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Soulsteel rules/pop-up
This needs to happen. I've been randomly stabbed to death by a few soul steel spears. I just let it happen because it was so dumb.
clarity regarding regulations is always a plus
More of a problem when someone pre-emptively makes a bunch for the sole reason of getting revenge on people who kill them, and whether the ghosts of antag players keep their antag status when they posess them.
Soulsteel things are fun but they're way too hard to police IMO. I wouldn't be opposed to having them removed
I guess they don't really serve any functional purpose. What should soulsteel do instead?
(01-22-2017, 07:28 PM)Cirrial Wrote: I guess they don't really serve any functional purpose. What should soulsteel do instead?
Anti-wraith objects?
That's a good idea!

But to not totally remove their former function, perhaps ghosts could enter them and scream, flip to cause a spooky sound, but nothing more.

Or maybe ghosts can alter the color of soul steel items. Such items could be used to communicate with people, instead of chairs atop the alphabet.
ppl keep suggeting some way to funnel ghosts into cyborg bodies in other threads and i would think soulsteel would be the ideal ingredient to pair with a synthbrain to accomplish this
I'd rather limit soulsteel than toss it. If it's that bad you could just make it impossible to attack people. There'd still be merit in creating and using them - just less grif to deal with.
Maybe they could be made into little sort of computer chips of sorts that you can put into PDAs, doors, and a few other appliances. They'd allow a ghost to control or otherwise be a part of whatever it's attached to. The PDA would have a personal AI, the AI being the ghost. A door would let the ghost open or close it at will (it's up to the installer to evaluate the risks this poses) Also maybe infusing it into other things like mops to help around the station.
(01-23-2017, 07:46 AM)aft2001 Wrote: ...Also maybe infusing it into other things like mops to help around the station.
G H O S T B U F F E R .

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