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Organic AI Shells
Simply put, the AI should be able to control organic shells.

How this would work is that Hydroponics grows some synthbrains, then sends one to Robotics. Robotics sticks an AI interface board into the synthbrain. Then, the Roboticist takes a person or a monkey (Preferably a monkey that's been turned into a braindead human), then the patient's brain is removed, and the AI Interfaced brain is put into the skull of the patient. The wound is closed up, and Strange Reagent is used to revive the patient, and once they are stabilized and healed, the AI can use it.

This organic shell would function identically to a human or monkey, depending on the body used. However, this means that the shell cannot interact with devices from a distance, but it can pick up items and interact with things. 

In case of a rogue AI using this shell to cause chaos (adding horrible new laws or borging people by force), the shell would have an electropack attached to it. Due to the interface board, the electropack would automatically connect to the robot computer in the computer core (on the Destiny, anyways).

What do you guys think about this?
Idea: #ifdef HALLOWEEN make AI shells in to actual floating eyeballs.
This sounds great, actually. I'd go for the electropack being a standard part of creation, to add that extra frankenstein vibe. It all depends on whether people think giving the AI a human body would be too crazy. I think it's a cool idea that gives botanists something neat to do.
The only downside ever to being AI is having no hands, and I've had this same idea floating around my head, the electropack thing is cool though. Also the electropack needs to be unremovable (except maybe emags?) so the ai man cannot use a backpack, this might limit some bad stuff like bombs from rogue AI. And yes the human shell would still follow laws, it's connected directly to the AI core
Also, anything that can support a brain would support the AI. Monkeys, people, sumerians, martians(?), maybe bears and wendigos, etc. Also, cybernetic enhancements would be available to the AI's shell, like cyberhearts or treads.
Also, "human" to human conversation would make the AI seem more like an actual character rather than some omniscient door opening entity. And it'd give the AI more stuff to be able to do, such as drinking at the bar, playing music, and hanging out with the crew! And it'd allow for the AI to help out the crew even more since it'd have hands and the ability to basically know everything, from medicine to engineering to the Art of Janitalia.
Oh and, the shell would have to be constantly maintained (at least on the Destiny), so I guess it'd give the AI something to do.
(11-09-2016, 10:21 AM)aft2001 Wrote: Also, anything that can support a brain would support the AI. Monkeys, people, sumerians, martians(?), maybe bears and wendigos, etc.
Martians, bears, and wendigos are all critters iirc, and do not have actual organs that can be transplanted (the spacebear being a minor exception)
(11-09-2016, 10:40 AM)Burrito Justice Wrote:
(11-09-2016, 10:21 AM)aft2001 Wrote: Also, anything that can support a brain would support the AI. Monkeys, people, sumerians, martians(?), maybe bears and wendigos, etc.
Martians, bears, and wendigos are all critters iirc, and do not have actual organs that can be transplanted (the spacebear being a minor exception)

Correction: Spacebears and wendigos. Wendigos can have arms removed too, including the wendigo king
So space bear shell?
let shells wear hats
Edit: made a thread
So uh, what do the programmers think about this? I'd imagine it won't be very hard to implement, as brains/interfaces are "controllers" and bodies are things that can be controlled.
it even could be done by directly putting the AI interface board into the head (just like we put brains into the borg heads) which i am all for, would make the AI more useful
(11-14-2016, 11:17 AM)Vuk Farkas Wrote: it even could be done by directly putting the AI interface board into the head (just like we put brains into the borg heads) which i am all for, would make the AI more useful

Also good idea: if they aren't used enough, for long periods of time, they start to rot or something, which makes them weaker and easier for bad men to beat up. Also if there's nothing controlling it it's easy to beat up. Also when I thought of this I thought of something like an implant that goes into a living controlled human, which lets the AI see and hear through the person, and every now and then, control the body.

If the human lets the AI in (ability or something idk) then the AI has full control (if it tries to control) for a while, e.g. a minute or two? If the human doesn't let them in, the AI can force control for about 30 seconds but it moves slower and can't pick up itens maybe? And maybe even a resist control button for the human, which makes the AI unable to force it's way in for a while. Also acts like a machine translator implant while installed.
NateTheSquid, so, a bit like the AI hacking its way into someone's mind?

Sounds cool. But I still enjoy the synthbrain idea since it'd give Botany something neat to do other than grow weed and blow up.
(11-10-2016, 06:22 AM)HydroFloric Wrote: So space bear shell?

I hear this and think Hector Con Carne from that Cartoon network show.

He's basically an evil playboy who's body got exploded so now he lives on top of a purple circus bear that he uses as a host and is always trying to do evil schemes, and his stomach is also alive.

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