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Nerdy games
Hearthstone: A free card game from the makers of WOW. It is actually kinda fun to play and you can earn everything from playing the game. It has 3 daily quest for 40 gold each and each cardpack is 100, You can also earn 10 gold for winning 3 fights. For 150 gold you can buy a game at the arena where you construct a random deck and try to win 5 times without losing 3 for wonderful prizes!

If you want to play a game with me, Add me as your friend on heartstone (pizzatiger) and i can set a game for us
hearthstone is almost as nerdy as league of legends
Everyone reading this should start playing mount and blade warband today, it has great mods, great expansions and great gameplay, get napoleonic wars if you want a fun game that is slightly terrifying.

hearthstone more like hearthgroan.
thehman03 Wrote:Everyone reading this should start playing mount and blade warband today, it has great mods, great expansions and great gameplay, get napoleonic wars if you want a fun game that is slightly terrifying.

hearthstone more like hearthgroan.

best turkish game ever


only turkish game ever
Super Time Force is a fun game and everyone should play it. The only problems with it really just depends on the player since the humor is something that can turn off players and the difficulty of it at some sections.
Here's me being really shit in 360p because fuck the Xbox's DVR.

why is it not available on linux, goddamn lazy fucks (game is great)
Hi yes! I am reviving this thread with magical space magic

Netrunner- An card based game where you either play as an evil corperation or an elite hacker trying to take down said corp

Duck game- A game where you a duck killing other ducks
I used to be play this game called Fabletop waaaay back when, not sure if any of you heard of it. It's a simplified and fun online D&D-esque game.
Check it out
I'm quite a big fan of board games and card games. Recently I've been enjoying Betrayal : House on the Hill, Dead of Winter, Battlestar Galactica, Coup, Superfight, Boss Monster, etc. I'd especially recommend BSG or Dead of Winter - Both are pitting you against another player who is secretly a traitor, and the fun is working out who whilst you are steadily screwed over either by random chance, or a traitor.
Men I have started playing Space Alert. It's basically Space Station 13: the boardgame with more stress and less backstabbing. I'll just link to the RPS review: ... ace-alert/

Takes a bit of getting into - we got through 5 of the 7 "lessons" first time we played before setting it aside for the night - but absolutely worth it. Find some friends you can convince to sit down and play a complicated boardgame and you'll have the most fun you can have with a table that doesn't involve cake or lubricant.
TIS-100, the assembly coding game no one asked for, from Zachtronics.
pizzatiger Wrote:Hi yes! I am reviving this thread with magical space magic

Netrunner- An card based game where you either play as an evil corperation or an elite hacker trying to take down said corp

Duck game- A game where you a duck killing other ducks

Duck Game seems to take a lot of inspiration from another game I used to play called Superfighters Deluxe, which is basically a multiplayer beat 'em up fighter thing with lots of crazy shit and ways to murder each other. Think that HL Mod The Professionals in two dimensions.

Link to Superfighters: ... eluxe.aspx

As for a few other suggestions.... I've been playing a lot of Infra Arcana, a Lovecraft Roguelike that focuses more on survival than cleaving everything in half, and LISA: The Painful RPG which is honestly one of the best RPGS I've played in a long time. I can't say much without spoiling the whole thing, but LISA is a lot deeper than it looks, that's for sure.

LISA Page with trailers and stuff:

Been abusing The Witcher 3 as of late too. One hell of a game!
Grayshift Wrote:TIS-100, the assembly coding game no one asked for, from Zachtronics.

This game is literal coding crack.
Send help. Sad eng101
For those that haven't tried Cataclysm: DDA (Dark Days Ahead), it's amazing and you'll fit right in.

[Image: mECX3ln.png]
Time to bring this thread back to life.

So I've been playing a lot of this game called Path of Exile. It's a free to play Diablo 2 game pretty much. It's pretty fun. Instead of a single skill tree for each class all classes can use any active skills and you can level up passive skills in any way you want. It's like the sphere grid from Final Fantasy 10 if you ever played that. The way the actives work is you slot gems into your equipment and use them like that. You can equip and unequip the gems all you want.

It doesn't have any power buying or anything like alot of free to play games. All you can buy are skins and effects for stuff. Nothing that changes the game just how cool you look.

I'd say give it a try for a few levels and see if it's your kind of game seeing as it's free.

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