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Came up with this while washing dishes

A new type of item: Wrist watches
  1. Available in multiple styles
  2. Craftable parts. Make a frame out of different metals, a faceplate out of different glass lenses, a different crystal to serve as the powering unit, optional gem emplacements, and a wrist strap of different fibers and leathers
  3. Wearable on the hand slots. Click drag or use it on you to get a fancy display of the current round length and the shuttle ETD/ETA. Also has the additional option to set a timer and namable alarms. Remind yourself to head back to the cloner in 5 minutes. Time how long it takes for the clown to die
  4. Can spend a trait point to start with one, and sometimes given as a personal item
  5. Special version could combine or replace some other item functions into something more conveniently carried. A watch that's also got a flashlight, or serves as a microphone or PDA
  6. Speaking of which, a PDA app version of the basic functionality round time/alarms and timers
  7. Syndicate and traitor watches! Some could be for the nuke ops, and all be synced up to have a common time for teamwork. They could give you the timer for the nuke, as well replace or combine some of the other unique syndicate tools like the pinpointer, teleport remote, etc...

    Traitor versions could be for more covert stuff. It could act as the signaler for a bomb. It could have a laser for cutting through walls. It could be a secret communication device for other traitors. It could be some kind of dart gun that's only effective up close like the derringer, be disguised and have silent actions like the sleepy pen, a hidden projectile like the Radbow or the Pickpocket gun, but a subtle noise like the silenced .22, and a slower rate of fire than the actual dart gun

    Hell, you could even have this do practically most things that other traitor items would do, just not as well. However, you'd get to pick a few of them from a list, similar to selecting spells as a wizard. Like Q-labs from Bond
I like it, mostly because I like watches.But are you suggesting that there should be a new inventory slot for watches? Or just use them in the glove slot.

The biggest problem I see is that it doesn't provide a lot of new functionality, especially if it is a new slot. I'm pretty sure that's a rather big change behind the scenes for something pretty basic.
No it would go on the gloves slot. That's the big disadvantage of it, not being able to wear gloves

And the PDA mostly because having timers and alarms would be nice in generally
could you wear a watch in your pocket slot? like a pocket wrist watch?
(05-10-2018, 07:02 PM)ProfessorHugedix Wrote: could you wear a watch in your pocket slot? like a pocket wrist watch?

I don't see why not, though I imagine some functionality would be lost when it's in your pocket depending on it's features

other little touches
  • A special merchant who buys exclusively watch apparel will appraise the value of a watch before making you an offer. Value of watches can wildy vary, and not always apparently. The Captain's sparkling gold watch might seem like it's worth a mint, but it might actually be a cheap imitation. The Clown's Mickey Mouse watch might be a rare vintage antique
  • The faceplate of the watch could get cracked when you've taken too much brute damage. It'll still be usable, but the display will be distorted until it's repaired
  • Falling into deep water with your watch on might break it's internal mechanism if it's not waterproof
  • Mechanical wind up clocks. Wind them to keep them powered. Or break them apart and use their wind up mechanism into various constructions. You could build a timer on a pipebomb that each crank of the wind up mechanism adds 3 seconds to the timer. Or a wind up charger for your stun baton to recharge in the field
hell yeah we need this

i need more stuff to blow materials science on!! (if it wasn't some kinda broken unfinished limbo state)

also i like that this could change the meta of glove slots, like irl who the fuck has gloves on all the time??? would be some smelly ass wrinkly hands at the end of the round
I like the idea of having synchronized watches for traitor plans and such, it’s a fun little roleplaying feature. And having an alarm (which of course goes BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP) would be good too!
I'd really like to be able to set alarms, yeah, like 'this much time has passed, time to check on my chems/bombs/plants'.

This is a heinously complex idea for a relatively small thing, but never change, Frank
james bond watch that shoots 1 tranq bullet. ive never seen james bond.

This could be great. For me as Chief Engineer having an easier way of timing how long tanks last for at certain pressure levels etc, when I should go refill the combustion chamber tank etc. Tactical advantages for syndie ops also sound great
(05-10-2018, 10:45 PM)drymelon Wrote: also i like that this could change the meta of glove slots, like irl who the fuck has gloves on all the time??? would be some smelly ass wrinkly hands at the end of the round

That's something that definitely can be explored and should probably get it's own thread, because I agree there's a lot of hand/wrist items that we could have, or rework some items to exist on that slot. Watches are a good way to start opening that up
Great idea, except you never explicitly mentioned pocket watches frown

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