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Ghostdrone RCDs
Removing their ability to put holes in the floor using the RCD would also help stop the station from turning into a vacuum every round on LLJK2's Ass Days. That said though, leave them with the tools to manually remove the floor, though I'm not even sure if that's possible without the RCD/Chems/explosions.
(10-02-2016, 01:46 PM)Mageziya Wrote: Removing their ability to put holes in the floor using the RCD would also help stop the station from turning into a vacuum every round on LLJK2's Ass Days. That said though, leave them with the tools to manually remove the floor, though I'm not even sure if that's possible without the RCD/Chems/explosions.

You know what's fun? Ass Day
You know what's not fun? Cold slow/vacuums
You know what's really not fun? Cold slow/vacuums when you get a macho/omnitraitor round so nobody can do anything
(10-02-2016, 01:46 PM)Mageziya Wrote: Removing their ability to put holes in the floor using the RCD would also help stop the station from turning into a vacuum every round on LLJK2's Ass Days. That said though, leave them with the tools to manually remove the floor, though I'm not even sure if that's possible without the RCD/Chems/explosions.

I feel like the worst thing is people who decide to set whole parts of the station on fire.

Like seriously I get being able to do whatever you want, but if your first response is to fill medbay or science with fire it's not fun for everyone else. Also blowing up whole parts of the station just because you can.

I think Drones at least give ghost players something to do, and an outlet for retaliating against dorks who set medbay on fire or AI's that start killing people.

I especially like drones deciding to coordinate because AI is a big fat dork and shocking all the doors. A group of drones can give the sole surviving humans a means to kill the AI without an uphill battle. Seriously all a drone has to do is RCD some walls and kill an APC and the AI is compromised to whatever explosive, brute force or gunfire a crewman can muster.

I feel like the only time the admins should really get involved on A-Day is if one of the bigot rules is broke, or if the game could use some admin tinkering to bring the fun scale back into balance. If that means secretly filling a pyro nerd with chloroform, or bombing the drone factory, then so be it.
Ghostdrone abuse punishments are pretty stern. If someone's abusing Ghostdrones, they can expect to see a rather hefty ban.
I don't think the drones are doing it on purpose. I think it's a bug, related to the 'walls made of sand' thing. Whenever you punch down one of those walls, the floor underneath it also disappears. So I don't think the drone intended to depressurize the station - they just misclicked or decided to wall up that bit for legitimate reasons, someone punches the wall down and now there's a new hole in the station.
(10-04-2016, 08:22 PM)Roomba Wrote: I don't think the drones are doing it on purpose. I think it's a bug, related to the 'walls made of sand' thing. Whenever you punch down one of those walls, the floor underneath it also disappears. So I don't think the drone intended to depressurize the station - they just misclicked or decided to wall up that bit for legitimate reasons, someone punches the wall down and now there's a new hole in the station.

Both of these, actually. The RCD walls that delete floors(!?!?!), and Ass Day floor holes.
I think Ass Day is a niche enough thing that it's not worth balancing the rest of the game around it. Stuff more or less balances itself thst day - if ghost drones prove too much of an annoyance in one round, you have 5-10 minutes to bomb it before the first drone goes into play. Plus it's not like the rest of the station isn't going to end up a bombed-out airless wreck, ghost drones or no.

As for the rest, fixing that wall bug and ahelping any ghost drones who straight-up punch holes in floors etc. should take care of the issue.
(10-04-2016, 08:22 PM)Roomba Wrote: I don't think the drones are doing it on purpose. I think it's a bug, related to the 'walls made of sand' thing. Whenever you punch down one of those walls, the floor underneath it also disappears. So I don't think the drone intended to depressurize the station  - they just misclicked or decided to wall up that bit for legitimate reasons, someone punches the wall down and now there's a new hole in the station.

Can confirm this. Was happily repairing some holes in some walls where someone busted into a room earlier. After going off to repair some other stuff, I came back to there being a hole there because the paper-thin wall was broken and the room was depressurising. Wasn't my intent by any means.
has anyone put this weird frail wall leading to floor hole bug into the actual bug reports forum yet? would probably help getting it fixed.

drones also have good hard limitations on certain other activities, such as touching artifacts. safety protocols kick in and prevent it. so, safety protocols to stop them from messing up the default floorplan would also be good.

similar safety protocols could also be used for if regular cyborgs ever get magtractors, to prevent them from picking up guns and stun batons and the like, but thats for another time and place

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