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Traitor Chaplain Items
Winklabom Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:Why is every single Chaplain traitor item suggestion discussion filled with nothing but rampage items and super murder items? I don't really get a "kill everyone in a buffed up unstoppable berserker rampage and eat their hearts" kind of feel from chaplain; he seems more of the type to work divine miracles like transforming water into (incredibly potent) wine.

Well, it really is because most of the other job specific traitor items are rampage oriented. The only exceptions I can think of are the syndie device scanner, the jug of Moonshine, and the mustache grenades.

Now, about your wine miracle: how potent would it be ? What would be the purpose and how could you use it to help you in your traitoring?

It sounds really interesting, especially if you could make people incredibly drunk by turning part of their body water into wine or something.

maybe it could be used for, yeah, making wine (or a random type of booze?) from water. but also turning peoples blood into alcohol? this would do a portion of brute damage, make them REALLY drunk, and, if alcohol poisonings a thing in this, do tox damage over time from that?
The Space Inquisitor

Gets an artifact-beaker/spray bottle filled with new and improved holy water (some mixture of pyro/traitor chems) that can only be sprayed/splashed when wearing the Inquisitor uniform. The uniform itself has fire resistance to the effect of a fire suit minus the speed debuff.

[Image: 33609.jpg]
Winklabom Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:Why is every single Chaplain traitor item suggestion discussion filled with nothing but rampage items and super murder items? I don't really get a "kill everyone in a buffed up unstoppable berserker rampage and eat their hearts" kind of feel from chaplain; he seems more of the type to work divine miracles like transforming water into (incredibly potent) wine.

Well, it really is because most of the other job specific traitor items are rampage oriented. The only exceptions I can think of are the syndie device scanner, the jug of Moonshine, and the mustache grenades.

Now, about your wine miracle: how potent would it be ? What would be the purpose and how could you use it to help you in your traitoring?

It sounds really interesting, especially if you could make people incredibly drunk by turning part of their body water into wine or something.
Uh, I was thinking something more like just being able to turn water in a container (not a human body, what the hell) into a wine that's maybe as potent as Bo Jack's, and maybe also decays into some mercury as well as alcohol. The purpose? Pretty much the same as moonshine, except that you can generate more just by stopping off at a water tank, instead of being tied to a chem dispenser or a finite supply.
Paineframe Wrote:(not a human body, what the hell)

[Image: dHPw6kDAgj1Hm3aOQY1rUCVAdgMSs1OwEx8vkAvo...11-h284-nc]
Clay Golem Kit: Create your own golems! Similar to ones a wizard produce, though they stronger, faster, more durable, and contain no reagents.

The kit itself comes with three globs of clay, a pen, two handheld paper dispensers filled with magic paper, and a book filled with a list of valid commands for the golem.

How the golem works:

1. Add water.
2. Click wet clay with hand while in hand, stand around for a while. Wherever you create the golem is considered "Home" to that golem.
3. Take magic piece of paper and write a command on it. Acceptable commands would be a verb placed with a noun, like "Defend Pubbie McChaplain" or "GoTo Home" or "Kill Steve Dyssal".
4. Insert command paper into golem's mouth.
5. Watch him go nuts.


In order for a golem to perform an action it needs a command, which must consist of a valid verb and noun.
Valid verbs: Defend, GoTo, Kill.
Valid nouns: The proper name of any location (restricted to station and mining z-levels), the name of anybody on the station (also restricted to station and mining z-levels, and disguises work against it was well).
If a a golem is given an invalid command they will spit out a blank piece of paper, whether it's because you used an invalid verb/noun, an invalid verb/noun combination, spelled something incorrectly, sent the golem to somebody who is dead/disguised/on the mystery z-level.
You can put more than one command on a piece of paper, so long as they are separated by a semi-colon. This would look like "Kill Steve Dyssal; GoTo Home".

Golem Behavior:

Golems with a job only think of one thing, that being that job. If a golem is told to "GoTo Bar" they don't care if Pubbie McDweeb is attacking them with a fire extinguisher, they do not care that the chaplain who created them is getting the shit kicked out of them, they only care about getting to the bar and awaiting further instructions.

