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The New Nuke (It'll be around forever, eh eh eh)
All fair points guys but I don't want the the game modes combined just so I can lone wolf it. Really silly to think that since I was one of the people who started pushing for better teamwork among the crew back in the day. Like I said I feel new nuke has more room to grow and be even better then old nuke ever was. I think making the disk important to the nukes activation would be a good change though. Say Two syndies went undercover while the others got the nuke and the area where they had to plant it clear. I think adding layers to this gamemode will be a step in the right direction. These steps don't have to be retreadings from the old version either they can be completely new ideas. I wanted to open this discussion again as I feel this mode should be built upon instead of left as is. I still believe old nuke had some good ideas in it and would meld very well into the new version.
i still think that the old nuke mode should be brought back


why can't they coexist? just have nuke classic and new nuke
How about the nuke requiring some setup? 

Any nuke round I'm involved in, I push for teamwork and having some forward team who goes in, clears an area, secures it, and opens up a wall for the nuke to be brought straight in from space. 

There are still those who will argue against it and want to do the usually "storm the castle, arm the nuke routine," whish, in my opinion is pretty lackluster when you have such potential for espionage; nevermind the tools at your disposal that are grossly underutilized.

Having a setup, whether it be wiring the nuke or a time delay would add a bit of tension (oh no is someone coming?) and give an incentive to folks making preparations.

Also, having to wire the nuke could give us the option of actually disarming the nuke instead of kicking it repeatedly. I mean... that could still be an option but it would be a nice alternative.

That being said, nothing is so satisfying as rounding a corner as a crew member, seeing an rpg carelessly discarded, picking it up, and letting it rip on the syndicates and their nuke. Game over. Crew victory. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. i'm a cowboy baby
Any nukemode that exists I'm for making teamwork all but mandatory. It's our only antag mode built around a team. I never want to see it go back to that mode where one guy rushes the captain and sets off the nuke five minutes in. You won. Good job. Everyone else, Syndicate included, says fuck you.

That being said, newnuke needs some things. It was nice of Goon to release the source, but I think the coder shortage is starting to hit us a bit.
One thing I think that could be considered, is changing the focus of the mode from the Nuke itself, and rather having a team of Syndicates cooperating to complete an objective.

Like, maybe in the future the Syndicates could have a randomized objective. One of those could be planting the nuke, another could be kidnapping a specific person and bringing them back to the syndicate station, or uploading a virus into the AI.
(02-26-2016, 12:38 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: but I think the coder shortage is starting to hit us a bit.

It really is.

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