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Would it be a good idea to remove napalm spray bottles.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:My thought on this is that it is meant to represent the fact that a spray bottle sprays a micro-amount of the fluid when it is squirted. Byond, however, doesn't work well in fractions. Instead of giving it only 50 sprays, which would be unrealistic, they made it so that you can give it the proper number of sprays by loading it up with chems. Proportionally, 1000 sprays of 1 unit each is taking the place of 50 sprays of .05 units each.

I recall being killed by this method about three times, each time only two sprays at most killed me.So either Byond is counting it as 1000 full sprays, or the chemicals are wayyyyyyyy too strong.
No, I mean that the bottle can spray 1 unit and hold 1000 units instead of spraying .05 units and only holding 50. It was a point of the amount they can hold, not the lethality, as that was brought into question.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:stuff

UrsulaMajor Wrote:stuff too

It's not spray bottles or some magical spray-1000-units thing; it's just the oil and the heat. The oil does both burning and melting damage, enough to send someone to orange if even slightly heated, but it scales up the hotter it is; along with that, other chemicals in your average Dans gets superheated, doing even MORE damage; it's literally just heat and melt damage, not some magical glitch. The quantity doesn't matter when you take 20 units of it to the face.

For example:

0.1 units of Space Soybean oil
9.9 units of Tomato juice/piss/anything else normal

superheat that, spray it in a bottle, and it'll still do basically exactly the same as normal dans.
ahhh okay I see now
This is getting silly now. I have so far not played a round today in which some (usually non-traitor) jerk has gone around spraying lethal as heck dans in peoples faces and basically killing them instantly!
Well, I just nerfed discount dan's somewhat, looking into nerfing extinguishers now.
Dans has been in the game for like three months and only just now people decided to be shit lords with ot?

Im annoyed as shit and proud people actually restrained themselves that long
Fire extinguishers don't need to be nerfed, Cogs; they hold only about 100 units and they're melted/clogged by a pretty wide range of chemicals.

Nubcake Wrote:fuken dans
That's probably not unrelated to the fact that this thread exists in public view.
help im not gud with quaotes
Weavel Wrote:-stuff-
That's probably not unrelated to the fact that this thread exists in public view.
Yeah, that's kind of why I only stated napalm in the title and in my post.
I suppose when you want to nerf something you do kind of have to discuss it, oh well. At least there's something being done though; there's only so many one-click massacres you can have.
Cogwerks Wrote:Well, I just nerfed discount dan's somewhat, looking into nerfing extinguishers now.

But fire extinguishers don't need a nerf, I rarely see them used for traitoring, only for mild griefing; i.e: crystoline everywhere
The idea behind discount dan's is that it's supposed to be as harmful as fuck.
A primary ingredient of Discount Dans now clogs extinguishers, soybean oil has been made somewhat less destructive, and spray bottles have had their capacity lowered from 1000 (wtf) to 100. I dunno why they held twice as much as a bathtub before. Also they now transfer 5 units of whatever per spray object instead of 10.

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