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Gang Wars - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
Also I got to say Security already has a big advantage over the gangs, Gangs don't usually have access to any good stunning weapons, while security has the weapons and a well fortified position, It also seems Gangs are more interested in teaming up with Security and the heads of Staff then uniting with the other gangs to fight the bustas, I still think we need to encourage gangs that teaming up with other gangs could be helpful too.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Also I got to say Security already has a big advantage over the gangs, Gangs don't usually have access to any good stunning weapons, while security has the weapons and a well fortified position, It also seems Gangs are more interested in teaming up with Security and the heads of Staff then uniting with the other gangs to fight the bustas, I still think we need to encourage gangs that teaming up with other gangs could be helpful too.

official gang alliance option: gang leader right clicks another gang's locker. this gives a pop-up to the leader of that gang to accept/deny. only one alliance per gang. flashes a big bold colored message to every current member of both gangs, possibly with a description of the other gang's uniform so they know who not to beat on. new section under the gang join message to tell people who they're allied with right when they join up possibly?
If it's score based then I have a few ideas. How about having objectives that get displayed to the gang leaders ever 10 minutes or so. Like "Kill X, the HoS" or "Place a pair of thermal goggles in your gangs locker" These objectives would randomise but every gang leader would get the same objectives at the same time. These would give some bonus points and if Gang A is clearly far in front then Gang B and Gang C could team up to complete this objective to gain some ground. This would encourage team ups much more and would give the gangs something to do after the initial recruiting phase (Other than running back and forth spraying enemy tags). It also means that because only gang leaders get the objective messages then they would have a more commanding role of relaying the objectives. This would also give them a direct beef with sec as currently and smart gangs will avoid any crimes so sec is on their side, well now they have to actively commit murders and thefts. It would also provide more incentive for interrogation or undercover sec, so they know what the gangs are after. Just and idea I had.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Also I got to say Security already has a big advantage over the gangs, Gangs don't usually have access to any good stunning weapons, while security has the weapons and a well fortified position, It also seems Gangs are more interested in teaming up with Security and the heads of Staff then uniting with the other gangs to fight the bustas, I still think we need to encourage gangs that teaming up with other gangs could be helpful too.

Security is typically outnumbered, especially if they're poorly coordinated. Even with good weapons, 2-3 people swarming you and constantly trying to push you down will eventually succeed. Security itself might be "fortified" but having to stay cooped up in the sec office all round lest you get mobbed and murdered isn't fun.
I've seen the security team survive an entire gang round intact, but that may have been because I was the captain. Ordering them to break up fights and worry about maintaining public safety instead of busting everyone made for a relatively peaceful round. Disappointed Dad tactics work pretty well.
The problem I have with Security and the Heads of Staff, is the fact it is simply better to ally with them as a Gang, and help them take the other gangs down, then working together with other gangs to stop Security from interfering in their way of life. I'm concerned that this will lead to gang rounds being more of a "Who convinces the Captain to ally with them first so they have free reign of the station", then actually competing and dealing with other gangs.

I like the idea of getting objectives, like "Make Sure all Parts of Security, Bridge, and Brig are tagged by your gang." Or, "Kill Buff Gruff, the Corrupt Busta Captain." I would prefer gangs be more inclined to fight Security and assist other gangs, then the other way around.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:The problem I have with Security and the Heads of Staff, is the fact it is simply better to ally with them as a Gang, and help them take the other gangs down, then working together with other gangs to stop Security from interfering in their way of life. I'm concerned that this will lead to gang rounds being more of a "Who convinces the Captain to ally with them first so they have free reign of the station", then actually competing and dealing with other gangs.

I like the idea of getting objectives, like "Make Sure all Parts of Security, Bridge, and Brig are tagged by your gang." Or, "Kill Buff Gruff, the Corrupt Busta Captain." I would prefer gangs be more inclined to fight Security and assist other gangs, then the other way around.

But then it's just rev all over again.
My bad experience with sec was a round where I was mugged and killed by a gang I had agreed to turn a blind eye to, because I had used a flashbang to bust up a fight earlier in the round. Because I had "interfered in gang affairs," that was enough to warrant the gang leader calling for the death of all sec officers.

