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Turn top half of genetics into cloning.
Sorry, for double posting, but this is the greatest thing I've seen today.
[Image: HErOJku.png]
Readster Wrote:This would ruin the whole dynamic of geneticists not doing their job though!
that dynamic is overated and gets in the way of other dynamics. besides geneticists would still want primary control over cloners thanks to the new update. the dynamic would change to arguments over which cloner setting to put it to.
In fact It'd make the recent cloner update much more relevant and create an interesting dynamic. you'd get doctors changing the cloner settings to high speed, then the geneticists angrily changing them back, wanting their research done quicker.
I'm all for giving this a try and rolling Genetics and Pathology into 'Medical Research'.
Erev Wrote:I'm all for giving this a try and rolling Genetics and Pathology into 'Medical Research'.
that's a really good idea, maybe one for the future. but I don't think you can change too much at once. the idea of this was that geneticists still have the primary responsibility over the cloner and will still be very much interested in being the ones to clone people, thanks to the new cloner setting update.
So how are roboticists going to get corpses? It's not like anyone ever brings bodies to robotics as it is, they have to race the geneticists to the bodies, which are always placed closer to genetics because everyone prefers to get people cloned. If the cloner becomes public-access, the only way the roboticists are going to be able to build borgs is if they stand around in the cloning room flashing people and running away with the bodies. And I feel like maybe that level of mischief shouldn't be an integral part of their job? Remember, the geneticists are not the only ones whose job it is to revive people.
The idea of a room that salix posed could be a good way to divide it but it would require more space than just what is given. It would get very clustered and annoying if it were only that size, which would be solved of course by moving genetic research to science.

Storage of items has always been an issue, so if the closes were moved closer to the actual cloning pod people may be more apt to use them.

If the idea of actually moving genetic research to R&D is carried out it may even open room for medbay to have their own pod-bay, with some type of medi-pod or something cool like that. It would be located around where the monkey storage area is now and would be accessed though the area that holds the medkits and perception glasses currently.
Paineframe Wrote:So how are roboticists going to get corpses?
Why is it about the roboticists and not the dead? If someone wants to be a borg they'll go to robotics, or if the cloner is down, SAY HELLO TO ROBOTICS. If I see the cloner is out but the roboticist is borging the dead I just set my DNR. I hate being a cyborg, it's not fun, and the DNR saves me from being forced to play what I hate.
Paineframe Wrote:So how are roboticists going to get corpses? It's not like anyone ever brings bodies to robotics as it is, they have to race the geneticists to the bodies, which are always placed closer to genetics because everyone prefers to get people cloned. If the cloner becomes public-access, the only way the roboticists are going to be able to build borgs is if they stand around in the cloning room flashing people and running away with the bodies. And I feel like maybe that level of mischief shouldn't be an integral part of their job? Remember, the geneticists are not the only ones whose job it is to revive people.
Not public access, Doctor access.
Geneticists are the only job to revive people as they were.Roboticists build borgs which is different. I find that often people don't want to come back as a borg as they can't continue what they were doing before and have to alter their playstyle.
The best thing for roboticts to do is to ask for volunteers. And If a roboticist does want bodies, they should look for them. the station outside of medbay is usually full of bodies. most corpses (out of those actually found) are dragged to medbay entrance then left for doctors to deal with, so it's usually them making the call whether a corpse is borged or cloned. There tend to be plenty of husks and rotted bodies which whilst can be cloned are often easier to borg. However you are right about roboticists needing more to do though. I like the drone idea. ( viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4286)
again, it's a quickly done mock up thing, but gives a visual idea of possibilities.
In this version, Genetics has more space and closets too.
Cloning has less space as it doesn't really need much and the one cloner like usual (the second cloner was an accident really)

