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Ada would probably head back into the chem lab and make some healing supplies. Synthflesh patches, pentetic acid, perfluorodecalin- the works. Anything to keep her pockets and medbay stocked.
giving a grace period for those who didn't post on halloween
Alright, so on one hand, the floor buffer is slow enough that it's faster to drag it to medbay than to ride it there, but on the other, it's that much easier for monkeys and staff assistants to steal when I'm not in the driver's seat.

I flip a coin. Heads, I pull it to medbay. Tails, I drive it. Either way, once I'm at medbay I'm going to clean all this blood. Up to you whether we're working with the modern liquid-sucking floor buffer, or the old fashioned gotta-dump-water-everywhere-first floor buffer.
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject Staff Assistant)

*blink, realize I've been staring at medbay for a moment.

Sniff a couple of times... then follow the scent of monkey (i.e. towards genetics). Maybe I can get some answers there, or perhaps they'll have some shiny console I can press buttons on.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • ID: Wiggles Wigglesby (Staff Assistant)
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Ear: radio headset
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
    • paper
    • crayons (very colorful!)
    • standard medkit
Sellafore Kaine [5]
You tear out your plant trays and collect piles of nuts.
You've got Peanuts, Beer Nuts, Donuts, Deez Nuts, and Potatoes. The five food groups.
You PDA message Rubber Johnson that his nuts are ready.
"The hell? what did I ask for?"
He's on his way anyhow.

Adrian Clarke [2][4] vs SecOff [1]
You gather yourself and rush the security officer with your stun baton. It seems he was in the middle of a text box or something because 1, 2, he's down and he's cuffed. You take his radio.

Jack Jackson [2] vs HoS [0]
You briefly consider logging off to write an admin complaint, but you'll wait.
Instead you drag the HoS (who is dead) behind a table and take his ID. Looks like Adrian has got this other guy covered.

Sam Eagle [5]
You follow the walls into your office. on the way in, a medibot gives you a little hit of charcoal. You're starting to sober up! [5] You queue an interface board.

Punch Monster [4]
Walls? What walls. These? Steel sheets.
You assemble 3 pipe frames, and you've got a sheet left.
You take a shot for your old friend Jack.

Horatio Jiggles [3]
You *dance and poke the crusher. It pokes you back.

Ada O'Hara [4]
You begin a fairly lengthy synthesis of medicines. This is going to take another turn.

Kickflip Brozinski [4]
You get to the buffer and decide to flip a coin. It comes up Tails [5] - You hop on the ol' girl and putter back to medbay. You make it to the doors and start cleaning (it will take another turn to complete).

Wiggles Wigglesby [2]
You snap to attention and start looking for the monkeys you know you smell.
You find the prison where your compatriots are kept but alas- the airlock beeps red.
it's almost like they don't want staff assistants in the monkeypen
Gonna need to find another way in.
Well OK looks like all is sorted out in sec for now. I hop on the radio and say ";This is Officer Clarke. We managed to grab the guys screwing around in here. How is your day going everyone?"

I drag the cuffed and silenced officer out of sight of the crew and buckle them to a chair. I go over to a charging station and recharge my energy based weapons. I also grab a donut and eat it. Ideally one with sprinkles.
With the annoying officer no longer a problem, I finally get around to cutting the cameras so the AI can't rat us out.
Ada continues her medicine synthesis.
Sam Eagle Once the interface is done I plop it in the cyborg head, wrench it all together and say :s All set AI!

If successful I head back to the chapel try to figure out what the smell is
Perfect, perfect. I shove the nuts into a bag and seat myself by the countertop. A good ol pat of my pocket to make sure its contents are still there.
Ive spent so long making pipebombs that I've forgotten why I was making them in the first place. Shrug, I continue making them anyway.
time 2 clean
Adrian Clarke [3]
Good cop : tied up.
Donut : devoured.
Tasers : charged.
You tell the crew that the situation is under control, no word comes back from them though, so unknown if they bought it.

Jack Jackson [1]
You begin cutting the thus-far-silent AI's Cameras in security.
This seems to raise a red flag. Before you can finish-

say "; fuck" states [145.9] "Hey who the fuck is cutting my cameras in sec? Can someone check that out?"

Ada O'Hara [1]
okay is it hydrogen next or.... B A N G -
fuck. You ears are ringing and your workspace is a little bit scorched.
You've got the Perf. done, and the other meds are kinda ruined. Lucky you're not hurt.

Sam Eagle [5]
You grab your interface board from the manufacturer and slam it into the borg shell.
It's name flickers and settles on say "; fuck".
The borg beep-boops at you hapilly and your implant screeches thank's dude!.
The borg zips off with determination.
From there you mosey over to the chapel.
There's a lot of rotting flesh strewn about.

Selladore Kaine [3]
You stuff your produce into a satchel and wait at your service desk, pocket full of nice things included. Your weed is growing nicely.
After about a minute of waiting, Rubber Johnson stands before you.
You know i was pulling your leg, right? he offers.

Punch Monster [6]
You diligently work so hard you forget who you really want to prank with these pipe bombs, but
whatever, you've got three of them, fully built and ready to play cool pranks.

Kickflip Brozinski [3]
You start sucking up all the blood around the clown when you're suddenly greeted by...
The clown? He's naked so you figure he's just been cloned. The clown strips his former corpse naked and gets dressed, but he notices a few missing items.
He gives you a dirty look [1] .
"Hey where the fuck are my crayons dickass"
Horatio Jiggles
I scream *flip and poke the crusher once more
"Whaaaat? Naw, you were serious, I have the texts here to prove it!"
I push the nut sack towards him. 
"It really is in your best in-teh-rest to accept it, yknow!"

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