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Question about the Floorpills rule - The Gorog - 03-27-2019

So thanks to some of the "intersting" posts in the Ban Appeal section, I took the time to re-read the Grief rules wiki page. There I stumbled upon the Floorpills rule, which I must have forgotten or dismissed from reading it the last time I was on that page.

According to it, it is ok to put all kinds of shit into food and pills or such, as long as you dont force feed them to others. But is there any exception to this with mislabeling these? 

So if I were to make a cyanide pill and label it "Epinephrine", someone that doesnt know the reagent colors actually uses it on themselves, or on somone else even, would that go against that rule?

Also to what extend can I be held responsible for people forcefeeding such things, no matter if they know or dont know what bad is actually in them?

Edit: Also how do the rules apply to things like rainbow melons and hybrdid bananas/melons. Those can blast more then just a limb, if they are stacked on piles. Could I get into trouble for those blowing a hole,
or even killing otheres then the person eating it.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - NateTheSquid - 03-27-2019

im no admin, but mislabeling will almost definitely get you in trouble. as far as i remember, mass producing explosive stuff in botany as a non-antag was deemed a warn-able offence cause people kept leaving crates of explosive bananas in the bar and blowing it up 10 minutes in every round. again, not an admin, just this is what i believe is the stakes

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Wisecrack34 - 03-27-2019

Pretty sure it has to be left in the open, no container and requires someone to decide that eating it is a good idea. The one exception MIGHT be the bar but then again I've seen quite a few chefs put brains into a pizza and leave it out for munching

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - The Gorog - 03-27-2019

(03-27-2019, 05:56 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Pretty sure it has to be left in the open, no container and requires someone to decide that eating it is a good idea. The one exception MIGHT be the bar but then again I've seen quite a few chefs put brains into a pizza and leave it out for munching

Eating a brain doesnt give you prions, only extracting it. Might not always have been this way.
Or brainburgers are a special case or such.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - HydroFloric - 03-27-2019

As an admin let me chime in. So the general consensus by admins is, you can put basically whatever you want in a floorpill/food or drink along as you dont specifically state its not dangerous. Basically dont label QGP as mannitol. Also you are not responsible for people force feeding your pills and all that stuff.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Flaborized - 03-27-2019

To add onto Hydro's post, pills that blow up the station when people take them also are not covered in the Floorpills clause. So leaving a cyanide pill labeled "fun pill" on the ground is okay, but leaving a cyanide pill labeled "mannitol pill" or a "fun pill" that blows up the station when eaten is not okay.

Piles of explosive fruit lying around is not okay because somebody could come and eat them and blow the heck out of the station/gib other people around. Potassium/water produce in particular can be a bit finicky with going off and doesn't necessarily require that someone eats it to go off, so they can turn into timebombs/landmines.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - The Gorog - 03-27-2019

(03-27-2019, 09:09 AM)Flaborized Wrote: To add onto Hydro's post, pills that blow up the station when people take them also are not covered in the Floorpills clause. So leaving a cyanide pill labeled "fun pill" on the ground is okay, but leaving a cyanide pill labeled "mannitol pill" or a "fun pill" that blows up the station when eaten is not okay.

Piles of explosive fruit lying around is not okay because somebody could come and eat them and blow the heck out of the station/gib other people around. Potassium/water produce in particular can be a bit finicky with going off and doesn't necessarily require that someone eats it to go off, so they can turn into timebombs/landmines.

Can a singular explosive food effect more than the person eating? Because I can spread out the food items, but they might still blast of the guy sitting next to them at the bartable. 
Also I didnt know that those can go off on their own. Ill see if I can test some stuff offstation or on monkeys or whatever.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - KikiMofo - 03-27-2019

I think it generally falls under the rule of DONT BLOW UP THE STATION WHILE NON ANTAG for the explosive floorpills.
Its like making pipebombs or TTVs as a nonantag and leaving them around the station. You god damn well know someone is going to blow up the station that way.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Vitatroll - 03-28-2019

Yeah, the explosive produce also hits windows and people. It used to be the case that mildly explosive plants were 'okay', but not anymore. Things change, especially when they get run into the ground.

Not sure how barfood is treated anymore. I liked it as 'anything without an AoE goes'. George Melonium being a grey area as it's in a lot of hobo booze.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Technature - 03-28-2019

So, to clarify and summarize so far.

In general, the main thing is consent when it comes to whether it's okay to make someone suffer horribly. With that in mind, you can't

1.Leave something on the floor that could cause hull damage, as this potentially harms people not involved or consenting, and

2.It's not misled as something being safe. You can label a Phlogiston pill a "Heat" pill but not "Epinephrine".

Both of these, as most rules, can be ignored as an antag.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Haprenti - 03-29-2019

What about rainbow melons? I'm always tempted to eat some when bored but do I even have a right to do it knowing what it is? Is it some kind of half forbidden food only new players can taste? It can damage hull.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - The Gorog - 03-29-2019

(03-29-2019, 03:15 AM)Haprenti Wrote: What about rainbow melons? I'm always tempted to eat some when bored but do I even have a right to do it knowing what it is? Is it some kind of half forbidden food only new players can taste? It can damage hull.

I dont think a single melon piece will blow a hole into the hull. A full melon worth of pieces, im not sure about. 
Also thats the George Melonium Vitatroll mentioned as being a grey area.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - LuigiThirty - 03-29-2019

Eating a rainbow melon slice won’t blow up the hull. Continuously eating rainbow melons probably will.

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - Wisecrack34 - 03-29-2019

What if you leave a rainbow melon slice on the floor and use the labeler to say "Not A Rainbow Melon Slice" or "Marijuana Fruit"

RE: Question about the Floorpills rule - KikiMofo - 03-30-2019

(03-29-2019, 01:15 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: What if you leave a rainbow melon slice on the floor and use the labeler to say "Not A Rainbow Melon Slice" or "Marijuana Fruit"

Pretty sure that wont change the name.