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Make Martian Ambassadors More Playable
As the title says, the only really fun thing about rolling martian ambassador is their sprite. They're otherwise utterly gimped in every other sense: unable to wear masks, unable to wear even athletic shorts or shoes. I think it'd be quite nice for martians to at least wear breath masks/shoes on the end of their dumb tentacles. If it's a spriting issue, just make clothes not show on martian sprites! Backpacks already look horrid on them.
Maybe give them a goofy translation thing when they try to speak , rather than flat-out being mute. Or they could spawn with the telepathy mutation, as other martians seem to have all kinds of psychic powers and such.
(11-09-2016, 02:17 PM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: Maybe give them a goofy translation thing when they try to speak , rather than flat-out being mute. Or they could spawn with the telepathy mutation, as other martians seem to have all kinds of psychic powers and such.

I'd totally be okay with a goofy mutation on the condition that they hear all non-mutated speech (i.e. anyone but others with the mutation, so basically everyone except other martians) as if they had that mutation and mutated speech as normal.

Having telepathy as a free activated mutation would also work. Heck, make which one they get random.

Partially related, but I'd also be totally cool with "Martian" being another body type for the GeneTek machines (or perhaps some sort of half-Martian hybrid that can be used once the gene has been researched from a live Martian).
I like them having telepathy

I'd also be down for them having space friendly powers like not needing air and higher cold resistance to make up for their lack of clothes/masks
(11-09-2016, 03:39 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I like them having telepathy

I'd also be down for them having space friendly powers like not needing air and higher cold resistance to make up for their lack of clothes/masks


Same goes for the other diplomat races. That is, they should have relevant abilities to match their being.

On martians specifically I don't mind not being able to communicate orally as long as I can hear and understand other players. Crocodiles, for instance, can't speak human.
were they made oxygen-breathing again despite having no ability to wear masks? i thought they had been changed to not need air for a short while there. was it changed back?
I remember requesting it as a feature since masklessness cripples Martians if anything happens to the station, but I don't think it's been ever added.
As things stand martians are the most frustrating to get from the diplomat pool, but also the one with the most roleplay potential.
Also let them fake out people with the head explode stare except it doesn't do anything they just stare rudely
the thing that gripes me the most about being a martian is that i CANT WEAR HATS
On april fools the station should become a martian station and instead of syndies trying to nuke it it would be T.U.R.D.S.

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