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Martian Mode
C&P from a .txt file. Note that a bunch of this stuff is either sprited, or in WIP. Also subject to massive change:

Martian pros:
Not effected by cold, can breathe in space. 
Access to martian weaponry and machinary.
Humans cannot use martian machinary (ripping off an arm if they do) unless a martian arm is grafted onto them.
Hivemind speak, all speak is heard by martians everywhere. Comes out in "ACK ACK ACK" to humans. Can communicate to humans through telapathy, however.
Has several "breeds" which has own perks, chosen at round start, or can be changed in exchange for biopoints.
Cannot suffer from any organ failure.
Do not require clothing/ids/shoes or headsets. Martian apparel is only dependant on glove, head, back, exosuit and eye slots.

Martian cons:
Can pick up "human" items, but cannot use them. I.e: Cannot fire a gun, cannot interact with items.
Cannot use "human" healing items or medicine. Only martian medicine, which is used in stationary statis pods, meaning that martians must escape to heal.
Cannot wear human clothing, but can wear human hats (looking ridiculous in the process)
Will gib when killed (non explosively), possibly leaving behind martian limbs to be grafted onto humans
Clearly not human, will be targeted by silicons.
Are particularly vulnerable to brute damage. 

Side note: Martians are for all intents and purposes are critters.

Round synopsis:
Spawn inside The Mothership. The ship is a huge hulking cruiser, and has the ability to breach walls, and deploy smaller ships for defense. The aim is to capture humans, and bring them to the mothership, for processing. Humans dipped in the biomatter vat are processed for Psimatter and Biomatter. Psimatter is based on how much info is got from the Human (based on rank or if as objective), does not decrease, and is used for victory condition. Biomatter is used for making further equipment. 

End game: 
Station victory: All martians are killed/ mothership is destroyed/ humans escape without martians accumulating enough psimatter
Neutral victory: Martians are alive, have accumilated psimatter but have not used "terriform" ray, humans have escaped. 
Martian victory: Psimatter is accumumilated, martians use their "terriform" ray to change SS13 into more suitable martian conditions, whilst cronenberging (genetics mishap) inhabitants.

Terriform ray: Inactive cannon with a large miriclium crystal aimed at SS13. Resembles a large brain. Used to complete endgame conditions.
Biomass vat: A large open vat of corrosive acid used to convert living or dead mobs into biomatter and psimatter
Charger: Living organism resembling a beatle used to recharge martian weaponry.
Polyp: Living organism resembling a fetus within a statis pod powered by biomatter to manufacture martian machinary.
Statis pod: A clear statis pod used to heal all sorts of damage. 

Martian Sidearm: Poison dart rifle, silently shoots at target, stunning target. Melee attack inflicts further stun, which also prevents suicide. Can be pocketed.
Martian Pulserifle: Deals more damage to pods and silicons. EMP shots essentially. Burn damage upon humans.
Martian SMG: Heavy rifle. Deals significant damage to humans, in short x3 bursts, dealing brute damage. 
Martian Flamethrower. Heavy rifle. Shoots green flames and sorium, effectively lighting them on fire and launching them away, respectively. Has splash damage, naturally. 
Slime ball: Cuffs a target player. 
Martian egg: Will spawn minimartians, bred for war.
Martian Sonic grenade: Upon activation, will cause the creature to scream, stunning opponents. Will not smash windows however.
Light armor: Can prevent bleeding/brute and burn damage. Leader Cape acts as a light armor for all intents and purposes.
Heavy armor: Same as above but with better effect. Slows down the martian however.
Visor: Combines use of ProDoc and sunglasses, allowing to check health status and resist flashes.
Helmet/crown: Defends against crippling headblows. Crown gives the ability to use "mind warp" mutant ability.
Insulative tubing: Used to cover tenticles. Can resist electrocution. 
Barbed tubing: Used to cover tenticles. Melee attack can slice an opponent inflicting blood and brute damage.
Sticky tubing: Used to cover tenticles. Melee attack attaches "slime" which can cuff a player.
Propulsion pack: All martians spawn with this, allows for movement in space, but also doubles as storage.
Imp: Small 1x1 ship which can be deployed. 
Martian brew: Acts as a "stabliser" taking the martian out of crit and acts as a painkiller. Will convert into unstable mutagen if drank by a human mob.
Martian stim: Only available to Mancers. Heal a medium amount of damage, requires to be charged after 3 uses.
Mutative gene: See below. All is available bar "leader". 

