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[Feature] Hungry Dan's TV Dinners
This patch adds the TV Dinners suggested in the thread here:

(I didn't actually add it to the fridge in crew-quarters since it didn't seem appropriate)

A couple of the sprites might need to be cleaned up, but I'm not very good, and Gannets' version of the sprites were kindof shackled by my originals.

Add these sprites to icons\obj\foodNdrink\food_snacks.dmi

Alternatively, here are the ones I made:

Add this code below the rest of the dans' code code at line 281 in \obj\item\food\
    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals"
    desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnerc"
    w_class = 1
    throwforce = 2
    var/full = 1
    var/traytype = 0
    stamina_damage = 3
    stamina_cost = 3
    rand_pos = 1

        src.traytype = rand(1,9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Salisbury Steak Flavor"
            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Fried Chicken Flavor"
            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Spaghetti Flavor"
            if (4)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
            if (5)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Flavor"
            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Chicken Nugget Flavor"
            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Chicken Alfredo Flavor"
        return ..()

    attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
        if (user.find_in_hand(src))//r_hand == src || user.l_hand == src)
            if (src.full == 0)
                user.show_text("The box is empty you idiot.", "red")
                var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner/W = new /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner(null, src.traytype)
                src.full = 0
                src.icon_state = "tvdinnero"
                src.desc = "An empty TV dinner box."
            return ..()

    name = "Hungry Dan's Frozen Dinner"
    desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. You should probably use a fork."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnert"
    needfork = 1
    amount = 2
    heal_amt = 2
    doants = 0 //Ants aren't dumb enough to try to eat these.
    var/activated = 0
    initial_volume = 50

    New(loc, var/traytype = 0)
        var/datum/reagents/R = reagents
        if (prob(75))
            R.add_reagent("grease", 3)
            traytype = rand(1, 9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Salisbury Steak Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("beff", 4)
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 10)
                R.add_reagent("cornstarch", 10)

            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Fried Chicken Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 4)
                R.add_reagent("oil", 10)

            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Spaghetti Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 5)
                R.add_reagent("swedium", 5)
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)

            if (4)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("porktonium", 4)
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 2)
                R.add_reagent("coffee", 4)
                R.add_reagent("egg", 4)

            if (5)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("cyanide", 2)
                R.add_reagent("gravy", 10)
                R.add_reagent("beff", 4)

            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Flavor"

            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Chicken Nugget Flavor"

            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"

            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Chicken Alfredo Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)
    attack_self(mob/user as mob)
        if (activated)

        src.activated = 1
        if (reagents)
            reagents.add_reagent("oxygen", 2)
        boutput(user, "You twist the tray, activating the heater mechanism.")

To put it in the snack machine, add this single line to code\obj\machinery\ at line 155

        product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product("/obj/item/tvdinner", 20, cost=5)

By the way, i would prefer if whoever added this changed the contents of the dishes around a bit; i wasn't very creative with them and it'd be cool to be surprised.

implemented some of the changes suggested in the thread:
    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnerc"
    w_class = 1
    throwforce = 2
    var/full = 1
    var/traytype = 0
    stamina_damage = 3
    stamina_cost = 3
    rand_pos = 1

        src.traytype = rand(1,9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. There's a picture of a tasty steak on the cover."
            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Partially Baked Spring Chicken Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. Is this box shaking, or is it just you?"
            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Imported Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. You can't read any of the words on this box!"
            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Grand Slam Breakfast Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. There's a picture of a tasty looking egg, pancake, and sausage breakfast on it"
            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. Guaranteed to be your last meal, or else."
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. The bottom of the box says \"may contain research chemicals.\""
            if (7)
       = "Gobbler Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Thanksgiving Dinner Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. Just like your cloning pod used to make."
            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. There's a picture of a scrumptious pizza on the cover"
            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
                src.desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner. Have \"fusion\" dishes gone too far?"
        return ..()

    attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
        if (user.find_in_hand(src))//r_hand == src || user.l_hand == src)
            if (src.full == 0)
                user.show_text("The box is empty you idiot.", "red")
                var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner/W = new /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner(null, src.traytype)
                src.full = 0
                src.icon_state = "tvdinnero"
                src.desc = "An empty TV dinner box."
            return ..()

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. You should probably use a fork."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnert"
    needfork = 1
    amount = 2
    heal_amt = 2
    doants = 0 //Ants aren't dumb enough to try to eat these.
    var/activated = 0
    initial_volume = 50

