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Worst Moments Ever
in total contrasct to yesterday today i had three bad rounds
in the first and the second rounds nukies sucefully nuked the station two times with no resitannce by the station
in the third i spawned as captain and just a few seconds in a sindycate somehow murdered me with a gun and spaced my body
sindycates are freaking op
Spawn as a miner.
Another miner! Cool.
Too bad he's a changeling and I die 10 seconds into the round.
the HOP had given me Access to Mechanics for Gloves and to get a Scanner to Scan Stuff I Could Sell, and what happens?  The single mechanic Flashes me, Takes the Gloves, Stuffs me in a locker, And later Acts Like it isn't fair for me to do the same to him for going in QM, So what does he do? he Takes my head set and ID, When the HOP had vanished and practically Turns me into something less then a staff assistant when All I wanted was an oven so I could make roburgers which were going at 1000$ each to the Shrouded.  Soon after Qm was Bombed by a Guy who had robbed me while the mechanic was watching, The round this happened in is Soon going to End and I'm Still pissed, Hopefully he was at least a Traitor.
Crazyabe, you shouldn't post round details when the round is still going, until the shuttle arrives at CentComm or any victory occurs. Also god damn that must've SUCKED
Yep, it Sucked Quite a bit.
I'm not going to name names, but if your 'gimmick' involves you building a flamethrower 2 minutes into the round, yelling about wanting 'burn the sinners' 5 minutes into the round, killing someone 9 minutes into the round and going AFK 15 minutes into the round... you have a shitty gimmick and you need to stop being a valid-hunting shithead.
I had a round as a vampire, i though i should do a fun gimmick once i had more blood, but i stuck with draining corpses and then bringing them to cloning and blood IV's. However i accidentally flash someone and so i am killed by a valid hunter just because i was vampire.
(02-17-2017, 09:55 AM)Maegor Wrote: I had a round as a vampire, i though i should do a fun gimmick once i had more blood, but i stuck with draining corpses and then bringing them to cloning and blood IV's. However i accidentally flash someone and so i am killed by a valid hunter just because i was vampire.

I hate these people who kill antags just because they are antags.
(02-17-2017, 10:55 AM)medsal15 Wrote:
(02-17-2017, 09:55 AM)Maegor Wrote: I had a round as a vampire, i though i should do a fun gimmick once i had more blood, but i stuck with draining corpses and then bringing them to cloning and blood IV's. However i accidentally flash someone and so i am killed by a valid hunter just because i was vampire.

I hate these people who kill antags just because they are antags.

Kill antags when they act like antags, not when they like, blink your way.
Once I got turned into a (shitty fangless broken) vampire via a contract, so I started draining blood bags into myself to gain in power
Some guy noticed this, assumed I was a vampire despite iirc seeing the whole process take place and maybe even the Chaplain that did it being right there, and dragged me into the chapel and cuffed me to a chair whereupon I horrifically burned to death as an innocent man

Kind of funny in hindsight but pissed me right off at the time
I was in the middle of being taught something, but didn't feel well so hid in the porta-sci while I went afk for 5 mins. When I got back I was dead and on fire in the time ship. Not only that, I was also a ling, I was waiting until my lesson was finished before I started eating people.
Game Mode: secret
Server Load: No
Shift Time: 218 minutes

(02-17-2017, 09:07 AM)Grek Wrote: I'm not going to name names, but if your 'gimmick' involves you building a flamethrower 2 minutes into the round, yelling about wanting 'burn the sinners' 5 minutes into the round, killing someone 9 minutes into the round and going AFK 15 minutes into the round... you have a shitty gimmick and you need to stop being a valid-hunting shithead.

Was that the Greytide vs Captain(s) round? I think i was the first death there.....
Rolled solo nuke ops while trying to cash in an antag token to do some traitor mechanic science. Figured I'd make the best of it with my shaky tired hands manipulating a laptop trackpad in bed. I wasn't gonna be robust, so I decided to do some legwork. I was supposed to unload the nuke in cargo bay, so I figured the hangar would be a good spot to fortify with r walls. I get caught by the AI, but they're luckily pretty indifferent, simply telling the crew about a strange red clown in cargo bay. I weldmag the door, set up a couple landmines, and rwall off all the entrances, I was well prepared to face off any amount of crew. I deploy the nuke only to be told that the cargo bay pod hangar was not technically part of cargo bay and that I need to deploy in cargo bay. 

Now I was stuck in the room with no tools, a dead nuke, and a lot of onlookers. Eventually i broke out with a couple rpg rounds that didn't actually seem to do much damage and a welder bomb. QM was packed with people so at that point I just walked over to the crusher to end the round in shame since the nuke was pretty quickly stolen when i got out and all I had was the revolver I started with. My agent id was set to the name Fluclear Operative Commander, so that was pretty fitting.
(02-21-2017, 08:17 AM)Sergeant_Crunch Wrote: Depressing story
I was the first clown that saw you there.

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