That being said, their single-mindedness is useful. They can pry open doors to reach their objective (anything higher than maint-level requires this), can bust open windows and grilles, and can even bust through standard walls given enough time. And any job they are given they perform ferociously, beating the ever-loving shit out of whoever they are sent to kill, or mercilessly attacking anyone who enters an area they are defending or attacks someone they are defending.

Also, if a golem sustains damage, 50% of said damage can be fixed with a welder, meaning golems will eventually break if they are beat up enough even with repairs, so command them carefully. However, that being said, they are very durable, and won't go down easily.
Oh dear God, yes!
Spiral Staircase! Rhinoceros Beetle! A Ghost Town! A Pear Tart! Rhinoceros Beetle! Via Dolorosa! Rhinoceros Beetle! Singularity Point! Giotto! Angel! Hydrangea! Rhinoceros Beetle! Singularity Point! Secret Emperor!
DyssalC Wrote:Words! OH god so many words!
Also, in the event that somebody is confused about why this is in the "Traitor Chaplain Items" thread, this here is a reference to the many golems in Jewish lore, and specifically one of the interpretations/versions of the story of "The Golem of Prague".

Though I guess that makes it more of a Traitor Rabbi Item.
DyssalC Wrote:Though I guess that makes it more of a Traitor Rabbi Item.
What if the Chaplain had several different special traitor items based on the different religious outfits, except which one they get is random?
Frank_Stein Wrote:
DyssalC Wrote:Though I guess that makes it more of a Traitor Rabbi Item.
What if the Chaplain had several different special traitor items based on the different religious outfits, except which one they get is random?

What kind of items ?
What about a flask unholy water, a reagent that, when applied to an item, curses it. Tools that are cursed will become welded onto your hand (burning it and requiring surgery to remove), and be significantly worse than items are usually (a cursed surgical tool will frequently screw up, and when aggressively used do less, a cursed firearm will misfire and potentially explode, a welding tool will probably explode, and other breakable tools will break.

Cursed clothing becomes unremovable, and has negative statistics. For example: gloves become fumbling, you drop items frequently, and screw up surgery and typing. Shoes become stumbling, and trip you frequently. Uniforms become entangling, and can slow you, masks become strangling, and occasionally cause lossbreath to occur, which can kill you under the circumstances it occurs in. Glasses become impairing, and make you nearsighted or blind. And exosuits can cause encumbrance and make you slow as balls also, as well as failing to protect you properly.

This would, potentially, allow one to, by proxy, incapacitate crewmembers, making ones job far easier. Naturally, the counter to these cursed items would be holy water, which would neutralize them to be uncursed, and allow you to drop them or take them off, also giving reason for the chaplain to have business (also, once a chaplain item it would show up in random crates so it has that going for it).
Winklabom Wrote:
Frank_Stein Wrote:
DyssalC Wrote:Though I guess that makes it more of a Traitor Rabbi Item.
What if the Chaplain had several different special traitor items based on the different religious outfits, except which one they get is random?

What kind of items ?
I like the Golem suggestion drawing from the mythology of one of the religions, so something along those same lines.
Right now, the major religions and theologies represented in the Chaplains outfit choices are:

Sunni Islam
and the Machine religion of Adeptus Mechanicus

So things that would represent these. For instance, maybe a big old beaker of special nanites for the Tech Priest that makes borgs with laws loyal to them. Or some kind of special cloaking device/disguise to for the Atheist's belief in nothing. Obviously, keep it tasteful.
Definitely better for traitor chaplains to stick to occult things. Like voodoo. There should be way for the traitor chaplain to link his soul to another character so if he takes damage they take damage too. Also other cartoon with doctor spells like making people switch bodies and other fun/annoying things. Just don't let those meddling kids space you out the chapel mass driver!
Just give the chapelen the ablity to become a wraith for 10 telecrystals....Boom problem solved
pizzatiger Wrote:Just give the chapelen the ablity to become a wraith for 10 telecrystals....Boom problem solved

On the one hand, people will play Chaplain and go braindead if they don't get traitor just because of this.

On the other, it makes a ton of sense and would get people actually choosing to be the Chaplain more, if only for the rare chance they get to be the exciting new antagonist type.

I don't think this is happening though.

As far as Traitor Chaplain's go, just give them something that lets them gain power from eating hearts or collecting skulls, something that people can't just steal and abuse as a vigilante or a jerk. The latter point being why the Artbox was Bad.

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