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Browser Output: Report yo bugs
I am seeing this message consistently.

IE 9.0.8112.16421
I have now been chat blind for maybe a day, after the ouja board update and somewhere after the log update. It was shortly before the auto-refresher/timer thing also, as I remember at least 1 blank screen.
I am on vista
Can you two try clearing your cache and then relogging a few times please, just to rule it out.
I did try that, I updated my byond too, used the clear cash button in the options menu and relogged about 5 times. Even restarted my PC after the byond update to be safe.
Gosh I have no idea then. Without being able to replicate these issues that you and others are having, I'm unable to properly fix it. I'll keep trying new stuff but yeah.
Iatots Wrote:I did try that, I updated my byond too, used the clear cash button in the options menu and relogged about 5 times. Even restarted my PC after the byond update to be safe.

I guess I'm not Wire's one in a million case anymore. I'm still chatblind but I have that "Longer than 30 seconds blah blah blah" message now in the middle of the chat box.
Yep, i am chat blind too
I'm also chat blind, getting the "If this takes longer than 30 seconds..." message now, last night it was just a blank window with a nonfunctioning gear icon in the upper right.

This started last night between two rounds on LLJK4 - everything was fine for one round (I think it was the first round that the Luigi board was added if that helps) and the next round it was broken. Reconnecting, clearing cache, rebooting computer didn't help. I can also play on LLJK1 without any problem whatsoever, haven't tried 2 or 3 yet.
I cleared my cache and relogged/restarted the client several times, looks like it is still happening (The 30 second wait message with the gear icon).
Hello I am working on some debug methods with help from Somepotato. Hopefully using this we can pinpoint exactly what the issue is.
I am getting:

If this takes longer than 30 seconds, it will automatically reload a maximum of 5 times.
If it STILL doesn't work, please post a report here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5022

so I am posting a report. Does this every round, no idea why.
Ok with a recent commit I just pushed out, it appears the issues people have been having with non-loading chat are finally fixed!

If this continues to occur for you however, please re-do the byond cache clear thing and reconnect a couple times before you report it here.
You are a boss :]
Can confirm, my issues are solved.
I can't get ctrl-c to work inside the chatbox effectively if at all and i don't think it's just me?

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