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Question about the Floorpills rule
So thanks to some of the "intersting" posts in the Ban Appeal section, I took the time to re-read the Grief rules wiki page. There I stumbled upon the Floorpills rule, which I must have forgotten or dismissed from reading it the last time I was on that page.

According to it, it is ok to put all kinds of shit into food and pills or such, as long as you dont force feed them to others. But is there any exception to this with mislabeling these? 

So if I were to make a cyanide pill and label it "Epinephrine", someone that doesnt know the reagent colors actually uses it on themselves, or on somone else even, would that go against that rule?

Also to what extend can I be held responsible for people forcefeeding such things, no matter if they know or dont know what bad is actually in them?

Edit: Also how do the rules apply to things like rainbow melons and hybrdid bananas/melons. Those can blast more then just a limb, if they are stacked on piles. Could I get into trouble for those blowing a hole,
or even killing otheres then the person eating it.

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Question about the Floorpills rule - by The Gorog - 03-27-2019, 03:13 AM

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