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The Farkas house of text walls, ridicule and doomsday preppery
Vuk, a word of advice:  Stop.  Stop and self-reflect for just one second.

Since I moved this thread, you have been given about two pages worth of permutations of the exact same advice, from players who are all generally well-liked by the admins and the rest of the community, without any coaching or provocation from the admin team.  That advice is to "Ask, and respect boundaries if they're set".  Yet every time you post you come back to "but it's everyone else's fault that I have to be shitty!  Look at those other people!"

The problem is not everyone else.  Everyone else on that server is doing their jobs, having fun, and rping whatever sorts of characters they want to rp with while still respecting chain of command, personal boundaries, acting like decent human beings, and playing out complex social interactions and organic personal stories and what have you.  They do this without beating each other up.  They do this without getting banned.  They do this without posting walls of text.

The problem is you.  Quite frankly, you behave like a particularly psychopathic doomsday prepper who goes so far as to raid the local police station and hospital in preparation for whatever impending doom might befall you, consequences be damned.  You do so at the expense of your crewmates, with no respect to chain of command or boundaries.  In fact, you endanger yourself further by destroying whatever goodwill the crew has towards you, as well as drawing the attention of higher powers are are more than happy to erase your department, R-kits and all with a well placed Syndicate Tactical Railgun strike if they feel the round needs spicing up.  You do not bother to try to engage in the literal point of the server, which is roleplaying out the complex interactions between space people, you instead treat people as NPCs and scans like pokemon that absolutely must be caught.  This goes against what LLJK1 is about, and if the social interaction game doesn't sound fun to you, you're likely never going to fit in or have fun on LLJK1.

I invite you to give LLJK2 a shot if you do indeed prefer a more action oriented experience, that's perhaps a bit more relaxed about trespassing for scans, and doesn't focus on rp so much.  You might want to try modifying your attitude and playstyle a little bit regardless (mostly because friends are helpful for survival), but I suspect you'll be better off there.
(10-06-2016, 07:12 PM)BurntCornMuffin Wrote: [GOOD ADVICE]

I completely agree.
Vuk, if everyone except you is the problem that means YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
LLJK2 is a great place! I usually die trying to hack doors without insulated gloves, though, but that's the risk you take when you want something done!
(10-06-2016, 09:48 PM)APARTHEID Wrote: LLJK2 is a great place! I usually die trying to hack doors without insulated gloves, though, but that's the risk you take when you want something done!

Protip: If you activate the electrocution wire by accident, close the hacking window and you'll stop being electrocuted.
I primarily play on LLJK2 because I can only control my powergaming urges so long.  A beaming sun
(10-06-2016, 10:46 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I primarily play on LLJK2 because I can only control my powergaming urges so long.  A beaming sun

After a certain point it just kind of happens, you're just kinda going through the round and you realize you've suddenly got all access from dead peoples IDs and you're better armed than half of sec.
(10-06-2016, 11:36 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(10-06-2016, 03:48 AM)BurntCornMuffin Wrote: Moved this thread to General, as it is clearly not an appeal.

You could say this thread has no appeal

Now it has a banana peel!

[Image: eHealth-June-13-2015_Amazing-Uses-For-Banana-Peels.jpg]

Don't slip yourself up, Vuk.

EDIT: Thought I was being clever. Went back and saw someone else posted a banana peel too. I guess you could say thia thread is growing in its appeal?
*puts on sunglasses
You need to learn how things work around Goonstation is all Vuk, you'll get the hang of it... or you'll just get banned forever for being terrible! Either way, something will happen. So far this isn't a good start. Good luck to you!
(10-06-2016, 04:37 PM)Vuk Farkas Wrote:
(10-06-2016, 05:35 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: Eternal wisdom

I got banned for my rulebreakig fine, its suppoused to be that way, but i dislike when its done without proper investigation, also i am not saying i am against stealing and griefing unless i'm doing it, but i was trying to show difference between taking an item no one used the whole damn round and taking an item which is used by someone at the wery moment... also besides that revolver can anyone say what i took? what i actually stole? (and no copied and fabricated stuff aplies here). Also mind telling when was i breaking windows and walls to let air escape or similar? (well not counting the bug where screwdriver punches a hole in the station if it hits the hidden wall, which i discovered by accident)

I'll take the bait.

Vuk. There's a wonderful key on your keyboard referred to as "Return" or "Enter" depending on the manufacturer. It's used when typing to create a line break. Line breaks are helpful in establishing a flow and pacing to your thoughts and to let the reader know that you've moved onto a new topic. Like this!

Now, onto your post. 

If you think you were banned without any investigation then you are sorely mistaken. I'm not an admin. I'm not even a mentor (I'm still fighting with myself as to whether or not to pursue it); however, I have been playing this game long enough to see that the admins take ahelps seriously and will often look through the logs before taking action against anyone. Onto the next point in your argument. Can you guess what that means?

Line break! Gosh, I love that return key. Stealing is stealing. If you (as a non-antag) killed a person who was afk for three hours you'd still be banned. According to your logic you might say, "No one was using that body all round!" but there is still always a possibility that person will log back in and be in need of said body. Now, replace "murder" with "stealing" and a "braindead player" with "the DETECTIVE'S gun."

Hopefully, you're begininning to draw the correct conclusions on your own by now. (If you have to STEAL it, then you shouldn't be taking it) Even as Captain I would never take the detective's gun. That's just plain ol' rude.

"Also mind telling when was i breaking windows and walls to let air escape or similar?"

I have no idea what I said that you're referring to and will just leave that question alone.
I may be a bit late on this, but here's what I've concluded.
Mordent = Nice
Vuk = Kinda Mean.
Mordent = Voice of Wisdom
Admin= God
Vuk = Not listening to the voices of god and wisdom!
Killing Mordent = Bad
Killing clown over weed = Bad
Killing in General = Bad
Your grammar = Bad
My grammar = Perfect
Mordent = Amazing
The_Rain = Amazing

Therefore, I have prepared the following sentence, which expresses my severe disappointment in you in a very clear and succinct way:

(10-07-2016, 04:39 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: Therefore, I have prepared the following sentence, which expresses my severe disappointment in you in a very clear and succinct way:

Wasn't even a sentence.
the other day i was making dough in my kitchen and i saw the yeast bloom and i thought that was pretty cool
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀░░░░░░░ U HAVE BEEN SPOOKED BY THE
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░░░░ SPOOKY SKILENTON
what the fuck is this four pages of timecube-level gibbering
(10-09-2016, 10:39 AM)Admiral jimbob Wrote: what the fuck is this four pages of timecube-level gibbering


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