    New(loc, var/traytype = 0)
        var/datum/reagents/R = reagents
        if (prob(75))
            R.add_reagent("grease", 3)
            traytype = rand(1, 9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor" //Seven layers of reconsituted meat product
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner containing a squashed brown mess. You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("beff", 7)

            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Partially Baked Spring Chicken Flavor" //So spring it's an egg
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. Is... this still moving? You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("THC", 4.20)
                R.add_reagent("oil", 10)
                if (prob(25))
                    R.add_reagent("flaptonium", 5) //the egg hatched
                    R.add_reagent("egg",5) //hadn't hatched yet
                R.add_reagent("chocolate", 6.8) //chocolate brownie

            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Imported Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor" //Imported from swede-land
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner containing a well-travelled chinese lasagna. You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 5)
                R.add_reagent("swedium", 5)
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)

            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Grand Slam Breakfast Flavor" //A real knockout
                desc = "A self-heating TV dinner that'll knock you out of the park. You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("porktonium", 4)
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 2)
                R.add_reagent("coffee", 4)
                R.add_reagent("egg", 4)
                R.add_reagent("george_melonium", 1) //IT'S OUTTA THE PARK

            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor" //Your last meal, or else!
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner that's guaranteed to be your last meal, or else. You should probably use a fork."
                if (prob(5))
                    R.add_reagent("curare", 2)
                    R.add_reagent("capulettium", 5)
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Microwaveable Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Flavor"
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner containing a multicolored macaroni and cheese. You should probably use a fork."

            if (7)
       = "Gobbler Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Thanksgiving Dinner Flavor"
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner that looks so filling you're yawning just thinking about it. You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 4)

            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner containing a \"pizza\". You should probably use a fork."

            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
                src.desc = "A self-heating TV dinner saltier than Lot's wife. You should probably use a fork."
                R.add_reagent("salt", 10)
                R.add_reagent("ectoplasm",1) //Insert joke about deadchat here
                R.add_reagent("bread", 3)

Patch file:
This is a neat idea. More food is always good.
I was bored so I tried to come up with some more "Discount Dan" worthy food names (I am by no means an expert in this). I took some liberties and also removed the "Microwaveable" in each name because it made it kind of wordy.

I didn't touch the actual reagents (except to make 7 make sense).

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnerc"
    w_class = 1
    throwforce = 2
    var/full = 1
    var/traytype = 0
    stamina_damage = 3
    stamina_cost = 3
    rand_pos = 1

        src.traytype = rand(1,9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"
            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"
            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
        return ..()

    attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
        if (user.find_in_hand(src))//r_hand == src || user.l_hand == src)
            if (src.full == 0)
                user.show_text("The box is empty you idiot.", "red")
                var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner/W = new /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner(null, src.traytype)
                src.full = 0
                src.icon_state = "tvdinnero"
                src.desc = "An empty TV dinner box."
            return ..()

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. You should probably use a fork."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnert"
    needfork = 1
    amount = 2
    heal_amt = 2
    doants = 0 //Ants aren't dumb enough to try to eat these.
    var/activated = 0
    initial_volume = 50

    New(loc, var/traytype = 0)
        var/datum/reagents/R = reagents
        if (prob(75))
            R.add_reagent("grease", 3)
            traytype = rand(1, 9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("beff", 7)
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 10)
                R.add_reagent("cornstarch", 10)

            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 4)
                R.add_reagent("oil", 10)

            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 5)
                R.add_reagent("swedium", 5)
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)

            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("porktonium", 4)
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 2)
                R.add_reagent("coffee", 4)
                R.add_reagent("egg", 4)

            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("cyanide", 2)
                R.add_reagent("gravy", 10)
                R.add_reagent("beff", 4)

            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"

            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"

            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"

            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)
    attack_self(mob/user as mob)
        if (activated)

        src.activated = 1
        if (reagents)
            reagents.add_reagent("oxygen", 2)
        boutput(user, "You twist the tray, activating the heater mechanism.")
(10-28-2016, 10:01 PM)Arborinus Wrote: I was bored so I tried to come up with some more "Discount Dan" worthy food names (I am by no means an expert in this). I took some liberties and also removed the "Microwaveable" in each name because it made it kind of wordy.

I didn't touch the actual reagents (except to make 7 make sense).