If any action is enough grounds to be murdered for, and you can't take extreme action, then you might as well not do anything. Which okay, but that means whoever gets stuck as sec gets completely shafted for a round.
mozi Wrote:If any action is enough grounds to be murdered for, and you can't take extreme action, then you might as well not do anything. Which okay, but that means whoever gets stuck as sec gets completely shafted for a round.
If you can't beat 'em... join 'em?
I dunno man. It definitely has a lot of parallels to rev but the gang leaders and station leaders can make the round a lot more fun for everyone by playing up loyalties and offenses and stuff. You can go ahead and just fuck with the gangs and the gangs can fuck with security, or you can start off with an uneasy peace and just see how the round evolves as people react to stuff. It's up to you.

Gangs seem to be getting better about waiting for a slight from another gang before declaring war, and I've seen a lot more gang leaders lately telling their dudes to avoid provoking the cops. No need to bring down the hatred of the station on yourself at the very start, let that shit happen later on when people start getting caught in the middle of turf disputes. Hopefully this makes it so people want to be seen as the Cool gang so they can operate in the open. At least a couple of the smaller gangs have appointed themselves as protectors of the bar or of medbay and didn't bother trying to win, and this is totally okay, they just had fun defending the crew from other jerk gangs. I think that is awesome and fun.

GANG REMINDER: YOU HAVE THOSE FANCY NEW HEADSETS. ALL OF YOUR GANG MEMBERS GET THEM. Use those to coordinate and keep your thugs in the loop on what you want. If you want your homies to wreck another gang, cool. If you want them to just sit around in the bar being cool and buff in their costumes, rad. Maybe you can use that as a recruiting method. Who knows.
because gangs is a point based game here are some things that should be worth points
-Stealing cash: like 1 point per 1000$ in hard cash
-stealing valuable things: space suits, captains fake laser, the gnome, the captains' butt, just whatever
-members: I think you already get points for this? like 1 per member
-territory: this one is already a thing
-growing drugs: 420 smoke weed erry day

I dunno just start posting ideas
I think making peace ( through some kind of mechanic) with another gang should award like 5 points.
I think gang wars should be less just WAR and more gang politics and the occasional skirmish against another enemy's turf building up to the final battle OR they all make peace and win together.

Imagine a victory where instead of having to murder everyone one gang task's themselves with uniting the gangs into some kind of crime syndicate or something. ( most of the time this would go horribly wrong or one gang wouldn't want to cooperate)
Shoddy Wrote:I think making peace ( through some kind of mechanic) with another gang should award like 5 points.
I think gang wars should be less just WAR and more gang politics and the occasional skirmish against another enemy's turf building up to the final battle OR they all make peace and win together.

Imagine a victory where instead of having to murder everyone one gang task's themselves with uniting the gangs into some kind of crime syndicate or something. ( most of the time this would go horribly wrong or one gang wouldn't want to cooperate)
I think making it point based game mode versus a survival gangmode would be a good start to making this happen.

Maybe making it so that alliances share points? That way, over the course of a longer round all the gangs could band up, pool their points, and make this crime-syndicate type thing happen.

Or maybe one gang gets super huge, so the other gangs ally for a chance at beating it!

I'm not really sure of how you'd actually track an alliance, or track a breach of that alliance. I suppose it could be by having your leader go to the other gang's locker and be able to start an alliance by interacting with it, but I dunno what would break that or if it's even worth tracking that.
Cogwerks Wrote:I'm not really sure of how you'd actually track an alliance, or track a breach of that alliance. I suppose it could be by having your leader go to the other gang's locker and be able to start an alliance by interacting with it, but I dunno what would break that or if it's even worth tracking that.
With the :h gangsets i'm pretty sure it'd be up to the individual gangmembers to track alliances.

Maybe a *handshake gang command, like someone suggested before? Like, if two gang leaders *handshake the other gang leader within 30 seconds of each other, an alliance is formed? And then an alliance could be broken up by either party at any time by interacting with their gang locker?

Or something like that.

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