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Money/Economy/QM Thread
The problem is the people that QM has to rely on (Botany, Miners) Would much rather benefit themselves than help the station, Miners aren't going to fucking give gems to QM when they can use it to make suits and boots, and Botany is too busy making WACKY RAINBOW WEED instead of growing crops to sell or medical crops to help Medbay.

It'd be nice if, when I sent something on belt hell and it arrived, it send a message to the PDAs associated with the people on that destination. Say I send a Bee crate to the Catering dock, When it arrived, It'd message the Botanists, Barman, and Chef that "Bee Production Kit has arrived at Catering dock" or something. Way too many times I've fucking bought like 10 crates of meds for the Medbay and had them be completely ignored. Hell, I'd buy meds, internals, emergency equipment and scatter it outside Cargo Bay, announcing several times that there's medical supplies and gasmasks free for all outside. Nobody ever comes and takes them.

I'm hoping that you GREATLY increased wages, we'll see how it helps QM.
MEOW POW Wrote:It'd be nice if, when I sent something on belt hell and it arrived, it send a message to the PDAs associated with the people on that destination. Say I send a Bee crate to the Catering dock, When it arrived, It'd message the Botanists, Barman, and Chef that "Bee Production Kit has arrived at Catering dock" or something. Way too many times I've fucking bought like 10 crates of meds for the Medbay and had them be completely ignored. Hell, I'd buy meds, internals, emergency equipment and scatter it outside Cargo Bay, announcing several times that there's medical supplies and gasmasks free for all outside. Nobody ever comes and takes them.

This is good. Last time I was QM the time not spent shoving metal from the purchase to the sell lane (RIP terrible economic system) was spent buying stuff like emergency kits and robot crates and shipping it to the medbay crate dock. Despite me repeatedly mentioning its arrival, nobody ever gave a damn or noticed even after there were about sixteen holes in the station that really could've used floorbot attention.
If nobody requested the crates and nobody wants them, why bother buying them?
Cogwerks Wrote:If nobody requested the crates and nobody wants them, why bother buying them?
Cogwerks, when you say turning ore into sheets, you mean the reverse, right? We can't order ore crates from Centcom, we can only order finished metal, are you saying we can order metal sheets, turn it into ore, and sell it back for a small profit? I realize that the buy/sell metal scam was always kind of a bug, and you guys didn't like it much, but it gave QM something to do. Just waiting on other departments to send us stuff is god-awful, even if it's just busywork I hope you've still left QM something we can do in our spare time that makes us a profit.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Cogwerks, when you say turning ore into sheets, you mean the reverse, right? We can't order ore crates from Centcom, we can only order finished metal, are you saying we can order metal sheets, turn it into ore, and sell it back for a small profit? I realize that the buy/sell metal scam was always kind of a bug, and you guys didn't like it much, but it gave QM something to do. Just waiting on other departments to send us stuff is god-awful, even if it's just busywork I hope you've still left QM something we can do in our spare time that makes us a profit.

No, I mean you can get mauxite from mining, process it into metal and sell the metal for more than the ore. Both sell for less than buying metal crates.

QM has a pod now and there are a couple new NPC traders that aren't too hard to get to in space, try that out for a bit. Now that I've figured out how to work with those things, I'll be adding a bunch more NPC traders in the near future.

