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According to Haine in OOC chat, this idea would take a while to implement, but could be pretty cool, so, bear with me.

All around the ship or station, there are toilets, sinks, showers, and other appliances that use water. These are infinite sources of water, which doesn't make sense at all (neither does half of goonstation but shush). So, why not have water pipes, pumping stations, valves, water fountains, drains everywhere, and water spillages?

On the NSS Destiny (LLJK1) there would be two water pumping stations: one near crew quarters and one somewhere in engineering.
On Cogmap2 (LLJK2) there would be 2 pumping stations: One in QM and one in maintenance near the top of the station.

These would be 2x2 machines that are connected to the water pipelines, and they'd melt ice, pump water, and condense waste into blocks of garbage (I'd love to work on some sprites, but, only if the idea is widely accepted. Also I have barely ever sprited...) Miners would take ice from comets and put it into the pumping stations, which will melt the ice and store the water into holding tanks.
Water would then be pumped around the station through the (hopefully intact) water pipes. Then, once it goes through an appliance and is used, it's pumped back into the sewage line (the white water and blackwater lines would be on the same tile and would be the same item, but the pipes would be separate in contents and their sprites), where it would then be taken into a pumping station and filtered, dumping out the blocks of trash into either a disposal pipe or onto a special part of the floor for janitors to put into crates or somewhere to be disposed of.

Also, explosions would be a *bit* more annoying to clean up, as water pipes would spill their contents; the water and the shit; everywhere, making a massive, horrible smelling, slippery mess. Of course, the water pipes would quickly freeze over in space, preventing more spillage. Of course, some basic water pressure would exist, so these blockages would cause water pressure to increase and eventually pipes would burst nearby. There would also be emergency release valves dotted everywhere under the floors, so one could release pressure into other lines or emergency holding tanks.

Please, feedback? I would add onto this idea, and also take away from it, and likely both.
Drinking fountains! For the Motives system.
I guess a few thoughts here, though overall I like the idea for giving ice some extra use:

1) Please, don't bring shit back. Ever. I'm glad it was gone before I got here and I hope it stays gone, eugh.
2) Ice would need to be able to be grabbed by ore scoops before this idea comes into fruition. As-is they gloss over ice since it isn't too useful. Weird how a convenience becomes an inconvenience like that, huh?
3) I'm not sure how to go about it, but it'd be interesting to let antagonists tamper with the water. Chemicals in the pipeline or just inflicting burn damage with boiling hot water, either works.
Ooh, hot water sounds nice. Maybe instead of sewage pipes it's hot and cold water, and there's boilers here and there. An antag could emag the boiler to generate obscene amounts of heat, with a small chance of a small explosion, sending boiling water e v e r y w h e r e.
Also a second mode for the ore scoop would be nice. Rocks/Ice.
And you do have to remember that there's a LOT of water (dozens of thousands of units), so most poisons would be quickly drained out. Although with enough time, patience, and not being caught, you could dump an entire artbeaker into the water supply, emag the safety on the pumping stations, and watch as everyone suddenly starts dying of neurotoxin.
I'd tie the plumping system to disposals. Have the existing disposal pipes as a main line, with smaller pipes that lead off of it for reaching things like fountains and toilets.

Replace the current disposals crusher unit with a big tank of scummy water where everything that gets flushed (disposal units or toilets) gets dumped into.

Periodically, the walls of the tank move together and crush the contents, mashing everything into blocks of materials.

A filtration unit is nearby, with filters that need to be periodically replaced, especially when enough people are crushed and blood starts coming out of the tap lines
This could change everything, jeez.
would the janitor be in charge of water sanitation then

or who would it fall upon to make sure someone doesnt taint it with meth
(11-17-2016, 07:25 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: would the janitor be in charge of water sanitation then

or who would it fall upon to make sure someone doesnt taint it with meth

Janitor and engineers.
I think somepotato has some running water stuff in the code.
I mean, there should definitely be filters throughout the pipes so no one puts some swedium in the water (if you don't know what that is, figure it out yourself. It's fuckin' amazing in spray bottles) or LSD. Though they'd both be fuckin' hilarious. Of course, there should definitely be the ability to emag these filters!
(11-18-2016, 06:11 AM)aft2001 Wrote: I mean, there should definitely be filters throughout the pipes so no one puts some swedium in the water (if you don't know what that is, figure it out yourself. It's fuckin' amazing in spray bottles) or LSD. Though they'd both be fuckin' hilarious. Of course, there should definitely be the ability to emag these filters!

just wait till I put spider eggs and initrobeedril in the water
If someone was able to put drugs and shit in the water this would be hell on the rp server since you got the motives system on there. But only when on the rare chances there are a traitor on there.
(11-22-2016, 01:30 PM)HydroFloric Wrote: If someone was able to put drugs and shit in the water this would be hell on the rp server since you got the motives system on there. But only when on the rare chances there are a traitor on there.

Worse yet, if the motives system was added to lljk1 and an admin added a cherry bomb traitor item, you could just bomb people as soon as they need to pee.
Motives are on lljk1

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