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Trivial Living emergency toolbox meat
When you kill something that the wraith has animated and then use the kitchen knife on it, it turns it into meat. The meat is fully edible and can probably also be turned into Chef's dishes.
feature imo
(03-26-2017, 09:26 AM)Haine Wrote: feature imo
yes, crate meat is a delicacy among my people
I'm fine with it being a feature. The only problem is that it destroys the contents of whatever was animated.
Always been a thing, I remember once spending a round with a beaker of anima and a pile of meat to create living living living living living living mystery meat meat meat meat meat meat meat.
if it's alive, it will have meat.
If someone is in a locker when it's animated, and the locker is killed, are they still alive or did animating the locker kill them? If they were still alive, would butchering the locker erase them from existence?
(03-26-2017, 07:09 PM)awfulworldkid Wrote: If someone is in a locker when it's animated, and the locker is killed, are they still alive or did animating the locker kill them? If they were still alive, would butchering the locker erase them from existence?

they are still alive in both cases

i declare feature since nothing is destroyed

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