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Rework Firebrand
Firebrand is another rarely seen Nukie class along with the medic, and I feel it's more than just not being able to shoot assistants unlike the Medic. I feel that the Firebrand isn't as fleshed out as the other classes and could use some love.
    • - Replace their flamethrower with a proper flamethrower
    • Feels weird that while every other class gets their own high-grade guns (for the Syndicate anyways) while the Firebrand is stuck with a makeshift piece of trash that anyone on the station can make with a welder and some pipes. An actual milspec flamer to fit along with the other class' weaponry, with some advantages over the makeshift version like higher capacity tanks, better fuel economy, etc would definitely help to make the class stand out and feel better to use.
    • - Give the Firebrand better/more fuel
    • The Firebrand's flamethrower fuel, Napalm, is, while fine on a functional level, doesn't really stand out much since it's a relatively simple fire chem. The Infiltrator gets their own knockout chem; why not give the Firebrand their own fire chem? They could also have extra, specialized chem tanks to use, such as a healing tank that sprays Synthflesh or an acid tank that melts items and faces, but this might not be necessary. Another idea is a high-capacity fuel tank that goes in the back slot and connects to the Firebrand's flamethrower, which holds a ton of fuel at the cost of the back slot. As a bonus, the flamer itself attaches to the fuel pack, and snaps back on if it's too far away, similar to a telephone.
    • - Give the Firebrand items to deal with friendly fire
    • The Firebrand is one of the classes more capable of dealing friendly fire (no pun intended) than the others, mostly thanks to the nature of its weapon and the fact that they're the only one protected from their own fire. A high capacity fire extinguisher and some burn heal can go a long way when preventing your team from looking like one of the Chef's meals when they inevitably walk into your line of fire (again, no pun intended i swear).
I think being able to reload its fuel tanks like ammo would be a cool way to make it stand out. like, hold in one hand, click with fuel tank in other hand, 1s action bar, old tank drops to floor and new tank is auto inserted.

give it a high capacity oxygen tank so the nukie doesn't need to worry about it. I like the idea of this doubling as a jetpack kinda back thing like you said.
Does Napalm linger? I'm not sure, but Firebrand could definitely use a lingering, slow burning fire.

I see Firebrand as a unit meant to keep forces back through area of denial tactics, and being able to lay down a flaming barrier would helpful.

Some kind of gases they could use to modify the existing fire would also be neat. One could be to extinguish, but what if they could make a sort of projectile blocking fire for a literal firewall?
Napalm doesn't linger. Main difference is that it makes a three tile wide spray in a flamethrower and will sometimes melt floors, thus blocking further use of the flamethrower.
I had a suggestion of making a wearable fuel tank for firebrands so that they wouldnt have to reload.

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