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Chaplain Rework Discussion/Suggestion Smackdown
Frank_Stein Wrote:I don't know, I kinda like the idea a bit.

Like, converts don't have to do anything special except maybe wear a certain item. Like a particular hat.

More people wearing that hat, more powerful the chaplains powers are.
Atheist chaplains give everyone fedoras. The more people with fedoras, the stronger they become.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Frank_Stein Wrote:I don't know, I kinda like the idea a bit.

Like, converts don't have to do anything special except maybe wear a certain item. Like a particular hat.

More people wearing that hat, more powerful the chaplains powers are.
Atheist chaplains give everyone fedoras. The more people with fedoras, the stronger they become.
Haha. Once the hat tipping starts, does the chaplain lose all their power regen? or maybe they get a permanent point increase.
Having hats being the unifying chaplain gimmick sounds hilarious while still having some shred of legitimacy through real life religions.
I approve of Chaplain: the Hattening.
You could just give the chaplain the ability to give people hats in the name of a procedurally generated god.

Then if you let two chaplains with two different gods with two different hats spawn, you can watch the station descend into sectarian violence.
I've warmed to the idea of religions being a cool hat club. Although I think I do we need to tie this into the OP somehow rather than going off on this complete tangent.
So how would the cool hats help with the religion?
Perhaps, the chaplain could have two minor skills. One skill is just a passive skill, while the other is in benefit to his cool hat followers. As in, his spells only effect those that were his stupid/cool hats, while he has a spell that minorly effects himself.
Sundance Wrote:I've warmed to the idea of religions being a cool hat club. Although I think I do we need to tie this into the OP somehow rather than going off on this complete tangent.
So how would the cool hats help with the religion?
Perhaps, the chaplain could have two minor skills. One skill is just a passive skill, while the other is in benefit to his cool hat followers. As in, his spells only effect those that were his stupid/cool hats, while he has a spell that minorly effects himself.
Hat power ideas. Listed in order of Domain: Hat - Chaplain hat spell effect. Note that the Chaplain would have to activate all these powers except for the nature and death, which are passive for the hat wearers.

Atheism: Fedora - Everyone tips their hat (Non-lethally) and does the smug emote
Life: Nurses hat - Chaplain can heal 2 points of damage for every hat being worn, on a specific target
Death: Top Hat - Everyone wearing a hat is notified when another hat wearer dies.
Order: Judges Hat - Everyone wearing a hat's location, job, and health status is listed to everyone else wearing the hat
Chaos:Jester's cap - Everyone wearing the hat switches places
Light: Cake hat - Everyone drops a small flare like object that lights up the area before eventually burning out.
Darkness:Puritan hat with black veil - Everyone wearing the hat temporarily appears as "Unknown" even with an ID on them.
Machinery:Cyborg Implants - Everyone wearing the hat can read (but cannot send messages on) the machine chat temporarily
Nature: Fruit Hat - Healing effect of food is more effective, no ill effects from smoking weed.

I feel like that's marginally useful enough for both the chaplain and other players. As for the Chaplain's personal passive powers

Atheism: Chaplain can understand monkey's speech
Life: Chaplain can remove status effects (Shock, Cardiac arrest, Food Poisoning, addiction) in addition to healing with the bible
Death: Chaplain is notified whenever a death occurs and is given a general location of where the death occurred (Cardinal directions, distance)
Order: Other players speak in small text around Chaplain
Chaos: Chaplain randomly receives the actions, spoken words of another player in pink thought text
Light: Electric lights nearby Chaplain are powered, even if there is a powered down APC
Darkness: Chaplain doesn't appear on AI camera list
Machinery: Chaplain is notified when AI laws are changed. Cannot actually read the laws
Nature: Chaplain can bless botany plants. Increases one plant variable of choice
Yeah that seems pretty neat although it could do with some tweaking here and there.
I was thinking it'd probably be a pain in the ass to code to have an X power ability depending on the amount of hats(i.e followers), so what you could do instead is just tie in an ability to a hat. I.e: If you wear the hat, you get the ability of the religion, if you don't wear the hat, tough shit you heathen. Simple way of implementing it.

I'm coming up with various "lore" behind each religion, how it came to be and what kind of attitudes and attire the chaplain of the religion may wear. I'll give this a whirl at spiriting starting in a fortnight after my exams so if anyone wants to weigh any ideas in the meantime of what they'd like to see a chaplain wearing i'll give it a whirl.

