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More ideas!

Nanotrasen Warehouse

A large, cobweb riddled warehouse that was used by Nanotrasen, it's pretty big.

QUIRK Multitool: located in the Warehouse entrance. It's more useful then a multitool.
WASPS!!!: All over the place!
THE GOOSE: In its own little chamber, you need a multitool or something to open the door housing it.
ofcer bpski: "That's not the real Beepsky!" A rogue securitron, acts like it has been emagged twice.
boxes upon boxes upon boxes of stuff: A bunch of crates. Can hold some pretty cool stuff.
Paper: An interesting paper reading about some kind of wasp infestation.
Key?: I guess?

New Luna

A highly expermental syndicate testing site, filled with highly experimental Syndicate killbots. Some goodies can be found along the way.

Papers regarding Solarium: Papers really related to the Solarium, but why?
Teleport Pad: A pad, it leads to somewhere, but it cannot be activated.
Malfunctioning Killbots: Littered around the place, will shoot whatever they see. It's best if you destroy them.
Broken Guardbots: Similar to the ones found on the Z-Drone, but they will not activate. No. Matter. What. They don't really seem to serve any purpose.
GL-Drone Schematics: Some kind of schematics thingy for a "GL- Reality Warping drone", whatever that is.
More broken telepads: They used to lead to the Listening Post, someone has destroyed them, though.
Matter Bomb: Some kind of non-functioning device. It does nothing!
Servers: Servers meant to control the Guardbots, if they were not broken in the first place.
Robot Parts: Junk.
Blank Papers: All over the place!
Terminal: A non-functioning terminal.
Solarium Model: Model of the Solarium.
Moon Bee Picture: Found on a table.
Syndicate Uplink: A broken terminal meant to communicate to the shuttle.
alternate suggestion to your warehouse thing: Why not just add a telepad to the guardbuddy factory and save time. People could actually use the buddy factory as a buddy factory then (with some admin involvement)

If you want to add more difficulty to things, why not just do the solarium while carrying gnome chompsky.

That's probably more challenge sounding then filling a warehouse full of bees.

Some of these ideas sound like you're just really trying hard to come up with ideas for the sake of having ideas.

That's cool and all but you're bound to annoy someone eventually.
again I'm not saying your ideas are totally without merit, I'd just suggest trying to either offer sprites, if possible, or not make a mega thread about your ideas.

Rather pick one thing that might be a good idea, explain why it's a good idea, and then see if other people agree.

That said I think a lawnmower buddy that trims weeds from plant pods could be a good use of technology. pair of scissors + robot arm isn't used for anything and makes perfect sense. Botany doesn't really get a whole lot of love besides the occasional new plant when there's a sprite for it.

A mower buddy could also mow grass people keep leaving everywhere, or deal with kudzu if that's still a thing.
I really, really did not want to post this but I must.

Your ideas are about as bad Marcus as your robot obsession.
atomic1fire Wrote:Some of these ideas sound like you're just really trying hard to come up with ideas for the sake of having ideas.

That's cool and all but you're bound to annoy someone eventually.

What else is a chronic idea guy with no demonstrable skills otherwise to do? I'm being reminded of a friend I had who would do nothing but every day tell me a new idea for a game to make, sometimes more than once in the same day, and there's a reason I don't talk to that guy much anymore.

Jesus, Marcus, find a creative outlet that isn't just posting whatever half formed things come into your head in this thread. I admit I don't know much about the specific intricacies of BYOND coding or the state of the goonstation fork, but so much of this proposed stuff ranges from nigh useless to requiring an unwarranted amount of work for the sake of, what, bumping this thread? Attending to your critter obsession??
Marquesas Wrote:I really, really did not want to post this but I must.

Your ideas are about as bad Marcus as your robot obsession.
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