maddox/Ash Dusters/Typhon Naberius
BYOND username: Honeybree
Discord username (if you are on our discord): HoneyBree#7860
Recommended by (if applicable): Juggernaut2442, Telareti, MDIPurple, Nefarious6th
Goon servers you play: RP 3 and 4
Reason for application: Security can sometimes lack coordination or an arbitrator, and these problems can be a detriment to not only security’s, but the crew’s, and the antagonists’, enjoyment; and while an HoS isn’t needed to alleviate that, they can certainly help. I enjoy leading security as an officer, coordinating people, and being an example to them and I hope to make people’s rounds more enjoyable.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
During my time with security I have met many lovely people who have helped shape how I play security; such as when to hold back and give some leeway, to match the intensity with the given situation, or directed me how to play in a way more conducive to fun gameplay/RP. I’ve learned to effectively use the security tools given thanks to my mentors and friends, mainly the radio, which has been paramount to good coordination and communication. I’ve learned most of my security tools fairly well, and could accurately describe their functions and in which scenarios to use them to a newer player if needed. I’ve also learned to get a good handle on sentencing times, punishments for crimes, and how to treat criminals with respect.
An organized and coordinated security team is efficient and fun to play with, for not only the security team, but the crew and antagonists as well. Personally, I like to point out issues to the team, give situation reports, and keep the team organized and on the same page with a level head. When I was learning security, having all this information was overwhelming, but having someone to decrypt it was extremely valuable.
To expand on an earlier point about communication being the most important tool, I’ve found that that doesn’t just apply to security. I’ve learned that the best way to de-escalate a situation in a satisfying way is to talk! There’s been many times I could’ve just tazed someone and arrested them to solve a situation, but that wouldn’t be satisfying to either of us. Talking is also the best way to gather information in my opinion; Oftentimes just talking to someone will give you 10 times the info and enjoyment that going around with a forensics scanner would. As for information itself, I use it to temper my judgement on how to treat a criminal; If they aren’t harming others enjoyment of the round, maybe I’ll let the guy, who I just can’t link to the scene of the crime despite knowing out of game it was likely him, go.
Lastly, something important I’ve learned is that despite the amount of power you have to direct the flow of the round, you don’t have to always use that power. If you are getting overwhelmed it is alright to take a break, step back, and take everything one step at a time. All in all, we’re here to have fun.
Answer two or more of the following:
Criminals and “bad players” are still people, they are still players behind the screen, think about them before you act! Most people are not intentionally malicious or wanting to take away fun from others' games.
Trust is a big thing in security. Trust your team to handle issues on their own, they don’t always need someone to watch them; it’s ok to say “I can’t check on that at the moment, could someone else?”. Trust other officers' opinions and judgement, look to them for help if you are unsure on something, and trust they can handle a situation without a team there for them at all times, watching. Trust other departments that they can do their job, there’s no need to heal another officer if a doctor has a chance to, even if they fail, it’s all part of the game and story. Even trust antagonists to escalate properly, give them some leeway to develop fun RP plotlines for everyone! You don’t always have to win. Trust that others will be acting in the best interest of fun. Others trust security, and that should go both ways; Security isn’t just about security, it’s about the whole station, and what we do doesn’t just affect security’s round, so be cautious and empathetic so as to not ruin others’ rounds.
When alone it’s important to relay information to the captain/AI, but even if they’re not there, communicate with other departments! Leaving a paper trail is not only important on teams to reference back to, but if you’re alone it can let people know what to do if/when you die, have to leave the round in some other way, or just to reference back to. On my own I feel confident enough in my grasp on appropriate punishments, and on how to respond to situations based on severity without others to assist.
On a team, communication is king, a disorganized team is not allocating resources effectively; Report on everything you do, arrests, brigging, backup needed. On a team you have much more leeway than solo, as you can trust your team to handle issues without you. You also have more input on how to handle a situation than just your own gut decisions, and you have more RP options for situations (such as a hostage situation, or disaster relief after an explosion, etc.).
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Syndies are red,
Sec is red,
My clothes are red,
I am bleeding to death.
![[Image: A2npiqdMoEmn1uejUXgv35aubAB9n7vf6TCv6meR...i7NMum5KW0]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/A2npiqdMoEmn1uejUXgv35aubAB9n7vf6TCv6meRGl9DJUGx_Vzi4YYeGbOPnDmNgiWiJEUdPJihqRDwRePtMUvOZ1Lqlmih7HvLQ7fakprAavxx21_KbWVgT8gASdPnP86VGXAgmFnVIi7NMum5KW0)
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None to my knowledge.
