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Give the clown a spawn crayon
I've already noticed a drop-off in usage.
things are always used a fuckton when they're first added, then people calm down with it. it's like y'all have never been around for any new, dumb feature like this before.
remember when I first added the ability to write on floors and walls with pens? there were scribbles everywhere for a while, then people calmed down as the newness wore off. it wasn't as excessive as this because this is much more colorful and it's even easier to get your "captain <3 poo" messages across.
What Conor and Haine said.
Don't lobby against a neat new feature just 'cause it's being over-used in the first week. This happens with everything.

Also, janitors can clean up crayon. Go forth and annoy yr clowns.
Haine Wrote:things are always used a fuckton when they're first added, then people calm down with it. it's like y'all have never been around for any new, dumb feature like this before.

Or the ABCU's. Those (still very awesome!) machines were added, every round instantly disappeared from the warehouse, and now no one touches them. Even despite their potential.

Yes to the Clown Crayon.
Depends on the type of rainbow. If it's a different color per use, then yeah. If it's the miracle matter type rainbow, then nah. That would be neat enough that people would jump through some hoops to get. Maybe throw it in the back of martian outpost, or make it fairly expensive from one of the space merchants.
I have been playing nothing but janitor since crayons were implemented, and the amount of saltiness from people who come back just as their laboriously scrawled message is erased is hilarious.
Vitatroll Wrote:Depends on the type of rainbow. If it's a different color per use, then yeah. If it's the miracle matter type rainbow, then nah. That would be neat enough that people would jump through some hoops to get. Maybe throw it in the back of martian outpost, or make it fairly expensive from one of the space merchants.
Melt all the crayon colors together to get one?
Anticheese Wrote:I have been playing nothing but janitor since crayons were implemented, and the amount of saltiness from people who come back just as their laboriously scrawled message is erased is hilarious.
First round they were in I got to be janitor. I had the qm order a good 7 qm crates and loaded up boxes of cleaner nades, people hate the janitor even when he does his job. Oh and no buffo run ever felt so glorious.
Gannets Wrote:What Conor and Haine said.
Don't lobby against a neat new feature just 'cause it's being over-used in the first week. This happens with everything.

Also, janitors can clean up crayon. Go forth and annoy yr clowns.

But they can't clean up pens.

Always write "Janitor is a huge nerd" on walls in protest, they probably can't do anything about that.
Also if it wasn't seriously impractical, throwing crayons in the arc smelter should melt them into different color crayons, with some kind of secret way to get a rainbow crayon.

Proceed to steal all the crayons and just leave one poop brown crayon in it's wake.
atomic1fire Wrote:
Gannets Wrote:What Conor and Haine said.
Don't lobby against a neat new feature just 'cause it's being over-used in the first week. This happens with everything.

Also, janitors can clean up crayon. Go forth and annoy yr clowns.

But they can't clean up pens.

Always write "Janitor is a huge nerd" on walls in protest, they probably can't do anything about that.

you can clean up pens, just hit them with a wet mop and down they go.
Anticheese Wrote:I have been playing nothing but janitor since crayons were implemented, and the amount of saltiness from people who come back just as their laboriously scrawled message is erased is hilarious.
the system works (if you think this was not an intended result of crayons then I have news for you)

Frank_Stein Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:Melt all the crayon colors together to get one?
there are roughly 900 named colors the crayons can use, so uh, if you manage THAT then I think you'd want a better prize than a fancy colorshifting thing
maybe at that point we just tell you the secret of the cheget or make you admin or something
Haine Wrote:maybe at that point we just tell you the secret of the cheget or make you admin or something
challenge accepted
with all this talk about art, what are the chances of bringing back the green toolbox and filling it with wondrous crayons, pens, and wire.
Dr_Bee Wrote:with all this talk about art, what are the chances of bringing back the green toolbox and filling it with wondrous crayons, pens, and wire.
above and beyond any other suggestions this needs to be a thing, if only to terrify people with the artistic toolbox once more

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