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Put a cooldown on the station renamer thing
Ok maybe this is a little kneejerky but I played in a round yesterday where it felt like the captain was renaming the station like very ten seconds or so. I think a couple minute cooldown like on the announcement computers wouldn't be unwarranted with how big the station renaming announcement is.
(05-11-2017, 09:15 AM)Grizzwold Wrote: Ok maybe this is a little kneejerky but I played in a round yesterday where it felt like the captain was renaming the station like very ten seconds or so. I think a couple minute cooldown like on the announcement computers wouldn't be unwarranted with how big the station renaming announcement is.

Good idea Grizzwold
I considered this when I made it but erred on the side of "ahh it wont be used THAT often once the initial gimmick-factor has died down". Is a delay really justified or are we perhaps still in that honeymoon phase?
(05-11-2017, 09:15 AM)Grizzwold Wrote: Ok maybe this is a little kneejerky but I played in a round yesterday...

I don't think it's still a knee-jerk reaction if you post about it next day. I'm pretty sure knee-jerk implies you immediately posted about it.

Also yeah, a small timer might be a good idea.
I feel like at least a brief 30 second timer might be a good idea.
I think the issue is that occasionally someone new rolls captain and finds out about this, so then renames the station a dozen times in the span of two minutes as they play with their new toy. It's definitely noticeably died down, but when it happens it happens hard.
The novelty of chain-renaming the station wears off pretty quickly. If you dont like it, toolbox the captain and space his PDA. Nobody will prosecute you (except the captain).
Alright I can see the value in a cooldown. Will add a 1 minute delay this weekend at some point.
Ok I forgot about this but NOW I've done it. Unless I managed to cock up a simple cooldown system. We'll see I guess.

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