Leader: Pink martian with crown and cape. Pink denotes royalty bloodline, clothing has perks. Spawns with medium amount of biopoints. Only one leader is chosen, is stronger than the other martians.
Warrior: Martian with pink insignia upon body. Uses hand to hand skills. Cannot use any weaponry. Spawns with small amount of biopoints. Beefy martians that can handle mobs.
Soldier: "Standard" martian. Has no skillset, but has a large amount of biopoints to spend. The most varied martian.
Mutant: Martian with a large skull. Has telepathic skillset. Cannot use armor or "heavy" weaponry. Has medium amount of biopoints to spend. Essentially a "support" role.
Mancer: Martian scientists. Have no skillsets, but some unique tools, and spawn with the flamethower. Cannot use armor. 

Skillsets: TBA!!!
The clown must have the most psimatter they know everything.
the martians should have instinctive knowledge of the functions of any martian artifacts present on the station and the ability to activate them if they want

they should also be able to recycle them for biomass if theyre useless artifacts
Yes please
This would be amazing, I want to see this happen now. It'd be a nice median between nuke ops and traitor, with an organized foe for everyone to team up (ish) and fight against, but not as much chaos.
turnabout is fair play

let us consider what special properties martian organs and martian limbs extracted from these devious invaders may grant our brave researchers
Arms they let you whip people with them and people can't disarm you since you got tentical arms
Martian heart could give you space and cold immunity?
i would think martian lungs are what would let you not need to breathe

i wonder what would happen to the martian ambassador if he should arrive on a day that coincides with a martian attack

while he be loyal to his office as an ambassador, or loyal to his planet as a martian...
(12-16-2016, 02:53 PM)misto Wrote: i would think martian lungs are what would let you not need to breathe

i wonder what would happen to the martian ambassador if he should arrive on a day that coincides with a martian attack

while he be loyal to his office as an ambassador, or loyal to his planet as a martian...

Martian ambassador claims an area of the station as the martian embassy

Fleeing martians hide inside the embassy, causing an interstellar incident.
I think the most fun round I've had was a planned admin-event martian invasion round on Cog1. It was amazing. Messy as hell, but amazing.

I know it wouldn't be like that, but I always did like the whole martian-enemy thing.
tentative weak claim on trying to code this if no one else is already doing so
Weak tentative suggestion on where to start: Start with mob code, concerning martians breeds.

Everyone loves playing as spiders / crows / animals. This would be a good thing to tack on, and a good starting ground.

If you have any queries on what I have in mind with each breed, or what you have in mind yourself, PM me, and I may get round and provide you with some assets.
Weapon Idea:

(BM means BioMass)

Incendiary Rifle (70 BM):

Not quite a flamethrower. Instead it is a rifle that starts with a magazine of 5 large caliber bullets. More can be grown at the polyp for 30 BM for each magazine. This rifle will shoot an incendiary tracer bullet which causes a fireball where it hits (3x3, low severity), but it will do a whopping 50 burn damage if it hits an unarmored human/monkey, and set them on fire. Also, if said target is at very low health (-50), it'll just gib them in a glorious fireball of death as their burnt gibs and clothes fly everywhere.

A direct hit on a plasma canister in an oxygenated environment will cause the canister to leak and burn. If it's a pressure mix of plasma and oxygen... Kaboom.

This weapon will NOT fire in space or anywhere where combustion cannot happen (I.E a room filled with CO2.) Also the maximum range on this rifle is a measly 6 tiles. So yes, if you wanna blow up a burn mix, good luck with that. 

The rifle also needs 5 seconds to recharge, nerfing it further, so you can't just mow down a crowd with this.

Thoughts? (Didn't read all the replies so this may have been posted before)
if they are here to harvest biomass, i dont think the martian would want biomass burned away by incendiary weapons, but maybe their pool can digest crispy critters just fine

maybe weapons and trap that puff out killer spores that hurt eyes and lungs. maybe digestive acid sprayers

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