Cargo hold upgrades now let you clickdrag a crate into the pod too, so it'll be easier to fly around and deliver or pick up stuff.
Would it be a terrible idea to give QM a scanner like Electricians, so they could go around scanning items to order? I'm talking things that you might want more of on a station but can't already make/ order, like gas canisters (which you may be able to order now, haven't checked), boxing gloves, camera helmets, etc. I guess it'd be a pain to add prices to every item in-game and to filter out who can access what (crates of stun batons should obviously not be openable by everyone), but it'd give QM's something else to do and provide the station with much-needed influxes of rare supplies.
Niars that'd be really goddamn cool. Just to ballance it though, I'd think the prices would have to be ridiculous; anything exceptionally rare would need to be budget-killing in price. Might give some motivation to the QMs when they see that they can order Walrus crates or boxes full of Obsidian Crowns.
Actually, there's probably a simple way to do this. Everything you ship out of QM has a price associated with it, that you get back in credits. Just have Byond figure out what that price is, double/triple/etc. it, and charge that much for the items. There's some things that can't be shipped back to Centcom, so you wouldn't be able to order those. Not 100% sure how I feel about the idea, but in terms of implementing it, I don't think that would be too big an issue.
with QM slowed down a loan ability would be nice, get a lot of money up front, supply some cool shit to botany/mining so they feel obligated to return the favor with gems & weed, use their goods to pay it off.

I wrote up a silly over-elaborate design doc for a whole loan & financing system including a payday loan option for individual crewmembers, the only problem was thinking of any incentive for people NOT to default on loans.

my original idea was (I think I posted this earlier in the thread) the bearer of a deadbeat's loan contract could legally grief the deadbeat but then it was pointed out that this would cause a ton of annoying fights and drama and people purposefully trying to default so they have an excuse to murder their attackers. this would be bad and probably get a lot of bystanders sucked in and be a horrible mess for admins/sec to sort out every time someone cries foul so bleh

cogwerks suggested that if someone defaults they will have high odds of being the target for latejoining traitors, though I sorta imagine that same thing would happen where people deliberately try to invite traitors in hopes of killing their attackers and scoring cool syndicate swag. also it wouldn't be relevant during non traitor/mixed rounds, and plus how many traitors bother with their specific objectives anyway?

another idea was tying it into the suggestion of money for cloning proposed earlier in this thread, if you default and your account is put in arrears then you can't get cloned. I dunno if that's severe enough since deadbeats would just get borged..

well maybe someone can suggest a good idea here.
If you absolutely had to have some kind of SEVERE punishment for defaulting on loans, you could always make it so that if you fail to pay QM back in time an invulnerable Space Mobster spawns right next to you and breaks your kneecaps with a hammer before disappearing, making you permanently move as slowly as possible and fall down a lot.

Another way to do it would be to implement the whole "different packages" cloning thing and make so that if you've defaulted, the machine automatically clones you with the worst possible (like, emagged bad) package, even if you payed for better.

Nothing says pay back your loans like flippers, massive brain damage, and randomly screaming Discount Dan's advertisements. Complete with the inability to suicide so even if you go braindead the crew can stuff you, still shrieking advertisements, in a glass box at arrivals as a warning.
also maybe I should implement tontines that pay out every payday period, everyone who wants to register for one would need a blood monitor implant so it can keep track of who's still alive or dead. give a useless item a use & allow crewmembers to profit off each other's demise, win win?
What if, in order to take out a loan you have to put on a Nanotrasen explosive collar. Failure to pay off the loan within the set time period will result in immediate termination of the subject.

Imagine a desperate QM who gambled themselves deep into debt and is begging on the corner for money before they die a painful death.

Or better yet, a traitor who knocks someone out and places an emagged collar on them with the loan payment set to go into their account, thus making the money earning objective both fun and transferrable. Put it on your target to kill two birds with one stone.

I can't be the only one that sees this as something Nanotrasen would totally do.
How about you just do the easy thing and have them set to arrest so Beepsky hunts them until they pay their debts off.
Weavel, that's definitely along the lines of what I was thinking. It should be damned expensive, especially with the new payroll increases, but a method of getting hold of multiple items that you otherwise wouldn't. It'd also give explorers something to do (go find stuff), make Quartermasters far more desired for fun (Paint and Monkeys isn't enough!), and provide an almost guaranteed way to make money from station members (who might not use their own cash for metal, but when they can buy a Go-Kart? "TAKE MY WALLET").

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