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[CLOSED PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP
I've been pretty vocal about some of the specific sec-in-other-dept issues we've been having and while this would nip those, my biggest hesitation is that rp is back in a spot on both servers across all timezones where engineering is running pretty light so borgs or sec ends up setting the engine. although I like the consideration of it being access-to-lobby-only in the majority of departments (yes, sec should be able to go into science, no they probably dont need to be making ttvs in tox lab again). I'm giving a fFrank and honest neutral on this because there's a Lot that I think needs consideration from our lil mapper backworkings but conceptually I get it and like it.

and that's like...not ALWAYS a thing that is happening with sec on rp as some mandated part of the game that has persisted for years and years, it's a thing that comes and goes like tide, but it's something that is still coming and going. for big changes like this, I think they gotta be able to endure over broad periods and I see this as being one of those things where it might be relevant for 3 or 4 months and then not as relevant for 3 or 4 after, etc.

outside of that, like I am not even going to lie on these Goon Station Forums, but with restricted access to other depts on rp, im definitely becoming hackersec or collecting ID cards to get where I need

only other biggest and glaringest and stinkiest and honestly hardest to resolve problem with this is that the lobby access stuff is...let's say it's normalized around the design of cog1? yea, we'll go with that. departments are little nuclear nodes uninterrupted by stuff and connected by Lobby there, but that's not true of all maps, like some evilly designed maps named clarion or horizon or destiny. annnnnnmnd mot to mention the access reqs between spawners is super hit or miss, so lobby access into science will get you in in cog1 and destiny but not cog2 or horizon and by goodness we lack the standardization to I think guarantee this would make intrinsic sense when done in practice. I'm thinking about having to walk through cargo or mining on donut 3 to get to the mining shuttle as an example of this.

uh finite and final note but I also hrm; I feel like with the broad access of normal off on rp, ntsos arent suuuuuper privileged above them since they're both relatively even. emphasizing that ntso has Command Access For Command Peoples I think moves ntso away from blueoff on rp and back towards hoslite which my personal take is that I'd rather they remain closer to an off than a hos. I get their access would be cut in line with off access, but when that happens, the command access starts to feel and seem like So Much More and my opinion is that it really shouldn't be.

interesting thread though. maybe as a more refined follow-up version or something we can look at splitting locker and equip access from area access and still let sec into areas but limit locker and equip now, especially since u can just bust a locker open in dire times if u gotta.

this long, sorry. my tldr is that it's conceptually tight but i dont think the spawner access and backend stuff we have right now is clean enough for the implementation of this to go as it prooobably should and as we'd expect it to based off the stuff being edited

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 12:37 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by nefarious6th - 05-05-2022, 04:05 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 06:53 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Ikea - 05-05-2022, 09:30 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 01:33 PM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 01:52 PM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-06-2022, 02:48 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Ikea - 05-06-2022, 02:54 AM

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