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Command ID's created from spare ID's can't force the shuttle to leave early.
So basically if you create two command IDs to go with the one you've already got, the two created ones count as the same ID when it comes to the shuttle leaving early, I've tried changing the department they're for and everything, still only counts as one ID. I've done some testing on it because it's caused me to actually fail the escape alone objective once.
I'm fairly certain this is not true... I just did this the other night with my captain's ID and an ID I made assigned to George with the role of Dog.

The issue may be in how you set it up?

I made mine by clicking "captain" for role then changing it to "dog" after.
You can only use multiple ID cards for multiple authorizations if they're registered to different names; if they're all made out to the same name, it will only count as one authorization.
(03-08-2016, 02:07 PM)Isilkor Wrote: You can only use multiple ID cards for multiple authorizations if they're registered to different names; if they're all made out to the same name, it will only count as one authorization.

Ah, I didn't change the names, there's my issue.

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