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add old nuke back to rotation
Couldn't a heist round see the r-walls of the ai core become indestructable and the team has to steal the AI ALIVE and hook it into their base. Upload a virus that turns the AI "evil" and allows it to choose a method of destruction for the station.
vampirate Wrote:Couldn't a heist round see the r-walls of the ai core become indestructable and the team has to steal the AI ALIVE and hook it into their base. Upload a virus that turns the AI "evil" and allows it to choose a method of destruction for the station.

I guess in this instance the mesh would be more advisable. Also jerkasses that rushed to check at the start of the round would get an admin slap of some sort.
Stryxic Wrote:Only issue I can see is that whoever is being taken hostage might suicide, but that would be uncool. I imagine that'd be something that admins would have to watch out for, and it might be slightly more work for them.

Maybe it could offer a better reward if the hostage in question is returned alive, but also offer a smaller reward if brought in dead. This could tie in to the persisting 'Richest Employee' suggestion from the Wealth Thread. Otherwise you could have some sort of 'X or X' objectives? Something like 'BRING THIS HEAD ALIVE OR CLAIM THE HEADS OF THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE:' kind of thing.

I would absolutely LOVE a Heist gamemode. The old Nuke system of Stealth/Assault could do wonders.
Someone should sprite one of those black bag masks. Like from the dark knight rises plane scene.
since the nuke can be set up in a variety of locations, of course this rival gamemode should have various objectives which may or may not be active

stealing the ai is good, although the ai's neural net processor is already an objective for regular traitors so that's not too creative. perhaps swapping in an evil neural net processor, effectively permanently relawing it and all borgs?

perhaps some of the databanks or mainframes in that computer room south of the ai could be made unscrew-able and pullable like the ai is, and stealing them could become an objective. is the nuke charge still in there too? maybe do something with that

kidnapping heads is also good

fallback secondary objective: if the team fails to capture the target live for brainwashing (should they be provided a portabrig type device to help facilitate live capture?) cloning them for capture could also be an option, and also cause the team to second-guess whether they want to destroy the station's cloner or not.

maybe an objective to install enough syndicate cameras/packet sniffers/other bugs around the station?
doing some computery shit with the packet sniffer might be nice but that shit is complicated.

some kind of catastrophic sabotage to the engine and power transfer laser? stealing the mining magnets? stealing the power transfer laser? stealing the engine (the 3 center blocks of it i guess)?

stealing x amount of plasma tanks an objective for this squad? although thatd be a hard one to complete unless the number to steal is low, since the crew loves to burn them up themselves.

infecting the kitchen and the cloner with bioweapons? infecting the air supply?

optionally perhaps these heists could be COMBINED with nuke, the stealing/kidnapping/sabotaging of course coming BEFORE the final nuke showdown. if the heists go wrong the nuke is still there as a fallback, detonate it for a partial syndicate victory.
The best way to accomplish kidnapping is by mind slaving the target.

Anyway as far as heist goes, perhaps some stuff could be added in Cogmap2 to lend itself toward that. Like a bank vault near security or command and another hazardous material vault in science. The vaults should always have something in them even if it isn't a heist map; mostly to encourage regular traitors to try and bust in or staff assistants to get their hands on NT's prized prototype werebee serum or something.

Beyond just stealing things the syndicates thieves should need to come up with some daring exit strategy that requires prep work. Like say taking over telescience so they can warp themselves out, or building a special warp capable pod in secret, or messing with the comms dish to call a pick up for them.
RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote:The best way to accomplish kidnapping is by mind slaving the target.

Anyway as far as heist goes, perhaps some stuff could be added in Cogmap2 to lend itself toward that. Like a bank vault near security or command and another hazardous material vault in science. The vaults should always have something in them even if it isn't a heist map; mostly to encourage regular traitors to try and bust in or staff assistants to get their hands on NT's prized prototype werebee serum or something.

Beyond just stealing things the syndicates thieves should need to come up with some daring exit strategy that requires prep work. Like say taking over telescience so they can warp themselves out, or building a special warp capable pod in secret, or messing with the comms dish to call a pick up for them.

You know, I would love if each department had it's own little secured room with something of high value in it. Chef can have some high quality ingredients like truffles, the bartender some vintage wines, botany a rare orchid.
That would be fantastic. Even if the big vaults were implemented that should totally be in there as well.
I've been looking over some of the ideas here, and honestly, I think the best way to handle it would be similar to the PAYDAY big heist system, which have a pre-planning phase you get to spend points on to add certain advantages during your heist, already works well with traitor tele-crystal systems.

There could be 3 main objectives picked at randomly for the whole team possibly.

Kidnap: Self explainatory, abduct the specified targets, perhaps coming with some free mind slave implants to expedite the process.

Loot: Steal as much cash as you can or as much of a certain object as you can untill you reach your goal, then hurry over to the escape vanhelicopterboat ship/shuttle.

Destroy: Loudest of the 3 yet can still be done stealthily, the objective is to destroy several vital systems of the station, eg the Engine, Transmission laser, the Cloner, and other unique, important objects.

For a small staging period of time the team can discuss what they want to do and how to distribute their points, these can be things like the mentioned AI subverting brain, hidden supplies on station, forged ID cards of various access levels for breaking into places, or even inside contacts/help (Someone gets turned into another heister when they land, albiet without the equipment the others have).

Vaults could be pretty sweet too, but we'd have to wait till cogmap 2 and see what happens there for that it seems.
hmm ok hear me out

what if

the heist team

had pet carry crates

and stole jones, george, and heisenbee
misto Wrote:hmm ok hear me out

what if

the heist team

had pet carry crates

and stole jones, george, and heisenbee

misto, there's a fine line between playful shenanigans and utter Hitlery.

Really though, I love it. Add in pet cages for Heads of Staff and you've got yourself a clean way to kidnap people.
Xeram Wrote:inside contacts/help (Someone gets turned into another heister when they land, albiet without the equipment the others have).

Another way you could do that is have one of the current team members respawn in as a late joining crew, maybe with a bit of gear to help set things up for the others
Frank_Stein Wrote:
Xeram Wrote:inside contacts/help (Someone gets turned into another heister when they land, albiet without the equipment the others have).

Another way you could do that is have one of the current team members respawn in as a late joining crew, maybe with a bit of gear to help set things up for the others

sleeper agents Smug Wizard
things that might be cool

Make the round type "Mercenaries": Keeps Nuke a different thing, since the Nuke agents are basically terrorists. Mercenaries would just be hired to do bad for money. This lets them roll nonlethal if they want, because they're paid to blow a thing up or kidnap a bee, not kill the entire crew. And Opposition is bad for business.

Give them Station wide supply drops. Things like a medkit that falls out of an APC, or a fake gas canister that actually holds a gun rack. Etc. These would be locatable on a map and could be accidentally discovered by the crew but unusable without an Merc ID. Cue someone running around with a Merc ID playing locate the hidden toys.

Inside man: This would be a random occurrence, otherwise it would be too easy for security to snoop out strange behavior. Essentially one guy who's on the inside, ensuring the team succeeds, and take over for a fallen teammate if necessary.
i am bumping this thread because i would love to see old nuke return back to rotation.


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