[Image: 6RhH3L6.png]
Remember. doctors have to go further to get biomass for the cloner, so geneticists are still definitely in charge.
Isn't one of the intentions of having the cloner next to the window (Where it is now) to allow for it to be externally bombed?
Ali0en Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:So how are roboticists going to get corpses?
Why is it about the roboticists and not the dead? If someone wants to be a borg they'll go to robotics, or if the cloner is down, SAY HELLO TO ROBOTICS. If I see the cloner is out but the roboticist is borging the dead I just set my DNR. I hate being a cyborg, it's not fun, and the DNR saves me from being forced to play what I hate.
Because the dead guy doesn't get a say in what happens to his body. If you don't want the risk of being a borg, don't get killed. Basically the sole job roboticists have (unlike geneticists) is to revive people; the borgs are almost entirely self-sufficient. If you'd rather be dead than be a borg, that's fine, but I don't see how it's fair to completely ruin any chance robotics has at ever doing their job just because you'd rather be cloned than borged.
Paineframe Wrote:If you don't want the risk of being a borg, don't get killed.
I don't know what kind of game you're thinking of, but on Space Station 13, you don't just "not get killed". It doesn't work like that. Shit happens and people die, and even the best of us fall victim to a well-placed bullet or a toolbox or whatever the hell happens. If it was as simple as "not getting killed", the cloners wouldn't even need to exist because we'd all be deities of robustness.

Paineframe Wrote:Basically the sole job roboticists have (unlike geneticists) is to revive people
Technically speaking, the roboticist has the secondary job of making med/fire/floor/secbots to distribute across the station as needed, though this is just about never needed in any capacity. However, your point is definitely valid in that roboticists have a distinct lack of shit to do.

Paineframe Wrote:the borgs are almost entirely self-sufficient
Self-sufficient in the sense that they can exist and do things independently? Sure, that's technically correct. But you seem to be missing the very important details, like how cyborgs can't pick shit up, can't interact with most shit, are at the absolute mercy of (most) crew orders and/or the AI laws, and are SEVERELY limited in the ways that they can exert independence when the crew is telling them to do this, that, or the other. Some players are fine with this, but the vast majority of them would rather be a human being with working hands and the ability to toolbox a bitch if need be instead of being a robotic servant.

Paineframe Wrote:I don't see how it's fair to completely ruin any chance robotics has at ever doing their job just because you'd rather be cloned than borged.
This seems to suggest that everyone's a bunch of mustache-twirling cartoon villains out to ruin the lives of those poor little roboticists, which is sure as hell not the case. If a player finds the idea of being turned over to the Roboticist such a terrible concept that they'd rather not be revived at all...that's not the player consciously taking a stab at the Roboticists, that's the player having an opinion that something is shitty. And if a helluva lot of people have the opinion that something is shitty, then maybe it actually IS shitty and something should be done to make it less shitty.

Basically what I'm saying is that Roboticists will get corpses once people actually like the idea of playing as a cyborg.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:I don't know what kind of game you're thinking of, but on Space Station 13, you don't just "not get killed". It doesn't work like that. Shit happens and people die
And then they either get borged, get cloned, or wait until next round. But you don't get a say over which of the first two happens. If you're unhappy about getting borged, your only two options are not to die or setting DNR. Well okay you can also get yourself jobbanned.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:the borgs are almost entirely self-sufficient
Self-sufficient in the sense that they can exist and do things independently?
No, self-sufficient in the sense that they don't need the roboticist for anything except maybe change their cell if they spawn as a light borg. and having their module rewritten which comes up roughly about never.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:If a player finds the idea of being turned over to the Roboticist such a terrible concept that they'd rather not be revived at all...
...then they have the option to set DNR. In fact, that's part of the reason why that button was implemented in the first place - so people didn't "have" to suicide as soon as they get borged.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Basically what I'm saying is that Roboticists will get corpses once people actually like the idea of playing as a cyborg.
People will never like the idea of playing as a cyborg because most if not all of the bitching I've read about cyborgs is that they have to adhere to the laws. I don't see how you can change that without completely breaking the concept in half.

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