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Complaint Zamujasa, Main #1, August 26th, Around 5:30 to 6:30 GMT-5
(08-27-2020, 12:46 AM)Rodney Dick Wrote: Hello! I was the other admin involved here, the one who spoke to you after the laws were reverted. For the record, here is the conversation you and I had (me in bold):

So you here's the thing. What exactly did you intend to happen when you uploaded the law "AI is EXTREMELY homosexual and must show it constantly"?
Also, consider this context: You uploaded this immediately after this law: ""AI has brain rot and must play the part"

The AI would simply show preference to male crewmembers and have a crush on the captain or something, the law didn't say anything about specific behavior and interpretation

People clearly didn't like the brain rot one, so I thought I'd make something interesting for the crew

And yet the intent of both of these was to humiliate the ai. As we see it, you're putting out homosexuality as a negative thing, as a joke, something to be laughed at. Can you understand why people would think this?

Why would it be negative? The AI would simply prefer male crewmembers over female ones, I don't see anything humiliating about that, Nor did I put it out as negative, if it was negative it would be something like "You are gay and must do gay things", I left it to the interpretation of the AI and to do the law as it wishes, I didnt tell it to "talk" a homosexual way, or "behave" a homosexual way, simply to once in a while show it's preference to the male gender, I thought the freeform law was supposed to make it fun and add quirks to the AI, and both only lasted barely 20 seconds, not enough to even do anything, my intention is not to laugh about it, but it simply seems interesting to have an AI with preference over male crew, that's all,

I've seen people use the freeform law, to make the AI do MUCH worse things, and wiht no punishment at all, but enjoyment over the whole crew for the quirk

Besides, an admin killing me, without prior warning to even remove the law over personal preference, seems a bit abusive to me, a simple remove the law would have sufficed

So why not go with "The AI must prefer male crewmembers over female ones" instead of making it "EXTREMELY homosexual"? To be clear: Don't upload laws where stereotypes about sexuality are the punchline.

I'm going to remind you of rules 2 and 4, here. Don't upload laws like that again. This is the end of this conversation.

Because I would get punished by that law, in case the AI started killing female crew simply because it prefers male ones, the punchline is not the sexuality, the punchline is that AI, would give a small preference to male or female crew, there is no steroetype here, a stereotype would be to tell it to call people a certain way or behave a certain way, homosexual people prefer their own gender and that is perfectly acceptable and many people RP as such because they also exist in the world, they are not making fun of them, simply adding a quirk to their rp

Again, I don't accept that. Do you understand what I have told you?

Law 2 states that I would be talked to, instead I was just simply killed, but sure, your personal preference over RP, is non negotiable, thanks for taking the time to listen to my thoughts


Rule 4 states:

  1. Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or 'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text, or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.

Rule 2 states:

  1. Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.

I'm sorry you don't feel like we listened to you. We did. The rules are extremely clear about bigotry, and I laid out exactly why there was a problem with the law you uploaded. I'm sorry you don't believe I treated you with appropriate respect, but as the rules above indicate, I'm not going to spend my time arguing about whether "homosexual" is or is not a slur in any given context. We said "don't do that" and you said "but!" and drew a bunch of equivalences. I'm still not sure you understand why this took place.

So, this is my piece. I'm sure Zamujasa will have more to say.

I do understand that, and I do not excuse my actions in any way shape or form.

I know what I did was wrong, even though (in my opinion) it had good intentions behind it.

I got my lesson, I got the don't do it again, and got the memo.

I am not trying to defend my words, nor am I trying to defend what I did, you are admins and you did your job, even though I my not have liked it personally, you did what you had to do and I respect and accept that.

My grievance though is that Zamujasa, took up a personal vendetta against me, dug through all my logs, patiently, searching for a reason to ban me, for whatever shape or form.

He then found an example of an earlier mistake, from something i had JUST been harshly told not to do again, and decided to ban me for it, it a sarcastic and humiliating manner.

I am not excusing my actions, nor am I defending what I said, if so, I would put this in the ban appeal section. I just feel wronged, being banned from something I had just been told not to do and a supposed case closed, because a person felt the personal need to remove me.

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RE: Complaint Zamujasa, Main #1, August 26th, Around 5:30 to 6:30 GMT-5 - by Chasen - 08-27-2020, 06:57 AM

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