Attire: Dirty t-shirt and jeans. I'd do a MLP t-shirt because it'd fit in nicely but i'd get yelled at. Sunglasses. Fingerless gloves.
Hat: Fedora. Perhaps as a pro the followers also get sunglasses?

Attire: I was thinking something unique to this, make it like a something like the medic in TF2 with heavy red gloves but with a more religious aspect to it? I'll get my thinking cap on.
Hat: I like the idea of the nurse hat. Perhaps make it more archbishopy with a pointed top?

Attire: I'd think something ominous like a plague doctor would be cool. See viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4709&p=52060&hilit=doctor#p52060
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2756&p=41578&hilit=doctor#p41578 I might go a bit further with these sprites, giving the plague doctor their traditional dress. The reason I think plague doctor would work is that these guys were often a sign of death, so it'd tie in nicely. Attire is essentially the brown plague dress and plague mask.
Hat: Plague hat.

Attire: I was thinking something grey and dystopian, a kind of futuristic looking formal suit, but with the addition of a grey cape.
Hat: I originally was thinking something like judge dredd, but then why the hell not? Something like a judge dredd hat that covers the eyes might be cool.

Attire: Harlequin clothing. White gloves. A greek theatre mask. ... e09125.jpg
Hat: The jesters cap for sure.

Attire: A toga. Sandals. I was thinking something angelic, but then greek came to mind.
Hat:: A golden laurel wreath. Actually golden, it will sparkle.

Attire: Hmm, this ones tough. I don't want it to step on deaths shoes too much with the design, I think darkness chaplains could start off with a genetic mutation that makes their skin dark blue, and I'd make their attire more shamanistic, with a skull mask.
Hat: Something shamanistic.

AttireI think the adeptus robes already do the job for the attire imo.
Hat: I'm not sure if the adeptus hat is separate to the adeptus exosuit, if not it should be, because the cablelike braids on it would be cool as a hat.

Attire: I was thinking something Rastafarian. Bring back Rastafarian. If not then I suppose some sort of clothing made of woven plant matter.
Hat: Rastafarian. If not the fruit hat would fit into the latter idea above.
I prefer passive powers for hats.

Atheism Fedora: You can *heh. Farting on the bible does not smite you.
Life Nurse Hat: You are immune to brain damage from the bible.
Death Top Hat: The hat clacks whenever someone on the station dies.
Light Halo: Is a very bright white coloured light source.
Order Helmet: Functions as a GPS beacon, including distress capability.
Chaos Jester Cap: Jingles when you walk. Peels make you *flip instead of slip.
Darkness Hood: Goes up and down. Functions as a welding mask when up.
Machinery Antenna: Allows you to hear, but not speak on, binary.
Nature Fruit Hat: Functions as a small capacity produce satchel.
Yeah, I like all of these.
The reason I approve of something like this is the player conflict that arises when someone steals the Chaplain's hat, a lot like the HoS or Captain hats. It would be funny as hell and stir up in-game drama, the good kind. If the Chaplain is a good chaplain, they will have followers that can lynch those guilty of hat theft and leave them handcuffed and shoeless in the hallway, or give the chaplain a thematic way to plot revenge. A simple and flavorful way to make the job fun to play, I think.

Hat Station 13.
I think death should be renamed vodoo, this way it opens the path for more varied powers

Minus the frog part this is nearly the perfect vodoo traitor
For the Order domain... something like "reset the damage of a 4 by 4 area to how it was at the beginning of the round"
Mutadone touch.
can summon a security droid.

Traitor trait: Low Orbital Ion Cannons. Summons down a 16x16 target area that shoots a laser down on six random 2x2 positions causing damage.
all of these should have traitor traits
like death getting a one use instant kill
Have you thought about altar mechanics in the way they tend to work in a few classic roguelikes, IE Nethack/ADOM? Because I love that stuff personally.

Altars in them do various stuff, but the overarching mechanic is sacrificing objects/creatures/corpses for rewards (or punishments as the deity may prefer).

Choosing what sacrifices the god likes/dislikes could be linked to the two domains chosen. Sacrificing enough positive points worth of whatever they like would dispense minor useful items like space cash/holy water/bees, rewards probably also based on domains. A traitor-domained deity would lean towards a more usefully violent end, things like sacrificial daggers. Attempting to sacrifice a disliked thing should not consume said thing, but instead dispense a severe and immediate punishment on the priest who tried it.

The traitor-style might be too strong, but it is sort of a glorified (literally) cremator/gibber if used offensively, so not too different than most departments. I'm assuming corrupted domains are going to be the 'big' traitor item for chaplain and cost 9+ points anyway.

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