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A box containing a self-heating TV dinner."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnerc"
    w_class = 1
    throwforce = 2
    var/full = 1
    var/traytype = 0
    stamina_damage = 3
    stamina_cost = 3
    rand_pos = 1

        src.traytype = rand(1,9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"
            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"
            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"
            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
        return ..()

    attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
        if (user.find_in_hand(src))//r_hand == src || user.l_hand == src)
            if (src.full == 0)
                user.show_text("The box is empty you idiot.", "red")
                var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner/W = new /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tvdinner(null, src.traytype)
                src.full = 0
                src.icon_state = "tvdinnero"
                src.desc = "An empty TV dinner box."
            return ..()

    name = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals"
    desc = "A self-heating TV dinner. You should probably use a fork."
    icon = 'icons/obj/foodNdrink/food_snacks.dmi'
    icon_state = "tvdinnert"
    needfork = 1
    amount = 2
    heal_amt = 2
    doants = 0 //Ants aren't dumb enough to try to eat these.
    var/activated = 0
    initial_volume = 50

    New(loc, var/traytype = 0)
        var/datum/reagents/R = reagents
        if (prob(75))
            R.add_reagent("grease", 3)
            traytype = rand(1, 9)
            if (1)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("beff", 7)
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 10)
                R.add_reagent("cornstarch", 10)

            if (2)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 4)
                R.add_reagent("oil", 10)

            if (3)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("juice_tomato", 5)
                R.add_reagent("swedium", 5)
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)

            if (4)
       = "Morning Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - All-Star Breakfast Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("porktonium", 4)
                R.add_reagent("VHFCS", 2)
                R.add_reagent("coffee", 4)
                R.add_reagent("egg", 4)

            if (5)
       = "Corporal Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Last Meal Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("cyanide", 2)
                R.add_reagent("gravy", 10)
                R.add_reagent("beff", 4)

            if (6)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor"

            if (7)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor"

            if (8)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - \"Pizza\" Party Flavor"

            if (9)
       = "Hungry Dan's Self-Microwaving Meals - BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor"
                R.add_reagent("bread", 10)
    attack_self(mob/user as mob)
        if (activated)

        src.activated = 1
        if (reagents)
            reagents.add_reagent("oxygen", 2)
        boutput(user, "You twist the tray, activating the heater mechanism.")

My objection exists/remains that adding swedium to something and then having no indicator it's Swedish is bunk, because Swedishness (while funny) is annoying as shit as a speech mutation. The cup Dan's is some INGOKT LAX SMORGASBORD SMEK shit while this is. . somehow Chinese Italian Lo Mein Lasagna?? Swedish???? If you want Swedium put it in a separate thing imo

EDIT: Whether to the original or your names. The rest, I think, is quite nice and just what this needed for a polish layer.
(10-29-2016, 02:08 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote: Swedishness (while funny) is annoying as shit as a speech mutation.
I disagree, swedishness is like the easiest thing to decode, it's pretty simple. It screws some words over, like 'visor' but otherwise it's easy. Hidden swedish all the way. Or just add the word 'imported' somewhere in the name of the one with swedium
Since these things are supposed to be self microwaving, how about you give them a chance to give you a slight dose of radiation when you activate them. And have them be emaggable to make them horribly irradiate anyone who uses it

Seven Layer Salisbury Steak Flavor - Beff is hard to come by, so this is good.
Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor - A small amount of strange reagent? It is reconstituted somehow.
Lo Mein Lasagna Flavor - Good as is.
All-Star Breakfast Flavor - A unit of george melonium would make this a big hit.
Last Meal Flavor - One unit of curare and one unit of capulettium plus. Knock 'em dead.
Macaroni and Cheese Chunks Flavor - This is a good source of fake cheese, so keep as is.
Chicken Fried Chicken Nugget Flavor - Also good. Could add ketamine to keep things fresh.
\"Pizza\" Party Flavor - Excellent.
BBQ Grill Alfredo Noodles Flavor - Of all things, this should have capsaicin in it! And sugar! And itching powder!
(11-06-2016, 05:07 PM)APARTHEID Wrote: Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor - A small amount of strange reagent? It is reconstituted somehow.

Sounds more like a TV dinner containing 1 unit of flaptonium that reacts upon heating, producing a dangerously undercooked "turkey" dinner.
(11-07-2016, 04:24 AM)Grifflez Wrote:
(11-06-2016, 05:07 PM)APARTHEID Wrote: Reconstituted Turkey Dinner Flavor - A small amount of strange reagent? It is reconstituted somehow.

Sounds more like a TV dinner containing 1 unit of flaptonium that reacts upon heating, producing a dangerously undercooked "turkey" dinner.

This is beautiful.
The King's Fool's Gold Loaf Meal

should give you the funky accents since not enough things do
I've edited the original post with many of the changes suggested in this thread, as well as adding a .patch file

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