BYOND username: Honeybree
Discord username (if you are on our discord): HoneyBree#7860
Recommended by (if applicable): Juggernaut2442, Telareti, MDIPurple, Nefarious6th
Goon servers you play: RP 3 and 4
Reason for application: Security can sometimes lack coordination or an arbitrator, and these problems can be a detriment to not only security’s, but the crew’s, and the antagonists’, enjoyment; and while an HoS isn’t needed to alleviate that, they can certainly help. I enjoy leading security as an officer, coordinating people, and being an example to them and I hope to make people’s rounds more enjoyable.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
During my time with security I have met many lovely people who have helped shape how I play security; such as when to hold back and give some leeway, to match the intensity with the given situation, or directed me how to play in a way more conducive to fun gameplay/RP. I’ve learned to effectively use the security tools given thanks to my mentors and friends, mainly the radio, which has been paramount to good coordination and communication. I’ve learned most of my security tools fairly well, and could accurately describe their functions and in which scenarios to use them to a newer player if needed. I’ve also learned to get a good handle on sentencing times, punishments for crimes, and how to treat criminals with respect.
An organized and coordinated security team is efficient and fun to play with, for not only the security team, but the crew and antagonists as well. Personally, I like to point out issues to the team, give situation reports, and keep the team organized and on the same page with a level head. When I was learning security, having all this information was overwhelming, but having someone to decrypt it was extremely valuable.
To expand on an earlier point about communication being the most important tool, I’ve found that that doesn’t just apply to security. I’ve learned that the best way to de-escalate a situation in a satisfying way is to talk! There’s been many times I could’ve just tazed someone and arrested them to solve a situation, but that wouldn’t be satisfying to either of us. Talking is also the best way to gather information in my opinion; Oftentimes just talking to someone will give you 10 times the info and enjoyment that going around with a forensics scanner would. As for information itself, I use it to temper my judgement on how to treat a criminal; If they aren’t harming others enjoyment of the round, maybe I’ll let the guy, who I just can’t link to the scene of the crime despite knowing out of game it was likely him, go.
Lastly, something important I’ve learned is that despite the amount of power you have to direct the flow of the round, you don’t have to always use that power. If you are getting overwhelmed it is alright to take a break, step back, and take everything one step at a time. All in all, we’re here to have fun.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Criminals and “bad players” are still people, they are still players behind the screen, think about them before you act! Most people are not intentionally malicious or wanting to take away fun from others' games.
Trust is a big thing in security. Trust your team to handle issues on their own, they don’t always need someone to watch them; it’s ok to say “I can’t check on that at the moment, could someone else?”. Trust other officers' opinions and judgement, look to them for help if you are unsure on something, and trust they can handle a situation without a team there for them at all times, watching. Trust other departments that they can do their job, there’s no need to heal another officer if a doctor has a chance to, even if they fail, it’s all part of the game and story. Even trust antagonists to escalate properly, give them some leeway to develop fun RP plotlines for everyone! You don’t always have to win. Trust that others will be acting in the best interest of fun. Others trust security, and that should go both ways; Security isn’t just about security, it’s about the whole station, and what we do doesn’t just affect security’s round, so be cautious and empathetic so as to not ruin others’ rounds.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When alone it’s important to relay information to the captain/AI, but even if they’re not there, communicate with other departments! Leaving a paper trail is not only important on teams to reference back to, but if you’re alone it can let people know what to do if/when you die, have to leave the round in some other way, or just to reference back to. On my own I feel confident enough in my grasp on appropriate punishments, and on how to respond to situations based on severity without others to assist.
On a team, communication is king, a disorganized team is not allocating resources effectively; Report on everything you do, arrests, brigging, backup needed. On a team you have much more leeway than solo, as you can trust your team to handle issues without you. You also have more input on how to handle a situation than just your own gut decisions, and you have more RP options for situations (such as a hostage situation, or disaster relief after an explosion, etc.).
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- What’s a security gimmick that you’ve ran or wanted to run?
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Syndies are red,
Sec is red,
My clothes are red,
I am bleeding to death.
- Draw a picture!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None to my knowledge.